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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread] . PART 5 (December 2008)

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  • #31
    A Direct Response from the Holy Roman Empire

    Originally posted by OzzyKP
    The Holy Roman Empire has amassed a huge army on our eastern borders poised to assault our second and third oldest city. An army bred for destruction.
    We are more than aware that these are your second and third oldest cities, both in fact closer to the HRE capitol of Aachen than the Metal capitol. In fact, the cultural border of Metallica is a mere 3 tiles from Aachen, while being 11 tiles from Black Sabbath, the capitol. So, you knew full well what you were doing when you settled there. Aachen is on the coast, with no room to expand seaward. I cannot possibly imagine how you thought that this division of the land was fair, or would be perceived as fair by us or a neutral observer. You claimed it a time when the Empire was weak, and we could not militarily do anything about it.

    Well, now we can, and the shoe is on the other foot, and you go running to the international community crying foul. Well, it's your party and you can cry if you want to.

    As tenuous as their justification for war is, at least they have attempted one. The Metalhead diplomatic corps have heard no such words from the Americans or Holy Romans.
    We felt it only fair to give you the same warning that you gave us when you settled there.

    This lopsided war of conquest and greed is an insult to all nations of this planet.
    Quite the opposite I should think, dear eater of bats. I think the nations of the planets will take inspiration from three small nations, banding together against a more powerful neighbor to right historical wrongs. There seems to have been a fairly recent parallel on the other continent, where just such action was proposed but never implemented.

    Thus we call on all nations, especially the powerful Khmer to our south, for aid.

    The Metalheads have been ganged up on without cause or warning. We plead with all civilized peoples on this planet for assistance in putting down the menace we face.
    To all the nations, the alternative Khmer proposal is under review by the those involved in this conflict. In the meantime, I would ask that you give the Metalheads the same support we were given when the Metalheads settled in our back yards.

    [elvis]Thank you. Thank you very much.[/elvis]


    • #32
      The Celtic army has been given orders to stand down. Thanks to the private mediation by other powers on the continent regarding the Iron Maiden situation. We will continue to stand down as long as negotiations move forward.


      • #33
        Emperor Aun'O Asiz Asizia of the Piercian Empire,

        I am sure I have no need to remind yourself, or the rest of the world, that Piercia and Rome recently signed, in your words, a formal 'durable peace' between our nations. On the basis of this treaty we handed over New Mediolaneum to your control.

        Therefore we are concerned that in the years since peace was signed, you have continued to build up forces on our western frontier (while in the same time we have reduced our troop numbers on the border as a sign of trust).

        Could you reaffirm your commitment to peace, and explain the threatening build up of troops?

        Tribune Hieronymus


        • #34
          To : Tribune Hieronymus


          Troops are gathering at Meeting indeed. Our treaty involves the providing of a peace-force to be garrisonned in Cumae within 16 turns. The Shas'El refuse to send our current forces to Cumae leaving the Empire with minimal defenses so that freshly trained troops will gather at Meeting before traveling to Cumae all together.

          I hope this missunderstanding may be pushed aside as soon as possible.

          Aun'O Asiz Asizia


          • #35
            My Journal

            Boy it is good to get away with all my girlfriends and have a girls week away and for not to me to have all the hassles of running my country. It is like such hard work that I wish upon no one, not even my worst enemy. I sometimes wish that it would all go away, but my mother gave me some good advice when I feel like this, so she said that I should just take some time out and refresh. So I took my mothers advice and took some time out with my friends. We had such a great time. But then I had to come home.

            I heard some news from my father that my mother is seriously ill. So as a result it means that I need to be off to Prabul and visit my mother. I just hope that I make it in time.


            • #36
              The Siege of Metallica

              Communique from General van Heusten to his most Holy, Otto I

              My Lord. The siege of Metallica has gone well. The artillery regiments qucikly reduced the defences of the city. The same catapults then assaulted the defenders, at great cost to themselves, but greatly weakening the enemy. Sir Rupert's and Sir Frederik's Knights performed gallantly in the ensuing assault, and they are to be commended for their bravery and effectiveness. Similarly, the Elephant Corps did well; but suffered a serious loss of an entire regiment. The 101st heavy infantry was also successful. Numerous Metalhead regiments were destroyed and several battlefielld promotions were granted to unit commanders.

              This morning I was ready to order the assault to continue. The Metals have brought up minimal reinforcements. We would definitely take the city.

              However, just an hour ago, I received your order to stand down, given diplomatic discussions. The men will be disappointed, given their efforts and losses to-date, but they are disciplined troops.

              We are encamped and awaiting further orders.

              I remain your most trusted servant,

              General van Heusten


              • #37
                War Chief Ixchel

                Born in the mountain city of Durango, War Chief Ixchel climbed to his rank not by birth right, but rather by reputation.

                As a child he was unmatched by his peers in the art of combat, often fighting two or three at once and winning. During adolescence he won the yearly barehanded fighting tournament held in Tikal... six years in a row.

                Mel Gibson was quite a fan of these tournaments, and admired the tenacity Ixchel exhibited. It was not his size or strength that granted him victory after victory, it was his will to win.

                During his 17th cycle on Terra, Ixchel fought an opponent much large then himself with a reputation for being unbeatable. Within the first minute of the match the brute lay dead with both eyes gouged from their sockets and his throat bitten open. Ixchel stood victorious with blood still dripping from his mouth. Mel Gibson knew at that moment he had found his War Chief.

                Over the next several cycles, Mel had the young fighter educated both in Mayan warfare tactics and those of other nations so he could apply his victory at any cost mentality to the battlefield. He traveled to Korea and studied under the Buddhist monks to learn focus. He then traveled to Sparta where he learned how to command an effective army. The Spartans spoke of a warlike people to their north called the Japaniese, where Ixchel visited and learned the art of stealth and surprise. From there he went east, across the sea, and studied weaponry from the Piercians.

                By the age of 24, Ixchel's lessons were complete. He also gained much muscle. Mel gave him a command, and sent him into western Maya to crush the remaining Aztecs who resisted Mayan rule. Over then next two cycles Ixchel would apply his lessons in actual warfare against the Aztec.

                The Aztecs disappointed him however, and he likened the campaign to hunting rather then war. Rumors of war in the north reached his ears, and he longed for a worthwhile enemy.

                During the Aztec campaign, Mel Gibson died, and the young Pacal Voltan ascended the throne of Maya. He had once met Ixchel while both of them were in Seoul. The memory stuck with Voltan, as he never saw such a impressive fighter in his life. It made sense then that despite Voltan ousting many of Mel's chiefs, he kept Ixchel as the War Chief.

                Ixchel was called back from the western jungles one day to meet Voltan at the Maya Sophia. This would be the first time the two had met since Korea.

                "War Chief," exclaimed Voltan upon Ixchel's arrival, "It has been many cycles since we last met."

                The War Chief had to think, for he did not take much notice of the then Mayan boy. "Yes, I remember now... you were always reading books."

                Voltan laughed, "Yes, and I still do!" Ixchel did not break a smile.

                "The reason I have called you here Ixchel is that we are at war. And not just any war, we are at war with two of the most powerful nations known to us."

                A smile crept across the War Chief's face.

                "So far, our conflict with them has been only navel, although I fear they may land troops on Mayan land soon," instructed Voltan. "These two nations are not like the Aztecs, they utilize modern weapons and tactics. The Romans have massive legions of highly trained fighters called Praetorians. Here is a drawing one of our spys has sent back."

                Ixchel took the drawing and looked it over, making dye marks on vulnerable areas.

                "The Portuguese are not forged for war like the Romans, mostly traders and artisans. There are rumors however that they have developed a deadly new weapon known as gunpowder. I am going to try to make peace with them, but until then we must be wary of them as well." informed Voltan.

                Ixchel took another look at the drawing, then thought to himself, "finally, an opponent worthy of my blade!"
                Last edited by Pitboss Maya; December 7, 2008, 22:12.


                • #38
                  Archelaus sat on the throne of Sparta.

                  A messenger entered: "King, I have a letter from Rome!"
                  "Read it" Archelaus said.

                  King Archelaus of Sparta,

                  The Senate of Rome sends greetings.

                  We hear that you have ascended to the throne of Sparta, and stand tall next to your ancestor great King Alcetas. Our priests have seen a new star arise in the heavens in the West, and recognise the greatness that God ordains for you - your name is well chosen you will indeed be the great ruler of your people.

                  As you know well, our peoples have long seen each other with enmity, and formally for many centuries war has existed between us, though even the oldest of men cannot now remember any actual fighting between us.

                  We recognise that the Spartans are worthy foes of Rome, and we respect your strength and honour. If it is war against Rome that you thirst for, we will wait for the day our armies clash - it will be a good day for the songwriters.

                  However, we wonder if the fourth great Age of Sparta may take a different direction. Whether peace and even friendship, with honour, might be established between our nations. As you know the war with the Rus has itself been over for many years, and durable peace signed with the Rus' overlords the Piercians. Nevertheless, there are many who are faithless in this world, who seem ready to confuse strength in war with betrayal, and many new threats arise.

                  You great king must decide for yourself what this Fourth Great Age for Sparta will bring. But the Senate of Rome would welcome discussing the future with you, even if our generals would regret losing the chance to prove their metal against you.

                  Tribune Hieronymus

                  Archelaus nodded.
                  Well well, there we have our Tribune.......

                  "Shall we answer him?" one of the scribes asked.
                  "No... I will answer him myself!" Archelaus said.
                  "Let's settle this issue for once and for all! I will sail with the next Caravel from Argos to Rome and deal with it myself.

                  For too long have messengers travelled between Rome and Sparta. Now the King of Sparta will go to Rome himself" he continued.

                  Then Archelaus left his palace, travelled to Argos and entered the Caravel. The ship sailed from the harbour of Argos and sailed into the direction of north-east.

                  [ooc]@Rome: please don't pick up this story yet. Archelaus is not in Rome yet


                  • #39
                    "Coming here?"

                    "That is what our agents say, Tribune"

                    "Well, well, maybe the priests were right and the world is changing. Let us await great King Archelaus"


                    • #40
                      The Hovel Report

                      The Americans are pleased to announce a formal ceasefire has been signed with the Metalheads.

                      We have also received Lubeck from the Holy Roman Empire.


                      • #41
                        To: Marco of the Portuguese
                        From: King Pacal Voltan of the Mayan
                        Subject: Peace Offer

                        I see no reason for this war between our nations to continue.

                        I offer the return of Ivory and the tech of your choice as promised in exchange for 100 cycles (turns) of assured peace.

                        I cannot offer more than this.


                        • #42
                          King Pacal Voltan of the Mayan

                          The Senate of Rome sends greetings.

                          We have heard that you are willing to discuss peace. We rejoice at this. We understand that you attacked Roman shipping because of our war with the Rus. That was is long over - we have a 'durable peace' with the Piercians and Rus, and New Mediolaneum was returned to the Rus. Indeed peace was signed just before the navel engagement, but we are happy to overlook this.

                          We see no reason to drag out negotiations between us - a simple peace treaty should suffice, since we have not caused each other any loss.

                          Tribune Hieronymus.


                          • #43
                            The following communication happened between Sparta and Japan after Sparta announced to Japan that it wanted to settle two more cities on their (Spartan) land bridge and offered Japan to give huge portions of the new continent close to Japan in the west, to Japan, and also offered to move settlers and units to this new continent as soon as Sparta has the ships to do so:

                            great king

                            I have said this before and I will say this again. Japan does not want to settle on any othere land other then our own. do not settle my land bridge. As I stated to the Holy Romans I will not allow anyone to settle my lands. Besides to settle that Island would cripple my economy so you can have it. But again. Do not settle my land bridge and do not push the issue.

                            Ieyasu Tokugawa

                            Ieyasu Tokugawa,

                            It is not your land bridge, it is the Spartan land bridge.
                            We gave you territory on the land bridge to settle on.
                            The parts you have settled on are yours now.

                            After you lost the city of Osaka to the barbarians you claimed that you did not want to settle it anymore.
                            Now you may have changed your mind again, but we did not.
                            We will settle the land bridge with two cities. You can have the rest.

                            Settling on the new continent will not criple your economy in any other way then settling on the land bridge. It is not far away from Japan.

                            Sparta has always been very friendly towards Japan, and we intend to continue to be friendly. We are willing to help you to expand on the islands around Japan, and even on the new continent. We will support your and aid you, like we have done in the past.

                            But now we will settle 2 more cities on the land bridge.
                            The land bridge has been unsettled long enough.

                            We will certainly push this issue, if needed.
                            But I hope that it won't come that far.

                            King Archelaus
                            The Land bridge is not yours and we will not allowe this to happen. If we must close borders to delay you then that is what we will do. please do not keep pussing this any more. I have two cities building settlers to settle the land bridge and will be settleing it. We warn you please do not continue or you will give us no other choice.
                            Pitboss Greece wrote on 07-12-2008 23:27:

                            I have two axemen ready to destroy your city of Alcetas within a couple of minutes.
                            I will not hesitate to do this.



                            • #44
                              We do not want new land and the land bridge is now nor ever been Spartan. This weak attempt to steal land from the weak just goes to show how dishonorable the Spartans have become. We will not allow you to take what is mine just like we will not allow anyone to take what is mine. I never thought in a million years I would ever have to say that you have sunk to the same dishonorable level as the Romans but if you truly want to attack me and break the bond of trust that we have developed then I will not stop you. Know this though, if you attack then I suggest you send troops to all my cities for a war with Japan will only end when the Japanese race is whipped out of existence.


                              • #45
                                Archelaus read the Japanese response while sailing the northern seas and shaked his head.

                                "Where does this man get the idea from that the landbridge is Japanese? It is next to Spartan territory while the Japanese live on a island far away.
                                We have given a spot to the Japanese on the land bridge out of friendliness. But now they want more.
                                You give them a bit, they demand a lot."

                                he shaked his head again.

                                "Will we declare war on Japan sir?" one of the sailors asked.

                                "NO. They are our friends. But if they are hostile to us then we will answer in the same vain." Archelaus said.

                                "How long till we arrive?"
                                "8 periods sir!" the captain said.

