A Direct Response from the Holy Roman Empire
We are more than aware that these are your second and third oldest cities, both in fact closer to the HRE capitol of Aachen than the Metal capitol. In fact, the cultural border of Metallica is a mere 3 tiles from Aachen, while being 11 tiles from Black Sabbath, the capitol. So, you knew full well what you were doing when you settled there. Aachen is on the coast, with no room to expand seaward. I cannot possibly imagine how you thought that this division of the land was fair, or would be perceived as fair by us or a neutral observer. You claimed it a time when the Empire was weak, and we could not militarily do anything about it.
Well, now we can, and the shoe is on the other foot, and you go running to the international community crying foul. Well, it's your party and you can cry if you want to.
We felt it only fair to give you the same warning that you gave us when you settled there.
Quite the opposite I should think, dear eater of bats. I think the nations of the planets will take inspiration from three small nations, banding together against a more powerful neighbor to right historical wrongs. There seems to have been a fairly recent parallel on the other continent, where just such action was proposed but never implemented.
To all the nations, the alternative Khmer proposal is under review by the those involved in this conflict. In the meantime, I would ask that you give the Metalheads the same support we were given when the Metalheads settled in our back yards.
[elvis]Thank you. Thank you very much.[/elvis]
Originally posted by OzzyKP
The Holy Roman Empire has amassed a huge army on our eastern borders poised to assault our second and third oldest city. An army bred for destruction.
The Holy Roman Empire has amassed a huge army on our eastern borders poised to assault our second and third oldest city. An army bred for destruction.
Well, now we can, and the shoe is on the other foot, and you go running to the international community crying foul. Well, it's your party and you can cry if you want to.
As tenuous as their justification for war is, at least they have attempted one. The Metalhead diplomatic corps have heard no such words from the Americans or Holy Romans.
This lopsided war of conquest and greed is an insult to all nations of this planet.
Thus we call on all nations, especially the powerful Khmer to our south, for aid.
The Metalheads have been ganged up on without cause or warning. We plead with all civilized peoples on this planet for assistance in putting down the menace we face.
The Metalheads have been ganged up on without cause or warning. We plead with all civilized peoples on this planet for assistance in putting down the menace we face.
[elvis]Thank you. Thank you very much.[/elvis]