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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread] . PART 3 (October)

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  • In the main Camp outside of the Takeda strong hold a
    messenger came from the Oldonian camp not too far
    from them. They requested Honzo’s forces to join the
    fight. At first he didn’t want to fight. His troops were still
    hurt from a pervious engagement against the Takeda
    forces and needed more time to fully heal. Hanzo was
    torn between wanting to bring honor to Japan and
    ensuring his men are not all killed. He decided to allow
    the men to vote. All of them voted to fight even though
    it would cost a lot of them their lives.

    Than morning before the Oldonians even awoke from
    their slumber Honzo’s forces attacked. The sky was still
    dark, which made it difficult to see yet forward they
    continued to move. The lead unit was able to break
    through and kill one of the Takeda units while the other
    unit swung from behind to catch the Takeda off guard.
    The forces to the rear were able to deal a great amount
    of damage but hardly any survived. The sun was
    beginning to rise and Hanzo knew more troops were
    bond to show up so he ordered his forces to regroup
    back at the camp.

    Day came and the sight of the Oldonians charging the
    city was one to behold. They were not strategic and
    they had no real fighting skill. But what the lacked in
    strategy and skill the made it up with there brute
    strength and determination. The battle only lasted a
    few moments and once everything was said and done
    the forces of the Takeda were killed and Japan’s
    northern borders were safe again. As done in Japanese
    custom the bodies of the fallen were cremated and sent
    back to Japan along with their swords to show they
    died honorably in battle. As for the survivors they joined
    into one unit, Hanzo had another 3 units dispatched to
    the Oldonian peninsula. From there they would all move
    to their next target where unlike this battle they would
    not have the Oldonian’s great strength to depend on to
    finish the job.


    • Dear Metalheads,
      I have killed a barb that was outside of your city. I saw that your defenders would not have done well against this threat, so I have smited him.

      Regards, Isabella.


      • Originally posted by Pitboss Spain
        Dear Metalheads,
        I have killed a barb that was outside of your city. I saw that your defenders would not have done well against this threat, so I have smited him.

        Regards, Isabella.
        I wondered what happened to those barbs. My axemen were settled in for a good blood letting.


        • For many days a Celtic galley skimmed the coastline headed for Spain with gifts for the newlywed couple.

          "Captain, we continue going south but yet no sign of Spanish culture."

          "This concerns me. We know that the Spanish fishing boat came from this direction. Surely they have not been wiped out by another civilization."

          "That would be a shame indeed. I do hope that Queen Isabella will forgive our tardiness. "


          • After many years, the joint forces of Celta and America have beaten back the barbarians. Unfortunately, the barbarians continue sneaking into America's homeland. In an effort to help, The Celtic people have traded our knowledge to America in an effort to strengthen peaceful relations and possibly educate the barbarians who ravage the land like animals. Even the most simple tasks such as sailing and fishing and an alphabet could help civilize these monsters.

            In other news, the Celtic civilization continues to grow as another new settlement was established. Many wild animals such as deer and horses frequent the areas around this new settlement. It is hopeful that the horses may be domesticated and used for the benefit of the Celtic nation.


            • The scrolls of Elbert Hingus

              The national broadcaster RBC is prouds to bring to you today the announcement of the finding of ancient scrolls. We will cross live now to our reporter on the spot Fred Hanlen.

              "Fred what is the latest"

              Morning Andy, it is all excitement down here , as our viewers know much excavation has been occuring since the discovery of what we now assume is the ancient palace of the Oldonian Kings. The archeoligists were surprised to find so little left in most of the rooms, it would appear that the palace at some point in time was attacked and burnt to the ground. Nearly all artifacts have been destroyed from those eras. However, it was the perserverance of Angus Smith and his crew that dug deeper under the palace and they have discovered this morning some ancient scrolls. The scrolls are in the ancient tongue of the Oldonians so are currently being translated ,but we do know that the author of the scrolls is one Elbert Hingus

              Fred who is this Elbert Hingus

              Glad you asked Andy. Apparently from our investigations we have learnt that Elbert was a scribe from about the 8th century. His was the job of detailing the day to day running of the kingdom. It is in his works that we shall discover much of the missing history of this part of the world

              Great news for History buffs then, thanks Fred, and now some news from the Sports front. Eastern Razolia defeated Bulgaria 56 -nil in the LAdies Hockey. Over to you Bob.



              • First Tranalation of the Scrolls

                .... news came in from the OSS Enterprise. It had travelled for thousands of Ferls. It had discovered many tribes to the east. Further north it discovered islands off the coast and headed east to investigate. The islands were desolate places, very cold with much ice, but the crew had heard tale that beyond these islands was the land of the Spainish whom the crew had met many many long Turons ago. It was on the 7th of Ray in the year of Friz that the .............

                ...........the group had sent word back to Oldonia of their travels to MEeting. Havent wandered through the marvelous lands of the Wyandots , with such great care and concern from the locals. Many locals came out to wave them on as they pssed. They crossed the hills to the East , and entered the province of the Pierced Ones. The city of meeting was on the edge of the desert a very dry town it was. The officials immediatly went to the forum to meet the other representatives and ask the queastion, WHY ARE WE HERE? The explorers left the dignitaries behind and continued east , following the many Roman roads that reportedly all leld to the Rome City. It was along one of these roads that......

                ...the crew of the OSS Voyager met with the crew of the OSS Discovery and exchanged maps of their discoveries. IT was their new orders to map out the west coast completely and to keep the waters clear of barbarians. Captain Husky had reported sighting of ......

                ....the Generals sent word that the barbarian province had been taken. Many Japanese had died when they follishly attacked from the south. It was the most defended side of the city. The Oldonian axemen attacked from the nortth and killed the remaining archers. The city was liberated and the Oldonian Elders appointed Angus Herry as governor of the new Southern Province. His first appointment was Helen MArsden as chief of ......


                • Originally posted by Pitboss Spain
                  Dear Metalheads,
                  I have killed a barb that was outside of your city. I saw that your defenders would not have done well against this threat, so I have smited him.

                  Regards, Isabella.
                  Your assistance is much appreciated. We have now experienced the dreaded plague of barbarians we hear of so much from the Celts and Americans. The Metalheads are happy to contribute to civilizing these lands.

                  There is an old Metalhead expression that we hope holds some wisdom to the American and Celtic struggles to pacify this dangerous land: "A watched crowd never riots."

                  We have sent some Metalhead troops to stand guard over the empty lands north of Iron Maiden and System of a Down. With a constant presence of civilized military troops the barbaric locals will not threaten us. I advise the western nations to do the same. Together we can end the barbarian threat for all time. Metalhead settlements Iron Maiden and System of a Down are but our first step toward civilizing this area. We hope the Celts and Americans are thankful for our efforts in this regard. And of course, Spain's timely defense of Iron Maiden.
                  Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                  When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                  • The presense of the Metalheads in the bay area is appreciated for their fight against the barbarian hordes but viewed with some trepidation.

                    The lands to the east of my current boundary are claimed by America. Do not venture further north into them.


                    • With the Meeting in Meeting over, the Oldonians decided it was time to party like it was 799 ...


                      • Originally posted by Pitboss Celts

                        I wondered what happened to those barbs. My axemen were settled in for a good blood letting.
                        Well it was right on the doorstep of the Metalhead territory so I thought that they were most in danger of being attacked. So i thought I was doing the right thing.


                        • Originally posted by Pitboss Vikings
                          With the Meeting in Meeting over, the Oldonians decided it was time to party like it was 799 ...
                          An advisor approached the table and whispered something in the Emperor's ear. He struck the table and said :

                          "Scribe, send a missive to all known civilisations of the world and tell them that this meeting is not over.

                          He looked at all the present ambassadors and quietly said :

                          "You have come here to talk, but you don't. Why ? Haven't I suggested interresting topics ? The opportunities all of us may get here are tremendous and your silence won't do any good to anybody. So please, ambassadors, let's show one more sign of good will and speak openly one with another."


                          • To: Mel Gibson, leader of the Mayan
                            From: Emperor Asiz of the Piercian Empire

                            Subject: Esther's Island

                            Greetings Mel Gibson, leader of the Mayan,

                            My scouts report that you have settled Esther's Island despite the ongoing negociations for an agreement about it's ownership.

                            I can understand that this may be a consequence of some misstranslation, the contact between our people having been established only recently.

                            However, I expect and hope that you will resume negociations and either turn over the city you have placed on the island or find some kind of substitute. A settler and two workers would be acceptable if you really can't do without Esther's Island.

                            I would like to remind that this is no barrier for your taoist missionaries to spread their believes in the Piercian Empire.

                            Emperor Asiz of the Piercian Empire


                            • The Age of Exploration.

                              After many many decades concentrating on improving his kingdom’s infrastructure and focusing on scientific advances, Marco finally started to see some wonderful results. The first and most important was the invention of the Portuguese Carrack.

                              The Portuguese carrack was a three-masted sailing ship developed in the southern parts of Portugal. This ship was the first proper ocean going ship in Portugal: large enough to be stable in heavy seas, and roomy enough to carry provisions for long voyages as well as troops. Marco was hoping that this new ships will help him explore the world and make new contacts with far away nations.

                              Also he hoped that the ships will give him the chance to claim new lands for Portugal where he can continue expanding his country. For many centuries now Portugal has reached the max capacity of its lands. Many other great nations have surpassed Portugal size and number of new settlements due to larger and more fertile lands. It was clear that Portugal’s mediocre homeland cursed with its cold weather has paused Marco’s plans of building a great nation.

                              Marco had a couple of plans for his new ships:

                              1st Offer to trade the new design to other nations with similar problems so they can look for better lands.
                              2nd Immediately send out an exploration force in look of unexplored lands.
                              3rd Build a great navy to protect the high seas and its trading routes.
                              Last edited by Pitboss Portugal; October 26, 2008, 17:42.


                              • First deals


                                What new news from Meeting you bring me?


                                My lord, three foreign parties have requested that we send them some of our latest class of ships.


                                Wonderful! Have they agreed on the payment?


                                Yes Lord, we even received the full payment for one of our ships just hours ago.


                                What about those other two clients you spoke off? Have they paid? What is the deal with them?


                                My King I will personally head north to Korecom to inform you of what we have spoken. I fear that this highly confidential information may fall in the wrong hands.


                                Than come! Hurry up I will be sailing shortly with Isabella to our summer residence down in Madrid.


                                Understood! Leaving Meeting early tomorrow morning my Lord!

