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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread] . PART 3 (October)

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  • Originally posted by Pitboss Khmer


    it offer of tech for gold only. no metal voucher involve.

    first offer was refuse so second offer with different tech was offer.

    so state if want to give xxx gold for xxx tech please.

    it good deal for hindu brother yes with no voucher involve. it design to help metal and free up gold liquidity for khmer which internationally in very short supply.

    In that case, we accept. We apologize for the confusion.
    Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

    When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah



      His Imperial Highness, Sejong of Goguryeo, King of Silla, Warlord of Goguryeo, and Emperor of the Koreans.

      Alcetas, King of Sparta
      FROM: General Shin Sung, Imperial Commander of Korea

      Honorable Alcetas,

      I apologize for my simple speak, I am not normally in charge of these messages, but our Foreign Minister is currently on an important mission in the Mayan Kingdom.

      We have recieved your messages regarding the Roman situation, and thank you for disclosing the information we requested, it was helpful.

      At this point in time the Emperor doesn't have a position on the matter, politically we will attempt to make your case in the city of Mi'Ting but our delegation will not arrive for some time. We will also remind you that we currently have no contact with the Romans, and we should have a better stance once we hear out their position on the matter.

      We will admit though, that we have shared a great and peaceful co-existance with the Greeks, and our border is safe and open (despite your troops perched upon it, which is a slight bother to the people of Pusan), and lament the passing of Bae Hyeongyeong, he was a great Korean and a great friend to the Greeks. I have been told by the Emperor that he offers any political assistance he can in this matter and hope that peace shall prevail. We are more than willing to host a Roman, Piercian and Greek delegation to our capital in order to mette this issue out if that will be helpful.

      As we have said, while we have no communication with the Romans we intend on establishing it very soon, and hope that perhaps we can help to arbitrate this matter.

      -General Shin Sung


      • Originally posted by Pitboss Portugal

        b] Foreign delegations who haven’t consulted us before entering our lands are not welcome.[/b]

        I await your response

        Marco King of Portugal
        This was not directed at Peirced ones. This was to all nations

        Our point was your units have wandered many lands without asking permission becasue we other nations beleieve once you make an open border agreement it means jsut that. Open Borders.

        We are concerned you say we not welcome unless we directly ask. whilst you do not ask yourself.


        • Nations of the world

          The Senate and People of Rome sends greetings!

          See how the bully Alcetas rages when his plots are exposed!

          We do not wish to tire you with endlass public argument. We are content to be judged on what has already been said, and on nations own experience of Greek bullying. A few observations however:

          1. The Greeks do not deny that all this rage is because we are refusing to pay tribute. This is not about a trade deal. They treatened death and destruction to our friends the Persians unless we paid them. We are now saying 'enough'.

          2. We have been amazed at the numbers of nations who have already secretly contacted us expressing thanks that the Greek bullying has been exposed, and confessing that in the past they have given in to such intimidation and even now are fearful to speak publicly of it. Be assured that many of those who Alcetas proudly greets as his friends privately confess that they are treated more as vassals. You are not alone! Of course the Greeks wish to keep you divided and conquered, intimidated by the appearance that the Greeks have many allies when most of them are, as you, only held in the Greek sphere by fear. You are noble nations. We make no claim that you should publicly stand up against the Greeks since we know that they will react with war and many of you are sadly too far distant for us to speedily help. We respect that you are making the hard choices any ruler must make to keep their people alive. But remember you are not alone, and many other nations share your secret loathing of how they have treated you, even if publicly they are bullied into expressing warmth to the Greeks.

          3. The Greeks bluster on about how we have wronged the Portugese. Has Great King Marco spoken on this? The Roman and Portugese nations have a strong friendship based on peaceful nations going forward from the troubled times of the past.

          4. The Greeks suggest that Rome is a mitaristic state. But note deep in the correspondance what we offered Greek - a peaceful non-aggression pact. No threats, no price to be paid, just peace. Many other nations have received similar offers from us, and have accepted.

          5. Most importantly -do not be deceived - Alcetas urges nations to break off all trade with Rome. But he does not admit that Alcetas currently has no trade with Rome, because our merchants can find no trade routes through to Greece. So breaking off trade with Rome costs Alcetas nothing, but for you my neighbours and trade partners it would of course cost much - not because of any threat from us (all are free to agree with Alcetas if they wish) but because we currently have many mutually beneficial trade deals - both in commodoties and inter-city trade, and in technology. Alcetas in his rage demands that you give up all that, when a trade embargo will cost him nothing! As always he demands that others pay the price for his 'advancement'.

          Peace and security to you all. Be assured that you are free to agree with Alcetas if you wish, we are not a nation for recriminations.

          The Senate and People of Rome


          • The southern expedition

            After a long journey, the Immortal expedition finally arrived at their destination. They landed on the shore next to a barbarian settlement from where the savages attacked the Korean. They didn't risk their lifes in attacking the wilds because they were just too close to their destination.

            The next day, they arrived at the Korean western border as far as they could tell. A single messenger was sent out to deliver the following purposal :

            Honorable Koreans,

            I am the commander of the piercian expedition to your southern lands and I am allowed to offer you the following :

            - We open our borders for all of your citizens.
            - You open your borders for all of our citizens.
            - We invite specially instructed missionaries of Bu-D'ha to our lands. A family of Korean traders already told us about the blessed one and began to spread his wisdom in one of our cities.
            - We offer you the support of our Immortal division in your fight against the barbarians.

            This is what I have been allowed to say in the name of my Emperor.

            Now let me ask for a personal favor. My men are willing to risk their lifes for Korea and I 'd like them to know what they are fighting for. I respectfully ask you for the permission to travel to your capital city in order to swear allegence to your leader and learn more about your exotic culture.

            Shas'O Au-R'hon of the Piercian Expedition

            Once the messenger was dispatched, the main force fell back to a nearby jungle from where they would push back any barbarian assault until the Korean answer would arrive. This was their main pride. They were the only cavalry force able to take advantage of the surrounding terrain in battle, and the place they had chosen almost felt like home.


            • I have many to address so please bear with me.

              To the Oldonians,

              This is your first warning. Do not continue to speak
              badly about our Portuguese friends. If I must tell you
              again it will not be pleasant.

              To the Koreans,

              We have told you this before but I will refresh your
              memory once more. Japan does not cower. Our people
              do not retreat and we do not surrender so to say we
              cower from barbarians is laughable. Next time your
              generals wish to call Japan cowards, say it infront of our
              troops on the battlefield for we will not warn you again.

              To the Spartans and Romans,

              First let me make this clear. Japan fears neither Rome
              nor Sparta so I do not hide in fear like others do. The
              both of you are nothing but arguing parents trying to
              convince your children that your side is the right side.
              Neither of you are right and neither of you are wrong.
              Sparta, what happened in the past is exactly that “the
              past”. This new Roman government should have the
              choice to either live up to the past or not. Rome, let me
              first say that to saying you are being bullied is a far
              stretch of your imagination. The truth of the matter is
              Sparta is too far to do anything to you or the Percians.
              And with the exception of maybe one nation of which I
              will not name I do not know who would be threatened
              by Sparta. Granted gold for eternity would not be in
              your best interest but the least you could do was give
              them a tech (just not civil service, mostly because that
              would dethrone me as most advanced military force on
              this side of the world). Now the both of you need to
              stop this childish attempt to make yourselves look like
              the victim and find a way to get along.
              Last edited by Pitboss Japan; October 29, 2008, 10:18.


              • Somewhere in Korecom’s Royal Palace.


                What news you bring?


                The list is long my Lord Marco. This are the main events from this week:


                *Our work on the western provinces is going well; we have concentrated 80% of all the workers there. I feel strongly that very soon the cities there will be able to catch up with the more prosper ones in the East.

                *The southern farms are almost complete, after that the workers brigade will head north to complete the mining projects we had planned.

                *Our missionaries are working night and day to spread the Jewish light. Rome has been more than generous letting us spread our religion to their cities. Russia has been quite so far, but I feel strongly that they will welcome them as well.

                *Our oldest friends the Wyandots have gifted us a Great Warrior, he has come to live and train with our warriors.

                *Our armada has sailed deep into uncharted territories, a message has arrived that some of the ships have spotted exotic birds. New lands shouldn’t be far away my King.


                All this is good, I see much has happened. But we are not done; I want all my orders completed in time.


                Of course my King!

                Now I also bring interesting foreign developments:

                *A major crisis has developed between Rome and Sparta. It seems Portugal’s name has been used by both parties to make their arguments. Sparta has brought past events to further their cause and warn the world of Rome’s growing threat. Rome has fired back by portraying Sparta as the threat.

                How should we respond to this crisis my King?


                Very interesting! Where was the world when my cities were being burned and razed by Roman and Piercian armies? Where? We were alone in those dark days, alone to fend for ourselves against the invaders. Much land and cities we lost in that past war of attrition. Only now we have been able to put things back to normal. Meanwhile other civilizations have sweetened their way to progress by bribes, gifts and scratching backs games.

                This current conflict is alarming, both Rome and Sparta are powerful civilizations. I fear that a war between them will be even greater than ours in the past. I fear that it may grow to involve others as well; some may be pushed to choice sides.

                The kingdom of Portugal has good relations with both civilizations currently.

                Sparta is a good trading partner. I respect King Alcetas much; he is a straight shooter and honorable man. His civilization seems to be the only one to care when we were attacked, but sadly didn’t do much to change the outcome of the war. Who knows things could have been much more different if Sparta had intervened then.

                I have grown to respect Rome as well now days. Peace is stable; there has been much incoming and outgoing diplo letters between Korecom and Rome. Trade has increased. As I speak some of our best wine is been prepared to be shipped to Rome. We are to receive Roman gold in return. Yes the past hurts and it will never be forgotten, but I need to look to my people and what is best for Portugal. I have great plans for the future and Rome is part of them.

                So messenger go tell the world that Portugal will stay neutral, however we will observe this growing crisis closely.


                I will do as you wish my Lord! One last think Emperor Itoku has come out to defend our open border policies:

                To the Oldonians,
                This is your first warning. Do not continue to speak
                badly about our Portuguese friends. If I must tell you
                again it will not be pleasant.

                Emperor Itoku is a strong friend, please send him a letter thanking him for his support. He keeps on amazing me with his brave and bold temper.

                Marco turns towards his generals

                I wish all of your could learn more from this man, this is what I call a Warrior. Look at him he stands tall and strong even against much bigger civilizations than his Japan. He has earned Portugal’s respect and my personal friendship.

                Last but not least, I want to see the Santa Theresa on her way immediately


                • To The Senate of Rome

                  You can't have it both ways, Rome.
                  You cannot both ignore the debts created by the tyrants of Rome while continue to benefit from the cities the tyrants of Rome captured.

                  If you really want to be a new Rome, civilized and honourable, then you should also return the cities of Portugal to Portugal. If you do so, I will consider the debts build up by the Tyrants of Rome to be void.

                  Answer me, Senate of Rome: Will you return the cities of Portugal to Portugal to show to all of the world that the new Rome rejects the misbehaviour of it's past?
                  Or will you continue to occupy these cities? In that case, why do you call Sparta's claim on gold to be morally evil while your claim on these Portuguese cities is of the same moral kind, but even worse?

                  If you are as honourable as you claim to be, then answer me.

                  Alcetas, King of Sparta


                  • To the Senate of Rome

                    You talk about nations that have supported you in private. Why do you talk about things I cannot verify? Publish these letters. Publish these supporters of the Roman empire. Are they the same supporters that have sent the same kind of letters to me?

                    Let every nation speak their opinion freely.
                    I will forgive any nation that speaks bad about Sparta. Sparta will never blaim nations for speaking honestly, even if it is against Sparta.

                    But Senate of Rome, you speak about Spartan threats and bullying. How can you do that? Sparta has never waged a war against another nation. Rome has. Sparta has never razed cities, Rome has. Sparta has never broken promises, Rome has. Sparta has never forced it's allies to do or don't do something. Rome has.

                    The only time Sparta has used it's armies to bend the will of a nation was when Japan wanted to settle on a Korean city spot. Sparta then only used it's power to protect Korean ground. Sparta has never used it's powers to gain personal benefits. Rome however has.

                    And now you, Senate of Rome, claim that Sparta has bullied nations, that Sparta is misusing it's allies. Sparta never has done so. Sparta has always tried to help it's neighbours.

                    Japan and Korea are free to speak up if I am lying.
                    Your words are black and worthless, Senate of Rome.
                    You continue to occupy Portuguese cities. You are guilty of the death of thousands of Portuguese people. Rome is carrying the burden of the past with it. Not Sparta.
                    But Rome is refusing to pay for the pain it caused in the past. Hiding behind the tyrants, while continueing to benefit from the fruits plucked by these same tyrants.

                    I offer you, Rome, a solution for this issue.
                    You do not have to pay Sparta. Sparta is big enough and powerfull enough and wealthy enough. We don't need Roman payments to survive.

                    Make a choise to clean your past misbehaviors:
                    - Donate a technology or a happiness resource to Japan
                    or Donate a technology or a happiness resource to Korea
                    or return the Portuguese cities to Portugal.

                    In addition to any of these 3 you should also pay to Persia whatever you have promised in the past.

                    If you do any of these, Rome will accept the civilness of the new Roman governament and consider all it's claims on Rome to be void. We will respect you and admire you for paying for the debt of your nation.

                    But don't try to hide behind supposed misbehavior of Sparta since there is no Spartan misbehaviour. Sparta has always been a honourable and respectable nation. Sparta has never had a tyrant like Rome, except perhaps Menelaous, who only reigned for one day before he was killed by the Oldonians (thankfully) before he could cause any damage.

                    And don't continue to blame Sparta for trying to help Portugal when both Rome and Persia invaded it.
                    Today I wished that my predecessors would have actually continued their invasion of Persia to help the Portuguese people. I send my apologizations towards Portugal for not doing so.

                    Alcetas, King of Sparta


                    • I hate to do this but I feel like I have to teach a little lesson about diplogame storylines here. This is what Japan wrote "to the Koreans"...

                      Originally posted by Pitboss Japan
                      To the Koreans,

                      We have told you this before but I will refresh your
                      memory once more. Japan does not cower. Our people
                      do not retreat and we do not surrender so to say we
                      cower from barbarians is laughable. Next time your
                      generals wish to call Japan cowards, say it infront of our
                      troops on the battlefield for we will not warn you again.
                      Now, I am not going to respond as the Koreans I am just going to ignore this because the "Koreans" (which I assume you mean the Emperor and his foreign ministry) will have no idea what you are talking about. The reason for this is because you are referring to a discussion between a Korean General and his underling FAR AWAY from Korea anda conversation that neither YOU nor THE EMPEROR OR HIS STAFF would be aware of. Therefore you would just sound like a raving lunatic, furthermore you would be wise not to ascribe a position to an entire country based on the comments of one General especially one with the personality of Jumong. If you read up on the posts surrounding him you will know he isn't a very nice person, and thus he makes dispariaging comments like this.

                      So in sum here is how this would go:

                      "(What you said above)"

                      Korean Response:

                      "We have no idea what you are talking about, why are you threatening us again?"


                      "Blah blah blah, (flexes muscles)"


                      "Where is this coming from?"

                      Do you understand what I am trying to tell you here?

                      To sum up: "Japan" never heard him say this, so I don't understand why the reaction, secondly the Emperor and his foreign ministers would have no idea what you are talking about at all, and thirdly if something doesn't come to you in a letter or if something occurs in someone's story that doesn't happen in front of you your people don't know about it. So basically you should have no idea he said this stuff.

                      Fourthly, relax.
                      "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                      One Love.


                      • To: Great Alcetas, King of Sparta
                        From: Marco, King of Portugal

                        Today I wished that my predecessors would have actually continued their invasion of Persia to help the Portuguese people. I send my apologizations towards Portugal for not doing so.
                        Apologies accepted!

                        King Marco


                        • King Alcetas

                          You are not the world's policeman to demand that Rome pays this or that to some other nation.

                          Various nations have felt that they have a claim on Rome for its past actions and deals. They have been pursued privately between the two parties and in all but one case have now been concluded, and we are awaiting response on the final one to a amended treaty which we very much hope will be concluded in the next few days.

                          You ask:
                          You talk about nations that have supported you in private. Why do you talk about things I cannot verify? Publish these letters.
                          I would have thought the reason was obvious - that they fear your response. More simply, I will not publish them because each of these letters has urged me in the strongest terms to keep their correspondance secret. So I will. If that means you will claim they do not exist - so be it. I will not expose people to your rage.

                          We regret the fact that you cannot accept a simple peace and trade treaty between our nations. We continue to offer it - it will remain on the table.

                          Otherwise we believe this matter is at an end.

                          Farewell King Alcetas.

                          The Senate and People of Rome


                          • Senate of Rome,

                            You continue to fail to respond to the most important parts of my letters. You also completely ignore my reasons for my mistrust in you.

                            Your offer for peace is worthless since as far as I am aware is there peace between Rome and Sparta at this very moment. Or did I miss your declaration of war?

                            We have no desires to trade with an untrustworthy nation like Rome.
                            I still expect an answer from you on the following question:

                            Answer me, Senate of Rome: Will you return the cities of Portugal to Portugal to show to all of the world that the new Rome rejects the misbehaviour of it's past?
                            Or will you continue to occupy these cities? In that case, why do you call Sparta's claim on gold to be morally evil while your claim on these Portuguese cities is of the same moral kind, but even worse?
                            Alcetas, King of Sparta


                            • Alcetas,

                              We do not reply to your question about Portugal because we discuss such matters directly with Portugal, not with you.



                              • Zu Chongzhi bowed for Alcetas.

                                "Your Majesty, I have very good news!" he said.

                                Zu Chongzhi was the latest Great Scientist of Sparta, born in Athens not so long ago. Together with Michael Faraday and Plato he was working in the Academy founded by Johannes Kepler.

                                Together with the specialist scientific citizen of Athens they produced about 100 beakers per day for the Spartan empire!

                                "Tell me your news, greta hongzhi!" Alcetas said delighted! "I need some goods news after all the problem with Rome!"

                                "Your Majesty, we have investigated the appearance of Great People all over the world and we can report you that 25% of all Great People born on earth are being born in Sparta!" Zu Chongzhi said.

                                "That's amazing news!" Alcetas visibly happy responded.
                                The old Alcetas raised from his chair and asked: "How many of these born Great People are actually Great Scientists?"

                                "9 of them are Great Scientist!" the brilliant Zu Chongzhi responded.

                                "That means that almost 50% of all Great Scientists of the world are Spartan! Alcetas cheered.

                                "Here's the list of all Great People born on earth. We have gathered this information from travellers and our spies. Unfortunately we are not aware of the nations that brought forth these Great People. We will continue to investigate this." Zu Chongzhi concluded.

                                "Thanks for you great work!" Alcetas honoured him.

                                Mahavira (Prophet) (unknown)
                                Michael Faraday (Scientist) (Sparta)
                                Nabu-rimanni (Scientist) (unknown)
                                Johannes Kepler (Scientist) (Sparta)
                                Tycho Brahe (Scientist) (unknown)
                                Ibn Battuta (Merchant) (unknown)
                                Benjamin Franklin (Engineer) (unknown)
                                Werner Heisenberg (Scientist) (unknown)
                                Gaspar Graziani (Spy) (unknown)
                                Rabbi Akiva (Prophet) (unknown)
                                Plato (Scientist) (Sparta)
                                Zhang Qjan (Merchant) (unknown)
                                Amir Khusro (Artist) (unknown)
                                Rosalind Franklin (Scientist) (unknown)
                                Zu Chongzhi (Scientist) Sparta)
                                Marie Cure (Scientist) (unknown)

                                Then Plato also entered the room.
                                "Your Majesty" Plato said while bowing down. "Yes my Great Philosopher..!" Alcetas answered.

                                "Your majesty, we believe that Sparta is one of the most enlightened civilizations on earth" Plato said.

                                "Why do you believe so?" Alcetas wondered. "We are lacking a lot of technologies that our neighbours already possess." he continued.

                                "Yes, your majesty, that may be true. But those civilizations have used up much more so called 'tech vouchers'" Plato explained.

                                "What are tech vouchers?" Alcetas said with a surprised face
                                "Those are the limits that are put down on all nations on earth by the gods. No nation on earth can trade more then 15 tech trades, we have only traded 5 so far. That's why we seem to be a tad bit behind the others" Plato explained.

                                "The reason we say this to you" Zu Chongzhi interrupted "is that we want to urge you to visit other state heads to trade technologies. If we are on equal technical levels as the other civilizations on earth, we can use our great scientific output to develop really new and breaking through technologies no other civilization on earth already has!" he continued.

                                "Like recently with Paper...." Alcetas smiled.
                                "Yes your majesty!"

                                Alcetas smiled, proud as he was. "Spartans are the Greatest Scientists on earth" he whispered....
                                "Athenians are..." Plato said with a soft voice in return. But Alcetas didn't hear him.

