Oh yeah, and here is a preview of some of the new religions and their symbols. These are all of the symbols I am going to use in the mod, the three I talked about in the thread before this don't work for the cities, but these are the symbols I am trying to use.
No announcement yet.
Possible Diplogame Mod
I hate messing around with the TGA file. I spent forever trying to get it to work right in my mod. I got it. Finally. And now it isn't working again... *sigh*. It is tricky as hell.Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
There's gotta be a specific trick to it though, somebody out there has to have it down like a clown Charlie Brown."Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams
One Love.
Alright, everything is fixed and up to date with the mod. If anyone wants to try it out please PM me (at The Capo) with your e-mail address. Remember to use your normal log-in and not your pitboss log-in to maintain anonymity. The file is too big to post here and I am not releasing it to the public because I haven't given credit to the people I took things from yet, and I felt that would be in bad form. There are still more things we might add but I wanted to get this out to some people now so they can see how cool it is so far. Personally I think its ready to use but there are some more ideas floating around out there, so for now it is ready to go and I just wanted to see if anyone else agreed."Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams
One Love.
You know my MSN address, Capo. Send it to there.Ceeforee v0.1 - The Unofficial Civ 4 Editor -= Something no Civ Modder should ever be without =- Last Updated: 27/03/2009
"Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there's no conspiracy"
Or at least the first version is. I couldn't e-mail it like previously planned, but its ready to go, and you can download it by CLICKING HERE!
Here are a few notes and things I would like everyone to try and do;
1) Please check the civlopedia when you load the mod to make sure everything works (check all of the new leaderheads, make sure there are fourteen inquisitors with theology the religion and a cathedral as their prereqs, make sure there are missionaries for all fourteen religions, make sure there are buildings for all of the new religions, make sure the spies have the new promotions)
2) Remember to play a CUSTOM GAME and select CHOOSE RELIGIONS to see the new religions, make sure the symbols are right and look polished.
3) Make sure the Inquisitors work. You should ONLY be able to build them under the Paganism, Theocracy, and Organized Religion civics. And under Paganism and Organized REligion they require the state-religion to be present in the city AND a cathedral from that religion (under Theology they can be built without cathedrals).
4) Take time to look around, check out the new civ colors and flags, check out their new unit-styles, and city-styles. I worked hard to make this good so I want to make sure everyone is happy with it.
*************************************************Last edited by The Capo; September 17, 2008, 12:35."Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams
One Love.
Alright, I've got to get to bed but here is a quick synopsis of the Inquisitor.
It requires Theology first.
Conditions to build the Inquisitor;
1) You are running the civic Theocracy and have a state religion. However, the state religion must be present in the city you wish to build it in.
2) You are running the Paganism or Organized Religion civic, AND have a state religion, AND that state religion is present in the city you wish to build the Inquisitor, AND you have the cathedral of that religion buit in the city you wish to build the Inquisitor
Conditions where you CAN NOT build the Inquisitor;
1) You have no state religion
2) You have a state religion, but it is not present in the city you wish to build the inquisitor in.
3) You have a state religion, AND it is present in the city you wish to build the inquisitor in BUT you are NOT running Theocracy nor is there a cathedral for your state religion in said city.
4) You are running the civics pacifism or free religion, even if you have a cathedral and a state religion which is present in the city you can NOT build the Inquisitor at all under these civics.
If this doesn't make sense I am sorry but I am very tired, if you download the mod (which everyone should, which is why I stayed up so late and posted in four threads, plus I did work hard on it and it is for the Diplogame community) you can check the civlopedia, its in there.
So again; please download this mod. Plus it is fun to play in single-player (yes the AI uses the inquisitors too) anyway, but remember to play a custom game and select the "choose religion" game option otherwise the new religions will not work. And please, try it out, try everything you can out and let me know about anything I may have overlooked. I've already noticed that, in the religious advisor screen the influence doesn't show up (when you use the new religions), but that isn't VERY important, not to me at least.
I just realized, I didn't try the game out in other languages (probably an American oversight on my part). If you play in another language and can translate French, German or Italian and you want to send me greetings for each leader (please make sure they are good) that would be helpful. I can handle the Spanish.
But I'd like requests for these first, because writing them in English was annoying enough and that is my native tongue."Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams
One Love.
I also just realized that we didn't put the combat engineer promotion in yet either. But that all depends if MMC is going to make it. I'd still download it and test it out though if I were you guys, because if I were me (and I am) I would already have it on my computer."Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams
One Love.
Ok, some comments on the mod. Take 'em or leave 'em.
Leader traits changes/suggestions:
Harun al-Rashid should absolutely be creative. So perhaps creative & imperialistic
I'm not sure how charismatic Pol Pot was. Maybe organized and aggressive instead.
Industrious fits Nebuchadrezzar very well. And since you want the alternate leaders to be different than the original, perhaps give him imperialist instead of aggressive (which hammurabi has).
I don't like Financial for Sundiata (since Mansa has that too). Maybe pick expansive or imperialist instead since he unified the empire. Organized is good.
For Tecumseh, while it doesn't apply to him personally his story can't really be told without the story of his brother who was very spiritual/religious. Tecumseh benefited greatly from the religious leadership of his brother. So I'd recommend replacing either agg or cha with spiritual. Either would work.
I think Henry the Navigator needs to be changed for mostly practical reasons. The Portuguese UB gives +1 gold on water tiles. Making Henry Financial would give an additional +1 gold on water tiles. Together with the Org trait this would be an unstoppable leader. Maybe replace Fin with Expansive. I know Joao already has this but... Fin & Org are already a common & powerful combination, they need to be broken up, and Fin should be the one to go.
Also, I got a python error on turn 58 and every turn afterwards. I think it has something to do with founding a religion. It mentions the event files and something called iShrine.Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
Originally posted by OzzyKP
Ok, some comments on the mod. Take 'em or leave 'em.
Leader traits changes/suggestions:
Harun al-Rashid should absolutely be creative. So perhaps creative & imperialistic
I'm not sure how charismatic Pol Pot was. Maybe organized and aggressive instead.
Industrious fits Nebuchadrezzar very well. And since you want the alternate leaders to be different than the original, perhaps give him imperialist instead of aggressive (which hammurabi has).
I don't like Financial for Sundiata (since Mansa has that too). Maybe pick expansive or imperialist instead since he unified the empire. Organized is good.
For Tecumseh, while it doesn't apply to him personally his story can't really be told without the story of his brother who was very spiritual/religious. Tecumseh benefited greatly from the religious leadership of his brother. So I'd recommend replacing either agg or cha with spiritual. Either would work.
I think Henry the Navigator needs to be changed for mostly practical reasons. The Portuguese UB gives +1 gold on water tiles. Making Henry Financial would give an additional +1 gold on water tiles. Together with the Org trait this would be an unstoppable leader. Maybe replace Fin with Expansive. I know Joao already has this but... Fin & Org are already a common & powerful combination, they need to be broken up, and Fin should be the one to go.
Also, I got a python error on turn 58 and every turn afterwards. I think it has something to do with founding a religion. It mentions the event files and something called iShrine.
Did the Inquisitors work properly though? And did all of the graphics show up right (ie did the flags match their buttons, and were there any animation issues with the units?) This was put out mainly to get people to try it out to make sure it worked well, and I am glad you responded so soon. MMC is planning on adding a "Combat Engineer" promotion, which Praetorians will get automatically (I think to offset this I might decrease them to 7 strength, possibly with a melee unit upgrade too or a city attack to make them more like swords).
Any other comments about the leader traits or any other issues would be appreciated, and I hope everyone else checks this out, I worked hard on this and I did it for the Diplogame community, so please help me out.
Also, it can load modules, and I might send out a module pack for this in case in the future we want to use different tribes, already in the works;
- Nubia (becuse I have a good leaderhead and I will make Pesedjet their favorite religion, Egypt is the only country that has that right now)
- Magyars, Bulgaria (for Ozzy and Toni)
- Australia (for the Austrailan guys)
- Italy
- Israel
- Mexico
- Cuba
- Champa
- Vietnam
- Swedes
- Danes
- Scots
- Poland
- Austria
But I haven't really started on any of them, and I can always think of more. But if you don't know how modules work, basically you just move the folder for the new tribe into the "modules" folder. So when you are playing single player, or even in a diplogame we can use these new tribes too.
But again, more suggestions please!"Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams
One Love.
No need for Swedes and Danse since we have Vikings
Austria is basically German and we already have the HRE and Germany
Australia? NO
Italy? Maybe, but we already have the HRE and Rome
Israel? Ok good Idea
Poland, Hungary? Good too
But it you add all of the Euro civ's you propose you are making the game too Eurocentric
Nubia is a great proposal!
Also why are you adding Cuba? I think more new world civs (even if they are European) would be a good idea. But more than 3 would be problematic, I propose:
MexicoModern man calls walking more quickly in the same direction down the same road “change.”
The world, in the last three hundred years, has not changed except in that sense.
The simple suggestion of a true change scandalizes and terrifies modern man. -Nicolás Gómez Dávila
Also I still think the Next War tech tree should have been added.Modern man calls walking more quickly in the same direction down the same road “change.”
The world, in the last three hundred years, has not changed except in that sense.
The simple suggestion of a true change scandalizes and terrifies modern man. -Nicolás Gómez Dávila