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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread]

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    To: The Oldonian Leadership
    From: The Wyandot Nation

    Good sirs, our forces are now moving into the chokepoint of the region west of the Wyandot Range. Our nation will soon put a stop to the heathen envaders into your lands.


    • To the great Chief across the Ranges

      Your people will be forever remembered in Oldonian Folks songs.

      Dont forget once you have filled your expansion in agreed areas. if you still need expansion room come to us and talk again, i am sure we can come to good terms on other land to use.


      • To: The Oldonians

        Thank you for your accolades. We will do our best to secure your eastern passage....but like we've stated before, this choke-point and passage is recognised by our lands as Oldonian Territory. We will try to secure it until you can establish a settlement on it.

        Chief Tarhe


        • @Oldonia / Piercia: it's up to you if you want to pick up the story with Achmed and Kirk from the moment they try to escape into the woods. Do it quickly or Menelaus will catch up with them


          • {ooc} To greeks sorry already moved on , Kirk died over 50 years ago, rpeorts not in yet whther he died of natural causes or whther your soldiers killed him.

            based on your last post though, i may do a posting shortly


            • Korea and Maya Bound by Blood

              The Marriage of Pacal II and Princess Daemok

              It was decided years ago that when Princess Daemok reached 16 years of life she was to take the hand of Pacal in marriage, thus binding their civilizations through blood.

              The news of the arranged marriage was broken to Daemok mere weeks before the wedding. She wept for days, and the only consolment Sinjeong could offer her was the fact that she would be queen of a very powerful civilization.

              "But why mother?", Daemok would ask, "why must I leave you and lovely Korea to live among the Dragon People?"

              "Dear Daemok, you must understand that women are often used as political pawns. Korea and the Mayans realize that they are not alone in the world, and must depend on each other. Our past relations however put a degree of mistrust in both nations. This marriage will do much to strengthen trust between our people. What you are doing for Korea is very honorable." Sinjeong replied.

              The day finally arrived, and Wang Geon, Sinjeong, Subo, Gang Jo, and of course Princess Daemok journeyed to Tikal for the ceremony. Upon reaching the capital, the Koreans were aghast at the thousands of Mayans who themselves had made the pilgrimage to bear witness to the royal wedding. Daemok was hurried off by royal advisors much to the shock of Sinjeong so she could be prepared for the ceremony. The Koreans were lead to the top of a nearby temple and seated both to honor them, and to provide an unobstructed view.

              Within an hour Daemok was transformed into the Mayan bride. Tanned with fine clay and adorned with jade, the princess took on the appearance of Mayan. Her sadness at the events to unfold was unmistakable however.

              "First my father and now my daughter", Sinjeong hissed at Wang Geon, "how many more of those dear to me will you hand over to the Mayans?"

              Wang Geon turned to her in anger, "Unlike you father, I do what is in the best interests of the Korean people, if you were not so selfish, you would realize this."

              Pacal also prepared for the wedding. Meditating, he asked the Gods for their blessing upon this marriage. He knew very well that many Mayans frowned upon him taking a Korean bride.

              Tribal bass drums began their rhythmic beat signaling the start of the ceremony. The crowd fell silent as captured Aztecs were lead to the top of the Oracle. One by one they were beheaded as an offering to the Gods. Sinjeong hid her eyes having never bore witness to such brutality, while Wang Geon smiled.

              After the sacrifices, both Pacal and Daemok were led to the top of the Oracle from opposite sides. For the first time in eight years their eyes met, although this time under much different circumstances.

              Daemok gazed into the Mayan king's eyes and found an odd sort of relief overtake her. This was her husband before her. Ever since she was a little girl she had looked forward to this moment, although never in her wildest dreams did she picture him to be Mayan.

              Pacal looked into Daemoks eyes and his heart leaped. Her beauty reminded him of that of Sinjeong many years ago. She had an innocence and softness about her that he simply could not find in Mayan women. Although the marriage was at it's core a political arrangement, the King at that moment would not prefer anyone else to be standing where Daemok stood.

              Pacal's former lovers watched with envy as the bride and groom met upon the Oracle. They wondered among themselves which of them would have been the Mayan Queen had not this Korean stole their spot. Hate for the new queen brewed in their hearts, and assassination plans danced in their heads. One of them spoke out to no one in particular, "She is beautiful, but will she have the spirit of a Jaguar in bed?" The rest of the girls laughed, then sighed knowing that they would never be queen.

              Xuruto, the head of the Elder Councel, uttered the words to bind the two souls into eternity. Wang Geon and the Koreans were provided with a Mayan translator.

              "On this most glorious day, I am given the honor of joining you King Pacal and you Princess Daemok in mind, body and spirit. With this bond, we also bind Maya to Korea. May both of you lead us into glory."

              Pacal embraced Daemok, and kissed her. The crowd erupted into cheering.

              A sense of accomplishment washed over Wang Geon. It was now official. Korea had a strong friend in the Mayans. This relationship would allow Korea to focus on more cultural pursuits, as opposed to the tradition of military pursuits based on fear.

              Sinjeong too felt a strange sense of happiness she had not expected. Although deep in her heart she still thought of the Mayans as particularly intelligent savages, she was happy that Daemok was married to such a powerful man. Pacal had qualities she did not find in her dealings with other Mayans. She felt thankful that if destiny had a Mayan groom in Daemoks future, that it was King Pacal.
              Last edited by Pitboss Maya; August 25, 2008, 01:38.


              • As the OSS Enterprise rounded another headland they saw yet more Greek soldiers on the outskirts of their citys. It was a vast land the Greeks had, larger than anyother nation on earth. The Oldonians had been told lies by the people they had met. They had been informed that Oldonia was the only lands available for peoples expansions and now as the ship sailed further east it became apparent that the Greeks commnaded a lot of land they werent sharing with others. Storys of the Greeks meetings with koreans and mayans had been shared back when the now dead Kirk had landed in sparta. It had sounded like the nations capitals were practically next door to one another. Now after centruires of sailing the Greek border had still not been found. This was a huge area.

                As they sailed further and further the met some Greek citizens that for a few fish would tell more tales.

                The tales came of the true death of Kirk. He had not chosen to stay in Greece as had been told to the OSS Enterprise and its crew. No it appeared he had been slain by Greek soldiers. The story was that apprently he had run from his captors but they found him in the jungle. He could have survived their but he was enticed out by the offering of gifts. He trusted them. And he died.

                The message was senr back to Oldonia

                "Be wary of Greeks bearing Gifts"


                • Peritos worked Menelaus to the ground, still holding his hair. He pulled his head back and putted his knife in his neck. "You will be executed for your insults towards Lacedaemon, leader of the Spartans" Peritos said, ready to execute the verdict.
                  But Menelaus did not wait till Peritos finished his line, not being afraid of dead he tried to get on his feet again, not being scared of the knife in his neck.

                  Peritos lost grib and despite the odds Menelaus survived and turned the chances.
                  Captain Kirk looked from the jungle to the battle field. Peritos saw him there and screamed: "Help me Kirk!"

                  Kirk was in doubt for a few moments.
                  Only a few meters in front of him was the back of Menelaus. Kirk kept his knife firm in his hands.
                  Should he ran towards the fighting parties to end the life of this Menelaus to rescue Peritos?

                  Peritos had always been good to him. He had protected him many times against barbarians and wild animals. Kirk felt comfortable in the presence of Peritos.
                  Now it was his turn to rescue the life of his friend.

                  But Kirk had no courage.
                  What would the other soldiers do? On which side were they? Could Achmed not rescue Peritos?
                  His hands were shaking.

                  "Help me Kirk" Peritos cried again.
                  "I can not do that..." Kirk thought. He trew away his knife and ran away into the jungles.

                  Menelaus finished Peritos off and turned his head towards the remaining Spartan soldiers. "There's no courage in defending cowards" he said.
                  "Let's kill that pig from Oldonia."

                  The Spartan soldiers were in doubt for a moment.
                  Then they remembered their education back in the Spartan cities...: "A Spartan soldier will never turn his back towards the battle. He'd rather die with a knife in his heart then run away with his shield on his back."

                  The Spartan soldiers ran into the jungle but could not find Captain Kirk nor Achmed (who hadn't been seen for a while already).

                  "He's gone" one of them whispered.
                  "Captain Kirk" Menelaus said with a soft voice.....
                  "Why don't you come out of your hiding place? Peritos is dead now, there's no reason to be scared anymore. The battle is over. Accept my leadership and we will continue our journey. Come here, I will give you a new knife...."

                  Slowly Kirk stepped out of the jungle, revealing his presence to the Spartanian soldiers. He was shaking all over his body.

                  "So that's how you answer friendship" Menelaus concluded.
                  "Peritos was my enemy, but I have great respect for his attitude. You could save his life but instead of showing courage you chose to turn your back towards him and run away into the jungle. You acted like a coward, now you will die like a coward! RUN!!!!!!"

                  Kirk didn't know how to run away as fast as possible. He ran like he was being hunted by a billion demons from hell. But Menelaus knife was faster then his feet. It hitted him in the back and pierced his heart.

                  "Go find Achmed." Menelaus ordered while pulling his knife from Kirk's dead body.
                  "I will go back to Sparta. Once you have found Achmed return to Sparta to join forces with me."

                  Menelaus cleaned his knife and started to run towards Sparta. His bare feet barely seemed to touch the ground.


                  • Latest scout report from the Desert of Illusions.

                    My Lord Vixur:

                    I have come upon a roman road leading into the southern parts of the desert. It seems Romans are preparing to expand that way, which is what you have been expecting my Lord. More importantly is that your suspicions have been confirmed. It seems the Romans are allied to the Percians; there has been much movement between these two civilizations in the south. The latest news is that it seems the Romans have build and than gifted their settlement to the Percians for what price I do not know yet, but will try to find out. Also two Romans workers were seen to head into Percian territories, so I assume they are or will be gifted very soon.

                    I am very puzzled by this Roman move! I will try to find out for what are the Romans paying such a high price.

                    Live long my Lord!

                    Chariot scout out!!


                    • To the Chariot scout:

                      I am very pleased with the news!

                      Now I want you to continue to observe and scout those territories closely. Try to explore into the south as much as possible. I want to learn if there are any other civilizations there. Beware of the Percians; they have been very aggressive in the past towards us. I do not want to risk any unnecessary confrontations with them. So do not provoke them! After you have explored as much as you can in the deep south head towards our friends the Natives in the north, they will give you free passage. Your orders are to explore the other side of their civilization. But if they call on you to help them against any wild men, immediately assist!!

                      Aiding our friends comes 1st!!!
                      Last edited by Pitboss Portugal; August 25, 2008, 11:06.


                      • Slave revolt in Antium!

                        The abused and maltreated slaves of Antium have risen against their masters Roman masters! They are led by a self-styled "prohet" a slave named Eunus who often preforemed magic tricks for his masters amusement. Rex Tullus Hostilius has ordered the legions to ruthlessly crush the revolt and restore order.

                        "Do what must be done, General, Do not hesitate. Show no mercy. We can not tolerate dissent during war time."
                        Last edited by Pitboss Rome; August 25, 2008, 11:46.


                        • To: Lord Vixur, Leader of the Port Gauls
                          From: Tullus Hostilius, King of Rome

                          We grow impatient, you have ignored our request for more information on the religion known as "Judaism". You have not even responded to our offer to accept it as our state religion if you send a missionary to Rome. We are especially anxious as recently religious fervor has led the slave population of Antium to its doom, we hope Judaism is not a religion prone to extremism or we shall be compelled to persecute it.

                          You have also not responded to our counteroffers to teach the Portuguese people the Roman alphabet.

                          Mark my words: Rome will not be ignored for long.

                          Rex and Pontifex Maximus Tullus Hostilius


                          • To: Tullus Hostilius, King of Rome
                            From Vixur Lord of Portugal

                            I will be short:

                            *Hostilius I am confused is this letter intended for me and my people? I fear you have send it to the wrong address King! Who are the Port Gauls? I am not aware that there were such people close to my civilization.

                            We grow impatient; you have ignored our request for more information on the religion known as "Judaism". You have not even responded to our offer to accept it as our state religion if you send a missionary to Rome.
                            You have also not responded to our counteroffers to teach the Portuguese people the Roman alphabet.
                            Seems you haven’t been reading your correspondences Hostilius.

                            *Last but not least, I do not welcome threads; I do expect an apology from you King Hostilius.

                            Do not try to bite off a little more than you can chew dear King.


                            • You have not even responded to our offer to accept it as our state religion if you send a missionary to Rome.
                              Such an offer has never reached my domain, if this is try please forward it again.

                              You have also not responded to our counteroffers to teach the Portuguese people the Roman alphabet.
                              Do you call the below text from your last letter an counter offer, which you made some weeks ago:

                              We regret to inform you that a trade for Mathematics is no longer possible, since we have several days ago talked about trading it with the Rus. We are open to other suggestions regarding the trade.
                              I call this more of a decline of our personal offer, what part of it means to you a counteroffer? Please clearify!
                              Last edited by Pitboss Portugal; August 25, 2008, 12:14.


                              • We grow impatient, you have ignored our request for more information on the religion known as "Judaism".
                                we hope Judaism is not a religion prone to extremism or we shall be compelled to persecute it.
                                What is Judaism? I am not aware of such religion.

                                My neighbor Hostilius I fear that you have been feed the wrong information.

                                Here is a copy of the personal letter the previous king Baba of Portugal send Rome some years ago.

                                "I am not sure if you are aware but a strong Romulus following has been observed in my lands. Old king Meto II, who was in good relations with god bless him Romulus has devoted the rest of his days spreading Romulus legacy in the southern territories. Meto has established a religious school in the city of Vrata from where he hopes to spread this new faith. This faith closely portrays Romulus’s believe and Meto’s teachings."

                                It’s an unheard word in our lands; you should seek this so called “extremism” in other lands. My religion speaks only of peace and wellbeing.

