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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread]

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  • Originally posted by Pitboss Rome

    To: Lord Vixur, Leader of the Port Gauls
    From: Tullus Hostilius, King of Rome
    I am not trashing your creativity, but your reference to the Portugese as the Port Gauls led me to look up the origins of their name. Actually it comes from Port of Calle, or Porto Calle as it was called way back in the day. Eventually it became Portocalle, then Portocal and eventually Portugal.

    Just so you know, but I still like that you call them Port Gauls.
    "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

    One Love.


    • but I still like that you call them Port Gauls
      OOC - Well but I am not a Gaul, but Portugal. I hope next time he doesn't calls me Iran to further his cause, it is ridiculous as it is already.


      • To: Lord Vixur, Leader of the Port Gauls
        From: Tullus Hostilius, King of Rome

        I apologies to the good king Vixur. It appears the records of the reign of Numa Pompilius have been damaged, we are immensely pleased to discover that the religion that is spreading in our lands has Roman as well as Portuguese roots. We would still appreciate more information on its exact theology (OCC: story post would be great, If I'm to adopt it and spread it I would do stories about that and it would be best that my vision doesn't conflict with what you have in mind, otherwise our peoples will end up calling each other heretics ).

        Port Gauls is an old name my people have for the Portuguese people, since all your cities we know of have ports, and are founded next to rivers or the sea. Gaul is a standard word for foreigner, we could call you Port Barbarians but this is derogatory and we have avoided it.

        Now our offer to embrace the northern religion still stands. Send a missionary to Rome so that I may personally acquaint myself with the religion.

        We again ask that you forgive us, Rome has in the long absence of contact, and due to some disturbing rumors grow suspicious. This should be no surprise since we have been the targets of many attacks by barbarians in the past years.

        We offer alphabet, we are willing to accept a tech of roughly equal value or two cheaper technologies. We are unlikely to get mathematics in trade with the Rus, but perhaps a peace settlement will yield that knowledge non the less. You may respond in plain writting or via an encrypted private message, we shall follow your lead in this regard.

        Lastly, we hope this misunderstanding can be put behind us, but know that we found it most disturbing when you said that "Rome should be careful not to bite off more than it can chew".

        Rex and Pontifex Maximus Tullus Hostilius


        • Originally posted by Pitboss Portugal

          OOC - Well but I am not a Gaul, but Portugal. I hope next time he doesn't calls me Iran to further his cause, it is ridiculous as it is already.

          OOC - yes you are Portugal, but I picked Port Gauls since it showed your link to Celtic and Gallaeci culture (that Portugal historically had) and at the same time sounded similarly to your modern name. I got the idea from the Piercain el-ey-fats or whatever they called elephants. If you'd prefer it we can call your lands Portus Cale. Now if you wouldn't mind Roman dominion I could even call you Lusitania

          The early history of Portugal, whose name derives from the Roman name Portus Cale, is shared with the rest of the Iberian Peninsula. The region was settled by Pre-Celts and Celts, giving origin to peoples like the Gallaeci, Lusitanians, Celtici and Cynetes, visited by Phoenicians and Carthaginians, incorporated in the Roman Republic dominions (as Lusitania after 45 BC), settled again by Suevi, Buri, and Visigoths, and conquered by Moors. Other minor influences include some 5th century vestiges of Alan settlement, which were found in Alenquer, Coimbra and even Lisbon.


          • To: Tullus Hostilius, King of Rome
            From: Lord Vixur, Lord of Portugal

            I will send you shortly my privete messenger to discuss the matters more closely Hostilius.

            but know that we found it most disturbing when you said that "Rome should be careful not to bite off more than it can chew".
            Seems you felt the same way as I did when I read the following Hostilius:

            we shall be compelled to persecute it.
            Mark my words: Rome will not be ignored for long.
            of course I hope you read what he has to say, a little pink bird told me you still haven't read my last letter.


            • It was a sad day in Oldonia. the aged Prince Rasputin VIII had passed peacefully in his sleep. He had no direct heir so it befell to the Elders to choose a new leader of the United Provinces.

              After much grieiving for the loss the elders selected a young man, George Samuel Kirk. His family came from a long line of sailors. They had sailed the ocean for thousands of years. Having never been involved in the military the Kirk family was deemed pure from any power led politics.

              Prince Kirk greeted the people from the palace balconey and after much celebration returned to speak to his advisors.

              He was concerned with the grim faces in front of him

              What is it my friends he asked trhem

              His advisors looked from one to another before finally it was his Forgien affairs advisor who stepped forward.

              Sire, some news has arrived from OSS Enterprise.

              The prince was pleased with this, his family had sailed the boat further than any other family. His ancestor Captain Kirk was a revered sailor, forming relationships with many.

              What news comes forth, more discoveries?

              Again the advisors looked at the floor before the Forgein advisor again stepped forward

              Sire, it is not godo news. Word had arrived that the death of your ancestor was not from old age as first told to us by the Greeks. Sire, it appears that Kirk, an unarmed fisherman was taken captive when he arrived on the shores of Greece and was incarcerated for 50 years before being taken on a trek through the jungle. Being an untrained man, he had no knowledge of fighting or weopons, but still he bravely managed to escape. For weeks the Greeks tracked him through the jungles as the now old man tried to make his way home, following the shore lines of the path mapped by his own people. But the Greeks were experienced fit warriors he was no match for them. Finally they caught him and bribed him out of hiding. When he trusted them they killed him in cold blood.

              The Prince was in shock, his ancestor killed by the Greeks for no reason. This was not what he expected on his first day as leader of the United Provinces. He had figured he would be fighitng the evil black people not the greeks, but now they had committed a serious crime. Greek soldiers had murdered a civilian.

              He strode of to his room he needed to think. He knew people witihn his own palace were eager to form ties with the greeks, but now this put a whole new view of the world.

              He wrote in his first diary entry.

              It appears that all hope of dealing with the Greeks is gone, they appear to be more bloodthirsty than the Black Terrorists. For years my people have wodnered why the only nation in the world not attacked by the terrorists was the Greeks and now we know, the greeks are as one with them, they share the same taste for blood, the killing of innocent peoples, the raping of women and children. It is a sad day , but the truth is finally out.

              He wrote a message to the Greeks

              To the Greek Leader

              From Prince Kirk the Leader of the United Oldonian Provinces.

              Dear sir,

              Over recent times news of the murder of one of our civilians visiting your nation has come to me.

              I wish to ask for you to investigate this crime and to bring to justice all those involved in the crime.

              The whole reltionship of my people to yours could be affected by this action. We only ever wanted to open friednships around the world, now it seems there are people within your midst who would prefer us to not be friends.

              We await your response with some urgency.


              • The time of Japan’s great expansion was getting closer. An army was being formed in Kaguya to take out the barbarians who have appeared to the south and north. Kyoto was soon going to finish its greatest work. And Empress Rin was pleased wit the development of her country. Back in the mountains between Kyoto and Kaguya, Toshisada trained. Months passed and Toshisada grew in power and speed but he was a long way form Kenshin’s level.


                • Tullus Hostilius you have a message from Portugal.


                  • Originally posted by Pitboss Portugal
                    Tullus Hostilius you have a message from Portugal.
                    We have responded.


                    • Menelaus almost reached Sparta.
                      The city had grown in size and population since he left it many years ago.
                      He witnessed many soldiers marching towards the south-eastern border.
                      Impressed he whispered to himself: "See the strength of Sparta! Lacedaemon may be old, I'm glad to see that he has expanded our strength. I'll be glad to lead these troops"

                      While walking through the streets of Sparta many men and women watched his way. They bowed for him. He was a famous Spartan warrior, known for his skills in battle and his abilities to lead his troops.

                      When he arrived at the house of Lacedaemon both guards blocked his way.
                      "You can not enter" they said.
                      "My name is Menelaus and I am here to speak to Lacedaemon" Menelaus said with an angry voice.

                      "We know who you are, we know about your fame, but you cannot enter." they responded.

                      "Don't dare me to enter this house over your dead bodies...." Menelaus treated the guards.

                      "Sir, mr. Lacedaemon is sick. You cannot see him today, it's not that we won't give you access, we just can't give you access to a dying man...."

                      "A dying man.... so you follow orders of a dying man? Follow my orders! I am alive! Don't live in the past, live for tomorrow or die with the dying" Menelaus spoke.

                      Menelaus drawed his knife and walked towards the door. The guards kept blocking the doorway. Menelaus raised his knife, pushed the guards away and opened the doors. None of the guards dared to stop him.

                      He closed the doors behind him and walked towards the bed that was in the middle of the room.
                      And old man layed in his bed, his eyes were closed.

                      "Lacedaemon, it's time to wake up" Menelaus spoke.
                      Lacedaemon slowly opened his eyes. "Menelaus, why are you here?" he said softly.

                      "Your time is up" Menelaus said while raising his knife. "From today on I will rule the Spartanians. You will be remembered as a great leader. I respect what you did for Sparta, but it's time to move further. Embrace your destiny and travel to the gods"

                      Lacedaemon said: "I am ready to die, but are you ready to lead, Menelaus?"
                      Menelaus hestitated for a split second...
                      "Will you hestitate as well when our enemies invade our cities, Menelaus? Or will you know what to do and be able to lead in pride and without doubts?"

                      "I am ready to lead" Menelaus said, and he stabbed at Lacedaemon's heart, but before he could end the life of the Hero of Sparta the doors opened once again.

                      Someone entered the room. He was dressed like a Spartan soldier, but his appearance was exotic...
                      He screamed: "STOP....!"
                      Last edited by Guest; August 26, 2008, 05:24.


                      • double post. (please remove)
                        Last edited by Guest; August 26, 2008, 05:26.


                        • ah shiva worry. he see far. he see big nation get easy alphabet. be wary peoples. it not khmer to do this. we big too. and we work hard. no big alliance here. all struggle here.

                          shiva help here. nice isabel. nice brennus. nice mr ozzy. nice funglish. nice holy rome. but all poor. isabel much resource. she clever. others catch up soon.

                          shiva send spice to brennus and mr ozzy soon. but metal must send workboat at same time.

                          it big decision for shiva to pick religion. hindu metal spread in two city. but holy rome christian might come soon and they need more help. it not easy and shiva friend of all. he a mighty being.

                          but he cry for slave. more slave to fight barbarian attack. much road pillage and farm too. it cat and mouse you say. barbarian running free inside khmer land. it horrible.

                          stay atune for more soon.


                          • The Definitely-not-Daily Actually-quite-old-News

                            Death of a bard, a scout, a national treasure, and a hero

                            News has finally been broken to the people of the Funglish Dominion that the popular (but very loud) bard, Oswald, was killed whilst returning from a tour of Metalhead lands.

                            Oswald the Noisy Bard was very popular with the people, but many government officials preferred to appreciate his music from a distance... another country for example. He was encouraged to around a tour of the Metalhead lands, as they had proven that their favourite styles of music conformed to their own. He was also asked to peacefully explore the surrounding landscape, as the Funglish scholars had not yet developed a means of sharing their heavy-yet-delicate map-scrolls with the Metalheads.

                            Whilst on tour, he apparently learned of another nation to the south, known as the Khmer, and once the tour was over, he dilligently arranged a series of post-tour concerts on the southern border of the Metalhead lands, in hopes of attracting a Khmer representative, with whom he could talk.

                            Unfortunately, on his way to the concert venue, he was set upon by a gang of axe-wielding wildmen in the woods. The mercanary escort provided by the Metalheads was unfortunately engaged in fighting another band of wildmen and arrived too late to save Oswald. They carried his body back to the Metalhead captial of Black Sabbath, where he will be picked up by none other than the RCS Fungolia herself.

                            Prince Alexander McFungal V has sent his sympathy to Oswald's family, and his thanks to the Metalhead people for their respectful treatment of Oswald in both his life and his death.

                            In other news, the Prince has also announced the success of a trade aggreement with the Holy Roman Empire. With our abundance of fish, we have been able to trade for an exotic food known to the Holy Roman people as Beef. However, some people have expressed an opinion that yet more food for some of the more glutenous members of society will just cause more lazyness and other problems. Prince Alexander agreed that when the time was right, he would attempt to arrange for some compensation for the fish, other than just more food, but that the time was not now.

                            We hope to have more on the story of Oswald very soon.
                            Ceeforee v0.1 - The Unofficial Civ 4 Editor -= Something no Civ Modder should ever be without =- Last Updated: 27/03/2009
                            "Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there's no conspiracy"


                            • We have responded.
                              To General Tullus Hostilius, Portugal has replied.


                              • At the request of Mr. Roosevelt, the Celtic people have joined forces with the Americans to combat the barbarians streaming into our lands from the north and east. We must find out where these mongrels are originating and put an end to the war the rage across our peaceful lands.

