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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Organization Thread]

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  • but save some for me cuz i want to kick his *** too.


    • Maya you misunderstood what the community asked you to do.

      Return the worker ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      What is with this new war now? (not backed story wise at ALL)


      • I don't think it is a matter of misunderstanding at all. He's been pushing all along to see what he can get away with. So far he's had his way, so he just keeps on pushing.


        • Originally posted by Pitboss Korea
          I don't think it is a matter of misunderstanding at all. He's been pushing all along to see what he can get away with. So far he's had his way, so he just keeps on pushing.
          If this is what he is doing then stop him. greece basically said they would help you so why not both beat up the mayans.


          • [OOC]CyberShy: I'm subbing for Rome, he's gone all week. I didn't pay attention to the in-game posts to Rome, just because I didn't think about that. I didn't knew that the in-game password would match the poly password, but apparantly it does, so I'll try to fix what I have broken right away.[/OOC]

            Looks like Cyber, always thinking in code, wants a new html tag....

            "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
            *deity of THE DEITIANS*
            icq: 8388924


            • Resolving things in game is not always possible., if mayans are larger and more developed than korea and or greece how is an in game solution possible.

              We must do something ASAP to address this issue .

              I propose that if MAya doesnt abide by the community then he should be reomved from the game and cotnrol given to a sub such as Capo.

              Posting re wars is what diplo is all about.

              And saying your civ is warlike in an early post does not cover you for the rest of the game.

              We have of course the 2nd issue of HRE not posting at all and he declaring war on Ozzy.

              I have no big issue with England if they have not met anyone, but some posting would be nice anyway.

              Yes i may post too much, but if the smallest civ of all can post often then the big civs who are scoring well must have sometihng to post about.

              They must have hit milestones in reasearch, buildings erected, 2nd or 3rd citys etc.

              If everything is to remain in secret then the essence of Diplo is gone.

              Lets sort out the WAR issues and then get some posts up


              • Originally posted by Pitboss Vikings
                Resolving things in game is not always possible., if mayans are larger and more developed than korea and or greece how is an in game solution possible.

                We must do something ASAP to address this issue .

                I propose that if MAya doesnt abide by the community then he should be reomved from the game and cotnrol given to a sub such as Capo.

                It doesn't matter how big the Mayans are it doesn't mean that they can still have a war on two fronts and think they will win, especially if another civ who is not that far away also joins the fight. And I’m sorry but capo will have to wait. I know you want him to play but kicking another player out is not the way to go especially since the Mayans at least make post and comments unlike the HRE.


                • also keep in mind regardless of how anyone handles this situation even if the "mob" decides to kick the mayan player out and put capo in i WILL STILL KILL THE MAYANS. where it is the person playing now or someone new my rage will be without mercy. so remember that when someone wants to take over the mayan filth.


                  • NO ONE WILL ROB ME OF MY GLORY!!!!!!!!!
                    Last edited by Pitboss Japan; July 11, 2008, 21:13.


                    • Damn it Maya where is your story about a 2nd war now???
                      The Coreans were given 3 moons (turns) to agree to my boarder, which is more or less a 40/60 split (which I think is fair considering).

                      The Mayan proposal is that Corea not build a city more then three lengths north of their capital. We are well aware of the land south of your capital while we have only ocean to our backs. You have three moons to agree or disagree.
                      The Coreans are currently researching a warfare tech, so I am not going to wait around and play into this stall tactic. Nor will I give back the worker. My capital is surrounded by jungle on all sides, which is unfair in and of itself. I don't know WTF Pinchak was thinking when he made this map. Anyway, saying that "OOC confusion" caused Corea to lose it's worker is redicoulous. Corea lost its worker because he didn't move it like a logical player would have.

                      PS: I had NO idea prior to a few posts ago who was England. Please people, we are not going through the hassle of anon just so people can announce who they are.
                      Last edited by Pitboss Maya; July 11, 2008, 21:25.


                      • no one besides you knows who i really am just like i know who you really are.


                        • i don't think you should diss pinchak i'm 100% sure he worked very hard on the map.


                          • This is just ridiculous. You were told by the community MANY times to give the worker back. You were also told to NEGOTIATE a border agreement. Instead, you're just pulling more of your usual BS. Hopefully now the rest of the community is ready to put a stop to it.


                            • wait why does the community have to do anything? if you would have just agreed this would all be over and we could talk about more important things like what to do with the HRE who seem to refuse to write anything.


                              • How dare the HRE start a war with Ozzy without saying anything. am i right i mean this issue is alot more important then the Korean/Mayan war that is getting boring.

