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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Organization Thread]

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  • If you surrounded by jungle you should hasve built your own worker not built warriors to go to war with.

    The real thing with DIPLO is the community not the GAME.

    This is continuing to be a normal Civ Game not a DIPLO game.

    If oyu dont like the fact the community can make decisions affecting the game then dont play DIPLO go back to normla CIV MP games.

    The community decided you give the worker back.

    The bordr agreement has nothing to do with the worker.

    In fact the time delay of not giving the worker back should be addressed too with a further penalty.


    • This is just ridiculous. You were told by the community MANY times to give the worker back. You were also told to NEGOTIATE a border agreement. Instead, you're just pulling more of your usual BS. Hopefully now the rest of the community is ready to put a stop to it.
      Blah, blah, blah. Whatever.

      You milked the cheating thing forever until it was determined that I really didn't cheat.

      Then you cried about how you didn't move your worker because you thought I was cheating.

      Meanwhile, the reality of it is you forsaked defence to grab a religion and build, knowing that you could whine OOC if anyone attacked you.

      Even with the loss of the worker you fair well on the scoreboard.

      Underhanded Veteran tactics at their finest. Sorry to call you on it ingame. And this crap about me not leading up to it the story thread is more bullcrap. Next time I'll post "I am going to attack you" in large text so this cop-out can't be used either.
      Last edited by Pitboss Maya; July 11, 2008, 22:15.


      • @ Vikings, just so there is no confusion, I am going to grind you into the ground when I run across you. Consider this my "pre-war post". I'm tired of you constant requests that I be penaltlized, removed from the game, etc...

        Just because YOU and a few other players don't agree with what happened doesn't mean that is the general consensous. There are infact several players who have sided with me in this whole deal. Just because they don't post every 2 hours like you doesn't mean their opinion counts any less.

        And this whole crap about how "I was TOLD to negoiate boarders". WTF is this? In the future will I be TOLD by the community not to build nukes? Or not to settle new lands?

        I have the upper hand here ingame, and I laid out a fair boarder. Korea then counters with a boarder that was totally unfair to me even if he had the upper hand. I gave the ultimatium, they stalled, and now we are at war again.

        Certain people really got to take a step back and examine what right they have to be self appointed judges. As I see it, the community was somewhat split on the whole worker thing.
        Last edited by Pitboss Maya; July 11, 2008, 22:17.


        • Well, I'm not going to bother arguing with you anymore.

          I was told to have faith in the community about the worker and to negotiate in-game about the border. I have done both.

          Your reaction is sad, but predictable. You've taken advantage of the situation so far, and the community has talked tough at times but has done nothing to stop you. It's not really surprising that you'd keep up the BS.

          Hopefully, though, by now it will be clear enough to people that something has to be done to put an end to it.


          • Originally posted by Pitboss Korea
            Well, I'm not going to bother arguing with you anymore.

            I was told to have faith in the community about the worker and to negotiate in-game about the border. I have done both.

            Your reaction is sad, but predictable. You've taken advantage of the situation so far, and the community has talked tough at times but has done nothing to stop you. It's not really surprising that you'd keep up the BS.

            Hopefully, though, by now it will be clear enough to people that something has to be done to put an end to it.
            Without taking sides here (he he) I really think if I WERE Corea I would have accepted the Maya offer.

            I don't think the community said give back the worker regardless.

            The community said for the two to negotiate.

            Maya is stronger and made a peace offer including the return of the worker.

            Corea must accept it.

            I don't want to see either of these players leave the game or be forced.

            Corea has a responsibilty to the game here.

            Please accept the offer or it will be over one way or the other as you say.


            I'll never forget the brilliant peace offer I made to Ljube in HOTW4. I asked for a city of his to be left ENTIRELY undefended for the rest of eternity after I waged war with him. He acceptd the offer and stayed competetive throughout the game.
            "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
            *deity of THE DEITIANS*
            icq: 8388924


            • i'm sorry but its still not clear all i can think about is that dam HRE who won't post


              • Originally posted by Pitboss Japan
                How dare the HRE start a war with Ozzy without saying anything. am i right i mean this issue is alot more important then the Korean/Mayan war that is getting boring.
                Well, I'm not against the surprise attack.

                BUT how many turns is it now?

                A story post is mandatory at least after the declaration and the first shot of the war.


                That reminds me - a few weeks ago I accidentally picked the wrong civ (no glasses on) and it was passworded (I discovered after clicking the empty password box). Then realised it wasn't the [Coreans] so I backed out of course as I scrmbled for my glasses... yeah yeah I should be more careful but the point being that if civs are passwoprded and bad feeling erupts and players leave we might be in trouble..
                "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                icq: 8388924


                • Originally posted by Pitboss Japan
                  i'm sorry but its still not clear all i can think about is that dam HRE who won't post
                  Well, if it's not clear then who has a chance here?

                  The community can't over play its cards here. Guidance yes but not draconian threats.
                  "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                  *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                  icq: 8388924


                  • well if the Koreans aren't going to give in then i don't see why they need help from the rest of us.


                    • Originally posted by Pitboss Japan
                      well if the Koreans aren't going to give in then i don't see why they need help from the rest of us.
                      I hate to agree and I like Corea but that is sort of what I'm saying I guess.

                      Can't he get Maya to take up his religion and then both form a solid Buddhist bloc?
                      "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                      *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                      icq: 8388924


                      • the mayans should convert if the koreans would stop b*tching about the f*ckinf worker. god if i have to read abouth that gd worker i'm going to invade korea and maya at the same time and kill all of their f*cking workers


                        • On another point whilst I spam... I'll be a deity poster one day...

                          I'm getting real cranky with all these breaks of anon.

                          I'm even cranky with Cyber!!

                          I think a game starts with a team decision to play anonymously.

                          All players should abide by it. It adds much fun and totally catches out players who try to second guess the real player - which is a real joke anyway as we don't really know who the humans are. Like I'm deity! WTF is deity???!!!

                          A tired old man in the Australian bush OR a Youth Rights Campainer in Washington?

                          You still don't know him which defgeats my argument some what but all the same...

                          Please play anon properly.

                          Don't brag about who is who ot how many you know.

                          Don't make big posts based on second guessed assumptions.

                          Don't give any clues as to who you are (although easy to make mistakes so stay on guard)

                          And as Cyber suggested way back - try to disguise your anon.
                          "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                          *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                          icq: 8388924


                          • Give in to what? I've been trying to negotiate a settlement in the story thread, but all I got was ONE post from him giving me an ultimatum that I let him take 90% of the land between our capitals.

                            As for the worker, it has been said from the beginning that it is not part of the negotiations and that it should be returned immediately. Hell, Cyber even said that he'd pause the game if it wasn't returned ASAP. I makes me think that it isn't a coincidence that Maya waited until he was gone for the weekend before launching his latest attack.


                            • all I got was ONE post from him giving me an ultimatum that I let him take 90% of the land between our capitals.
                              Fact of the matter is, there is not much land between our capitals. Which is quite odd considering some civs claim they have more land then they know what to do with.

                              To give you rights to that land would be giving you 90% of the land between our capitals.

                              I feel my proposal was fair. It creates a north/south boarder between us that is roughly the same distance.

                              I can't fault you for trying to fight for as much as you can get, but to claim that my proposal is totally out of line is logicly dishonest.

                              PS: My decision to declare war again had nothing to do with CS and his vacation. I gave the warning several days before CS even annouced his leave of absence.


                              • EDITED ?////

                                Ok i am over all this, this is obviously not a DIPLO game , so at least when it all over it wont go down in the history books as one.

                                Go ahead everyone, forget the ROLEPLAYING. go back to the old ways of CIV MP games.

                                Dont post at all, just attack for no reason and forget the whole DIPLO.
                                Last edited by Pitboss Vikings; July 12, 2008, 02:44.

