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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Organization Thread]

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  • Glad to see that we are going back to the 12 hour timer. I personally think it is just too soon to switch to anything longer than that.

    Maybe in 50-100 turns it will be more reasonable to have an increase in the timer.


    • my posts and Korea should be combined
      Quit posting in your real login and this won't be a concern.


      • Pinhead makes a good point


        • Originally posted by Pitboss Japan
          how do you know if cyber post or no since he won't give his identity away for all you know he could be persia or japan deff not rome though. we can't force people to post stories if they don't want to or don't have time to.
          I dont care if cyber posts . all we want is all 18 civs to post.

          The count abouve is simply the total number of posts by any one. ignore the posts by the real name players except for capo s korea the rest of the real name posts were not stories.


          I want someone to explain to me hoe the hell can a war be on with no POSTS about it, none about why it started, what is happeneding etc.

          Guys this truly sucks HRE were told to post and they stil lhavent, You guys are obviously of the majroity opinion that DIPLO has nothing to do with story posting

          Reading back through the Organisation thread CYBER invited someone who even said they wouldnt be bothered with the STORIES.

          PLEASE play this as a DIPLO style guys. I really dont care who has got the biggest penis, i just want to enjoy the storys and the game together.


          • well so no one gets confused I have the biggest penis and the vikings are right more people should be posting especially HRE.


            • Reading back through the Organisation thread CYBER invited someone who even said they wouldnt be bothered with the STORIES.

              I did? Who was it?
              A diplogame requires stories. period.

              Though it's not like all players have to write a story ever 2 days. That's up to the players themselves. I'd say one story for every week would be nice though.
              Formerly known as "CyberShy"
              Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


              • Originally posted by CyberShy
                Reading back through the Organisation thread CYBER invited someone who even said they wouldnt be bothered with the STORIES.

                I did? Who was it?
                A diplogame requires stories. period.

                Though it's not like all players have to write a story ever 2 days. That's up to the players themselves. I'd say one story for every week would be nice though.
                let me go check again.. i cant recall if he joined or not
                Mike / Glohithia told me by PM that he may be interested.
                I'll send him a PM again, he said that he wasn't really interested in the story telling, but he was in the diplo-part.
                Last edited by Pitboss Vikings; July 18, 2008, 18:58.


                • 1. Mike's not in this game.
                  2. someone's who's not into story telling (= doesn't like it) can still write stories. It's not the same as "wouldn't be bothered with the stories" as you suggested earlier.

                  Seriously Ras, I don't think that it will serve your position/opinion if you keep on posting once or twice a day how much you think that others aren't living up to your opinion of a diplogame.

                  Most (16) players are posting stories on a regular base. I'd even say that this game has more story posts then any other diplogame before!

                  We all wish that the HRE and the English would be more involved. We all try to get this done.
                  Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                  Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                  • i think there should be some penalty for those who don't post like if someone doesn't post something at least once a week Japan has the right to go to war with them and no one can interfear.


                    • Greece again sir your surpass yourself!


                      • i am so tempted to go to war against greece now just to see what the screen shots would look like.


                        • he is a computer graphics whiz, well done greece.


                          • Originally posted by Pitboss Japan
                            i think there should be some penalty for those who don't post like if someone doesn't post something at least once a week Japan has the right to go to war with them and no one can interfear.
                            actuallt good idea, if they not posting they dont exist so therefore the world wouldnt even know you at war....


                            • its a shame i can't since HRE is on the other side of the world.


                              • oh well maybe someone on my side will be stupid enought to come start a war with me. if i were only that lucky.

