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HOTW XII Diplogame Organization Thread. Part 2

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  • What about MCC as a temporary host?
    Modern man calls walking more quickly in the same direction down the same road “change.”
    The world, in the last three hundred years, has not changed except in that sense.
    The simple suggestion of a true change scandalizes and terrifies modern man. -Nicolás Gómez Dávila


    • *************************************************


      Or at least the first version is. I couldn't e-mail it like previously planned, but its ready to go, and you can download it by CLICKING HERE!

      Here are a few notes and things I would like everyone to try and do;

      1) Please check the civlopedia when you load the mod to make sure everything works (check all of the new leaderheads, make sure there are fourteen inquisitors with theology the religion and a cathedral as their prereqs, make sure there are missionaries for all fourteen religions, make sure there are buildings for all of the new religions, make sure the spies have the new promotions)

      2) Remember to play a CUSTOM GAME and select CHOOSE RELIGIONS to see the new religions, make sure the symbols are right and look polished.

      3) Make sure the Inquisitors work. You should ONLY be able to build them under the Paganism, Theocracy, and Organized Religion civics. And under Paganism and Theocracy they require the state-religion to be present in the city AND a cathedral from that religion (under Theology they can be built without cathedrals).

      4) Take time to look around, check out the new civ colors and flags, check out their new unit-styles, and city-styles. I worked hard to make this good so I want to make sure everyone is happy with it.


      "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

      One Love.


      • i'm back. sort of. havent even looked at this for ages. sure I'll play the game to end on pitboss.
        Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


        • Originally posted by Heraclitus
          What about MCC as a temporary host?
          I'll contact him and ask.
          Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

          When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


          • Originally posted by Heraclitus
            What about MCC as a temporary host?
            No idea who MCC is, but I'm willing to give it go if need be.
            Ceeforee v0.1 - The Unofficial Civ 4 Editor -= Something no Civ Modder should ever be without =- Last Updated: 27/03/2009
            "Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there's no conspiracy"


            • Excellent. Someone get this man a save.

              What do you guys think of a long timer, like 40 hours?

              We also need players for Russia & Ottomans, since I don't think their original players want to do Pitboss. I'll recruit from BtP.

              I'll get MMC a save when I get home tonight if no one beats me to it.
              Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

              When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


              • In other news, I finally figured out how to turn my PC on remotely.
                Ceeforee v0.1 - The Unofficial Civ 4 Editor -= Something no Civ Modder should ever be without =- Last Updated: 27/03/2009
                "Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there's no conspiracy"


                • WE'RE BACK!!!!!!!

                  MMC has it all set up, I just logged in and it worked great.


                  password: diplo


                  Everyone's password for civstats is 'apolyton'

                  This is the best save I've got, the turn is all done except for Holland. So... the game is live and ready to go.

                  Should we talk a bit about the state of the game before Holland takes his turn?

                  There is no turn timer on it now, and apparently it is impossible to add one. So we can't move forward until everyone takes their turn.
                  Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                  When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                  • Please note:

                    For CivStats, you can use the same login as for BtP (if you're in that game also). Once you're logged in, goto the link Ozzy posted, and click "Register your Leader". It will then ask you for a password, which as Ozzy said is 'apolyton'

                    For those who don't already have a CivStats account, you can freely make one, and it'll give you a turn timer and a diplomacy center to send diplomatic messages back and forth. It's free to sign up, and you may use whatever username/password you like, and it won't ruin any anon play. The name you use to sign into CivStats is simply used to send you emails telling you that it's a new turn or you have a new diplomail. The website gleams the player names from the actual game itself, so as long as you log in with anon names, then you have nothing to worry about (if you worry about that sort of thing).
                    Ceeforee v0.1 - The Unofficial Civ 4 Editor -= Something no Civ Modder should ever be without =- Last Updated: 27/03/2009
                    "Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there's no conspiracy"


                    • Great job Ozzy and MMC! I am ready to go here

                      So who are we missing?

                      We have Beta and Danny ready to take over the missing civs


                      • Ozzy you are right only Holland hasn't ended his turn. Holland enter and end the turn so the game advances. See if all is OK. New turn we get Beta and Danny to join.

                        Beta and Danny we have two free civs I think: Ottomans and Russia.


                        • How do we decide who will take which civ. Personally i'm ok with any.


                          • If Bata doesn't mind I'll take the Ottomans.


                            • I just looked at the civ stats and it says the Ottomans have been eliminated. So are they really eliminated or not?


                              • hmmm. holland is deity. or was.
                                Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst

