Originally posted by OzzyKP
That is the whole point. "Successful development of your civ" has now changed. By "successful development" you mean "the fastest path to launching the ship". Which gets you some points, but not enough to ignore other objectives. The point of this system is to encourage players to look at the game holistically instead of focusing exclusively on that one goal.
If you don't take the whole game into consideration you will lose.
That is the whole point. "Successful development of your civ" has now changed. By "successful development" you mean "the fastest path to launching the ship". Which gets you some points, but not enough to ignore other objectives. The point of this system is to encourage players to look at the game holistically instead of focusing exclusively on that one goal.
If you don't take the whole game into consideration you will lose.
Originally posted by OzzyKP
And yes, people need to vote every week. Every week. It would be great if CS made regular nagging posts listing off who has and hasn't voted to remind us.
And yes, people need to vote every week. Every week. It would be great if CS made regular nagging posts listing off who has and hasn't voted to remind us.

I've also suggested that Lz or someone would do a post after each session with the number of turns done in each session. Next to the number of turns, would be a comment on who hasen't yet voted for that session.
- Who hasn't voted yet:
Session 1 .......... 45 turns ............................. None
Session 1 ......... 110 turns ........................... Diplo France
Session 3 .......... technical difficulties
/attached last save here/
/end of example/
Also I've suggested a Cyber sends nagging emails to all the players after each session.
Also I'd like to remind Holland that Carpathia is not nesecarily a new player, and that talking like he is is a breach on anon.
