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The HOTW VII - Setup Thread II (or the entrance of new mods)

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  • Yeah just PM something, I don't have any screenshots I am afraid.


    • my screens are at home. I only have one that I've uploaded to 'poly available here at the office. will mail you what I know that you know when I get home.
      Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


      • Lz and I were discussing the early expansion potential of the different civs and we pretty much came to the conclusion that the Roman question needs to be settled quickly. That is, is Capo going to be able to quickly take them over? Are we going to have a permanent sub for Rome (since Trev said its unlikely for him to come every time)

        Above all we need to avoid a roman AI because they are 1) Imperialistic and 2) centrally located. They will be causing all sorts of problems and the old just leave the AI alone message is not going to fly for anyone who shares a sensitive border with them. That means Rome's time to develop stable leadership is very low.



          As Frank mentioned some decisions need to be made and the sooner the better. Subs will probably be needed for this friday evening and it's important to get them now rather than scramble for them half an hour after the scheduled starting time. In order to do that we need to know how many we will need. I will likely be able to row up a flatmate or two, but that is a very unstable backup (they drink).

          We also need to determine the situation for certain players.

          Prussia. You need to make a statement if you are playing the coming friday. If not, you should make a statement concerning whether you still want to be in the game or not. If not we will either locate another player to take over, Thrak seems willing, if we cannot find anyone, we'll probably wipe out Carthage. Please hurry and say you want to play with us, we want to play with you. If you do want to play your civ, you must post your openness for diplomacy so people can get in touch with you. If you dont want to conduct any diplomacy at this stage, post and tell your neighbours that. Silence is not acceptable. If we havent heard from you by Thursday we will assume that you forfeit your civ and we'll find a replacement. All we need is a little post telling us you're still with us.

          TheCapo. You need to declare whether you will be able to get your comp functional shortly or if you can get access to another one before friday. If not you must make a decision whether you want us to dig up a sub for you again, and if you think you will be able to play the session after that (Sept. 15th). If you dont think you can get things up and running at all, or if you dont want to, then we will auction off Rome to a sub who would like a permanent position. We need to know your stance as soon as possible please. Same goes for you as for Prussia, if you do want to play your civ, you must post your openness for diplomacy so people can get in touch with you. If you dont want to conduct any diplomacy at this stage, post and tell your neighbours that. Silence is not acceptable. If we havent heard from you by Thursday we will assume that you forfeit your civ and we'll find a replacement. All we need is a little post telling us you're still with us.

          Omnipotent Trout According to the source himself his internet connection should be plugged in by the 7th of september, just in time for our game that starts the 8th (yes, yes, 9th for aussies and singaporeans). I will force a definite answer out of him and post it tomorrow.

          If anyone cant play friday, announce it as soon as possible so we can start digging subs out of their natural habitat.
          Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


          • If you all read my post thoroughly you will have noticed:

            A) The "suspicious" way I could post about the power was through my office computer. I swear to god I had to get a battering ram and beat down the door.

            B) I said I would be away for the weekend. I was. I'm back. No reason to go all, "Oh no! He's not posting! Quick, replace him with a permanent sub before he comes back! That'll teach him for having real life obligations!"

            I never said I was quitting. Hurricane Ernesto beat the hell out of my house. I left Saturday morning without power. Turns out my neighbors got it back 2 hours after I left. Go figure.

            I confirm for this weekend.



            • I would also appreciate a save of the game...


              • Ok, good.

                If Capo can't make it, then Thrak can step in. Perfect.

                btw, thanks ever so much Lz for taking on some of the organizing role (and Cyber & Frank and anyone else) for the game. Good to see that that isn't falling to me every game.
                Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                • Oh, and Colonel_T, I think the first thing to do since you are uncertain of what kind of information really does get posted in our story threads is read over the story thread from HOTWV. See how that develops. That is a perfect example of how a diplogame story thread looks.
                  Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                  When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                  • @Cyber: I know that the issue I raised before in the previous thread was never discussed because everyone who played before already undertood and took for granted that the way things were done before would be done again. But, it wasn't explained fully to me before the game began. I was under the false impression that spoiler info wasn't revealed anyhow because it doesn't make sense in the game.

                    I think there is no boredom as a writer or reader by limiting what you can say to all until all Civs have met. Anyhow, since all Civs are on the same continent, that won't take long as long as you might think.

                    In any case, allowing other players to post in a second thread without spoilers is not a big deal, and it hardly qualifies as a rule change. It simply gives us more options. Why does it matter if it's 2 threads? You only have to post in one, so you still end up reading the same amount of material if you want to look at both threads. Compared to my first proposal, it is a relatively minor concession. It amounts to making a couple more clicks of your mouse to make others happy.

                    To be fair, Cyber, Ozzy already did put this matter to a vote at my request. We should hear from what everyone has to say, regardless of whether the game has started or not. If both votes turn out against me and I am required to post in the original thread, I will do so, however unhappy I may be.

                    I am also confirming for Friday.
                    "When you have to kill a man, it costs nothing to be polite." - Winston Churchill


                    • Ozzy, I posted my last post without knowing about your last one because it takes me a while to type. I will look at the HOTWV story thread.
                      "When you have to kill a man, it costs nothing to be polite." - Winston Churchill


                      • If a rule isn't mentioned, it's not there.
                        And I know that Ozzy said that we could vote on it, I just disagree on that. We can continue to vote on new rules till the game ends. It doesn't matter if ideas are good or bad, the changing the rules should just not happen during the game unless something is really going wrong. That's my opinion. And the fact that the majority voted against your rule or ignored it backs my opinion up I think.
                        Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                        Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                        • I vote against a second thread as I dont feel it is altogether necessary. We can always compromise and post any screenshots that might reveal too much as links rather than in-post pics. Also, for those who are on one side of the continent it doesnt matter much what civs on the other side are doing or what their land looks like. Rich posts by all will just give more juice to the development of world history.

                          We have to remember that this is a time when rumours and legends are the basis for knowledge of other nations rather than cold facts. Posting in terms that your neighbours will understand, but faraway civs will not is of course encouraged, but not required. Once again, what we know of far away civs is what rumours and other civs tell us. If you dont wanna know more, simply scroll past and dont read the posts of civs you havent met yet.

                          If you want to stay in the dark you can just avoid certain civ's posts until you meet them.

                          @ Prussia. Sorry, just making sure. I didnt see the part about you being gone for the weekend and interpreted your absence as a lack of interest in your civ. My bad. I should have awarded you more trust and the benefit of doubt. I am ashamed I will now commit seppuku, ritual suicide... Hang on, I'm playing vikings, not Japan. Never mind the suicide part.

                          Omni wants to play. His ISP should hook him up on the 7th. I will post again then to update you. If he doesnt himself.

                          @ Frank. Taro cant be king, you havent invented monarchy warchief, tribeschief, chieftain, leader, sensei, master quecha, chief mining excavator (for dwarves in fantasy worlds) and lots more fit better for this time period.

                          I would request generally that people try to avoid using terms not invented yet. I dont actually have the authority to demand it, but I would ask nicely that people avoid anachronisms as much as possible. No books until writing, no kings until monarchy, no helicopters before they're invented etc. Just my opinion on the matter. In this case it isnt really very important, but I like to split hairs
                          Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


                          • I am with LzPrst on that, try to avoid things you haven't invented yet. (God, King, Letters).
                            I have written an open letter before writing as well, I changed it in a message to everyone.

                            Thrak, can you take over the Romans next session (since Prussia will be playing next friday). I think there's a good change that The Capo won't be able to play in this game and you can take over the Romans permanently. (If you want to).

                            Perhaps it's even better if we let you continue to play the Carthagians and let Prussia play the Romans. I think it's getting pretty clear that The Capo can't join this game

                            I think that it's better in that case if Thrak can just continue the civ he started last session. I think it's not so bad for Prussia to take over the Romans. But only if Thrak and Prussia agree on that.
                            Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                            Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                            • I'll leave it up to Prussia to decide what he wants to do.

                              I am more than happy to play the Romans instead (assuming Capo doesn't play).


                              • well, we have until thursday to make a decision. If capo hasnt called in by then we have to make a decision.

                                actually, prussia has to make a decision since it is the same for thrak. the sooner you make that call the sooner us other players can initiate diplomacy with the both of you.
                                Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst

