Official Spanish Response

His Catholic Majesty Carlos V, King of Aragon, King of Castille, King of Leon, Duke of Toledo and Emperor of the Holy Spanish Empire.
TO: Captain William Manning, Lord Protector of England.
FROM: Don Pedro Abarca de Bolea, Foreign Minister of Spain.
We commend you and your intrepid explorers and settlers, as well as those of the Inca, for your glorious efforts in discovering and settling a New World. Certainly any nation capable of such feats shows their greatness and acumen as civilized states.
Emperor Carlos V must respectfully decline your terms. Spain is not in this war, we have stated on at least two occasions that we are not part of this war. We have done nothing to America, we have done nothing to France, and have done nothing to Germany. Therefore we must decline the second part of your suggested peace terms.
To repeat; Spain has nothing to do with this war, the presence of our military in the area is merely to observe the conflict and as stated previously to ensure that there are no plans on the part of Germany and America to invade and conquer India, something that the German King Robert threatened India with during the Boston conflict.
As for our interests in the New World; it would be foolhardy for us to make a decision either way on our aims in the New World, as we have no maps of it and thus don't know of its size, resources, natives, or frankly of its existance.
We do, however, support the summit in London and will send Archbishop Juan Pedro III to speak on behalf of Christendom for Spain. Along with him we shall send Spanish delicacies including Paella, Flan, and of course Wine from our vineyards in Seville for the celebratory feast.
Thank you for your time, and good luck with the Summit,
Don Pedro Abarca de Bolea

His Catholic Majesty Carlos V, King of Aragon, King of Castille, King of Leon, Duke of Toledo and Emperor of the Holy Spanish Empire.
TO: Captain William Manning, Lord Protector of England.
FROM: Don Pedro Abarca de Bolea, Foreign Minister of Spain.
We commend you and your intrepid explorers and settlers, as well as those of the Inca, for your glorious efforts in discovering and settling a New World. Certainly any nation capable of such feats shows their greatness and acumen as civilized states.
Emperor Carlos V must respectfully decline your terms. Spain is not in this war, we have stated on at least two occasions that we are not part of this war. We have done nothing to America, we have done nothing to France, and have done nothing to Germany. Therefore we must decline the second part of your suggested peace terms.
To repeat; Spain has nothing to do with this war, the presence of our military in the area is merely to observe the conflict and as stated previously to ensure that there are no plans on the part of Germany and America to invade and conquer India, something that the German King Robert threatened India with during the Boston conflict.
As for our interests in the New World; it would be foolhardy for us to make a decision either way on our aims in the New World, as we have no maps of it and thus don't know of its size, resources, natives, or frankly of its existance.
We do, however, support the summit in London and will send Archbishop Juan Pedro III to speak on behalf of Christendom for Spain. Along with him we shall send Spanish delicacies including Paella, Flan, and of course Wine from our vineyards in Seville for the celebratory feast.
Thank you for your time, and good luck with the Summit,
Don Pedro Abarca de Bolea