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The History of the World V . . . .

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  • Official Spanish Response

    His Catholic Majesty Carlos V, King of Aragon, King of Castille, King of Leon, Duke of Toledo and Emperor of the Holy Spanish Empire.

    TO: Captain William Manning, Lord Protector of England.
    FROM: Don Pedro Abarca de Bolea, Foreign Minister of Spain.

    We commend you and your intrepid explorers and settlers, as well as those of the Inca, for your glorious efforts in discovering and settling a New World. Certainly any nation capable of such feats shows their greatness and acumen as civilized states.

    Emperor Carlos V must respectfully decline your terms. Spain is not in this war, we have stated on at least two occasions that we are not part of this war. We have done nothing to America, we have done nothing to France, and have done nothing to Germany. Therefore we must decline the second part of your suggested peace terms.

    To repeat; Spain has nothing to do with this war, the presence of our military in the area is merely to observe the conflict and as stated previously to ensure that there are no plans on the part of Germany and America to invade and conquer India, something that the German King Robert threatened India with during the Boston conflict.

    As for our interests in the New World; it would be foolhardy for us to make a decision either way on our aims in the New World, as we have no maps of it and thus don't know of its size, resources, natives, or frankly of its existance.

    We do, however, support the summit in London and will send Archbishop Juan Pedro III to speak on behalf of Christendom for Spain. Along with him we shall send Spanish delicacies including Paella, Flan, and of course Wine from our vineyards in Seville for the celebratory feast.

    Thank you for your time, and good luck with the Summit,

    Don Pedro Abarca de Bolea
    Last edited by Robert; January 31, 2008, 10:58.
    "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

    One Love.


    • [ I hope the menu has not put you off... ]

      "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
      *deity of THE DEITIANS*
      icq: 8388924


      • To: All nations of Terra
        From: George Washington, King of the Americans

        I call upon you in time of despair.
        Years ago an Indian army captured the city of Boston from the Americans. The Indians only accepted peace if America would give in on several Indian conditions.
        The people of Boston have been massacred by the Indians, assuming that their reports that there were only 1000 living people in Boston when they took it, are true.

        During the occupation the city of Boston stayed american. The citizen concidered themelves American for 100%, culturally the city was for the majority American and the people kept looking towards Robingthon in desire.

        About 30 years ago the American king Robert LXVII decided to construct an army and march to the ports of Boston and layed siege on it. Robert demanded that Boston should be returned to the Americans, no more, no less. If the Indians wouldn't give in, war would be upon them. The Indians gave in, and India and America signed an equal peace on equal conditions, and Boston became American again.

        Immediately the citizen started a "We love the King" celebration, showing their love for their American King and celebration the fact that they're a part of the American kingdom again.

        For about 30 years the peace between India and America lasted, though in secret the Indians worked on an army huge enough to erase America, and with weapons the Americans never had heard of.

        Apparantly the dispute of Boston will last forever.
        Therefor I call upon you for help in this matter.
        Please answer to whom this city should belong, though keep in mind that:

        1. 100% of the citizen of Boston are American
        2. Boston is 58% culturally American
        3. The citizen celebrated "We love the King" day straight after the American freed tem
        4. Boston was found by the American
        5. The Indians took Boston by force and layed an unequal peace upon the Americans
        6. The Americans took Boston by negotiation and offered an equal peace to India, including compensation
        7. The Americans massacred the original people of Boston. Eventhough the city rised from it's ashes it still conciders itself American.
        8. India ended an equal peace between America and India and is the aggressor for that reason.
        9. America stood up against the nation that occupied them for a long time and that layed multiple demans on them, and still no American soldier setted food upon Indian territory, excluding some small border skirmitches before the Indians gave Boston to the Americans (not by force!)

        I call upon your wisdom and your honor.
        May the nations of Terra speak in justice.
        Let Boston not be ruled again by alien soldiers, the people of Boston have suffered long enough.

        I will obey to your decision (by majority) and ask India to do the same. Since I have little allies in Terra I know this is a dangerous offer I do. Therefor I ask you to not vote for the case of Boston only with your alliance in your mind. But vote in freedom for justice.

        George Washington
        King of the Americans
        Last edited by Robert; January 31, 2008, 10:58.
        Formerly known as "CyberShy"
        Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


        • To: Captain Manning of England
          CC: All Nations

          I will attend the English summit on behalf of the Tsar.

          Boris Shuisky
          Prime Minister of the Russian Empire


          • To: George Washington, King of the Americans
            From: Inca Foreign Ministry
            CC: All nations of Terra

            On behalf of the Great Sapa Inca, and the people of the Inca nation, we wish to inform you that we sympathize with your cause for the city of Boston. Bear in mind that this is mainly an expression of moral support, for we will not support any military actions nor condone the use of force to regain control of the city, but we do believe that Boston should be in American hands.

            Note: This official response is of the Inca nation alone. It is not to be considered the official response of the Northern Alliance.
            "You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war" - Albert Einstein
            Eternal Ruler of the Incan Empire in the History of The World 5 Diplomacy Game. The Diplogame HotW 6 is being set up.
            Citizen of the Civ4 Single Player Democracy Game JOIN US!
            Wanna play some PBEMs!?


            • Re: Draft long term peace accord 1288AD

              TO: The World
              FROM: Rajaraja, First Consul for Life of India

              There shall be no peace. America and Germany have committed crimes against the Indian people - indeed against the American people as well. They must pay for their crimes.

              The people of Boston long to return to their homeland - India - with whom they share deep ties. Furthermore, it is an insult to international diplomacy to reward the behavior of America and Germany by allowing them to retain the spoils from their illegal invasion of India. If such surprize attacks are allowed to continue unchallenged, then there will be no end to them.

              No compromise, no deals, Boston will be taken back by India and that is final.

              American & German armies will also be reduced by half to prevent them from ever considering illegal surprize attacks in the future. Furthermore India requests a territory buffer between our nations. As India has been victim to more invasions of its soverign territory than any other nation on Terra, we require additional land for security purposes.

              India shall not discuss this or "barter" for this, as the vile Americans know no compromise or decency. We shall take this land and kill those who stand in our way.

              For the glory of India!

              Rajaraja Chola, First Consul for Life of India
              Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

              When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


              • TO: Captain Manning, of England
                FROM: Rajaraja, First Consul for Life of India
                SUBJECT: Private Addendum For Your Eyes Only

                Please disregard the earlier communique. Our people call out for blood, and demand a show of strength by India. If they are not placated publically with such notes, they shall once again rise up and install a less level-headed leader.

                It is also important we make a show of strength to the barbaric Americans, as they respect no law except the law of the jungle. The only language they understand is power and force, so thus force must be shown for the Americans to understand the situation. We know now that we must be on constant watch of that border, as the Americans will never be trusted to obey any peace treaty no matter how fair it is.

                That being said, I do believe your peace treaty is fair and honorable. No matter what we say publically, India does agree to the terms you have set forth. We cannot speak for our allies obviously, but India pledges one settler for the use of the southern nations and pledges to stay out of the new world.

                I will personally attend the London Summit and look forward to the famous crab recipies of your people. However my presence there must be kept under wraps, for if it is widely known I am attending a peace summit, my position in India could be in jeopardy.

                I thank you for putting forth a reasonable offer and for finding a suitable middle ground that the Moscow Summit never even considered. Surely Captain Manning shall be renowned for his wisdom and sense of fairness.

                I look forward to seeing London with my own eyes, for I have heard many stories. We share a common heritage, as both Hinduism and Confuconism are deeply held beliefs in both our two nations. I would like to see that common identity serve as the basis for a new understanding and relationship between our two peoples.

                Thank you again for the fair and balanced peace offering, I only hope the Americans will be willing to compromise - as they were entirely unwilling to consider it at the last summit.

                - Rajaraja Chola, First Consul of India

                Originally posted by deity
                World Announcement of draft peace accord: 17 May 1288AD

                From: Captain Manning
                To: All nations of Terra

                I have not yet had the opportunity to speak with my allies, particularly the Inca, but I have a draft plan that may ease world tensions and lead to longer term peace.

                This proposal is based on political pragmatism rather than any strong beliefs I may hold. But through this all nations may yet end up better off.

                As you may have heard the Inca/English missions to conquer the "New World" are well underway. We would like to claim the entire New World for ourselves but personally I believe this is not helpfull to the smaller nations of the world.

                The 3 point plan:

                1) America returns Boston to India immediately.
                2) The big powers provide the English or Inca with a settler each to be shipped to the New World in order that one new city is established for each of the three Southern states - France, America, Germany.
                3) The 4 super powers declare no interest in settling the New World.

                The advantage of this for everyone will be centuries if not infinite world peace and prosperity.

                I may not have thought through all aspects of this plan but do believe it is a basis for discussion. Subsequent discussions will evolve between the Star Alliance member states regarding further development in the New World.

                I will speak to the Inca as soon as I may and suggest a London Summit this week [OOC 30 mins prior to game start].

                You are invited to partake of the finest English cuisine on the shores of Crab Beach - North London.


                * Crab pate on crab rye bread
                * Crab de la carte
                * Bully Beef Steaks imported from Rusia with fresh sated American vegetables
                * Fine wines from ancient Inca estates and English ales

                I would like to nominate the finest of friends and allies, the Capa of the Inca, as the chair of the Summit. I seek his advice.

                Yours sincerely,

                the Cap'n
                Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                • Invasion of America in India?
                  Don't make me laugh. No American soldier has putted a food on Indian ground after the World War. American soldiers lined up in front of the gates of Boston. Though the land in front of those gates was American. Then a few small battles were fought on the border (the Indians attacked first, eventhough the Americans declared wars). Then India gave Boston to the Americans who entered.

                  And even in the World War it was India who declared war upon America. And it was India who invaded American ground.

                  Once again I call upon all nations of Terra to help America and deliver this world from this Madman who has a limmited view on reality.

                  George Washington
                  King of the Americans
                  Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                  Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                  • 100 Miles Off the Coast of England...

                    Admiral Hidalgo gazed longingly into the horizon, the ship had finally reached the open seas after braving the arctic waters north of Spain, sailing past Russia, the Incan Empire, and Mongolia finally passing England and reaching the vast ocean. He was on a mission from Santo Rodrigo to locate, map, and potentially explore the so-called New World.

                    "Now this is peace!" General DeMores said as he approached the Admiral.

                    "Ah yes, the wind is crisp, the air is cool, look at this sunrise! It almost makes you happy to be free from Spain," he replied turning to the General "All of the talk of war, and of peace, and of negotiations, and death, its depressing. This, this is what I live for."

                    The General was impressed with the Admiral's enthusiasm "Well Admiral, it is good to have someone of your caliber at the helm here. I am going to retire to my quarters, I will see you in the morning..."

                    Madrid, Spain...

                    Emperor Carlos V angrily entered the cathedral in Madrid, the decision to send the Archbishop rather than an official representative from Spain to London was indeed his own, but he didn't realize that the Archbishop would be acting as a puppet of the Pope rather than a Spanish representative. "Right this way Emperor." one of the guards said to him, indicating the enterance to the Archbishop's chambers.

                    "Please, Emperor, I beg of you to halt this at once. It will cause problems with the Pope, right before the summit." Pedro Abarca de Bolea tried to reason with him, but he too was angry, and understood why the Emperor was disgruntled.

                    "Pedro, no, I musn't allow this to occur. They have fooled me for the last time, and I will have none of it, SPAIN will have none of it." the Emperor said as he approached the doorway. "Alright, give me the letter."

                    "Emperor, are you sure you want to do this? The Pope may not like it, and the Russ-"

                    "The Pope is nothing but a priest Pedro! Hand it to me!" the Emperor commanded as Pedro fumbled through his papers looking for it.

                    "Here, here we are." Pedro said glancing at the letter "This is it right here."

                    Meanwhile, in the Archbishop's Chamber...

                    "The missionaries were able to travel with the Conquistadors to the south, they should arrive in Berlin very soon, and we can begin our plans." a priest said to the Archbishop.

                    "Thank you father Pochenko, the Pope will be thrilled!" Archbishop Juan Pedro III replied, just then the door swung upen and two imperial guards entered.

                    "His Catholic Majesty, Emperor Carlos V!" the guard said as the Emperor entered, he was not in a good mood.

                    "Ahh, your Majesty!" the Archbishop said, bowing.

                    "Spare me Juan Pedro!" the Emperor said "Now, you tell me everything now, or you will be sorry."

                    "My liege," the Archbishop said, smiling nervously "I don't know what you speak of."

                    "Oh, I bet you don't, why don't you ask your Russian friend over here what they're planning?" the Emperor said.

                    "Emperor, Father Pochenko may be Russian, but he is a Holy man, and he is to be respected and venerated, he plots nothing against you or Spain, I assure you." the Archbishop explained.

                    "Read it." the Emperor said as he threw the letter on his desk...

                    To the Spanish church
                    From Foundation of Order, Hermann the Staunch

                    As you are well aware Germany is a mainly jewish nation. My own brother, Rabbi Jakob, represents a great strength in this particular faith and through him it is intertwined with our nations rule.

                    However, I must inform you that I have recently found the Light of Christ to be the Truth and I would as a result request that Spain send christian missionaries to my country. The reason for this is twofold. The first is of course my desire to see my people find the Truth of Christianity, the second is to break the jewish grip of power upon the nations rule as it has in many ways caused as much harm as it has caused good.

                    My brother is not only a wise man and a strong guide to the nations religious flocks, but he is also a man of considerable integrity and intelligence. If you could send your most divinely inspired missionaries you may succeed in converting him as he will respectfully listen to their views and if he finds them to be True, as I have, then he will likely convert and as a consequence bring with him all of Germany's believers as he has the most stirring and powerful way with words and can argue with considerable ability and wisdom. This is of course a double edged sword as this ability is what will be the obstacle for his conversion. However, if you can argue strongly enough for our faith that he be convinced, you will have won all of Germany for Christianity.

                    You should as I see it perform two actions in order to succeed in this matter. The first would be to send missionaries to convert the common folk of Germany and thus build a base that will strenghten your arguments by giving popular desire for a change. The second would be to send an official letter to my brother, Wilhelm Upholder of Wisdom, as an opener for the religious discussion that will hopefully end with his conversion. As the Holy Spirit will surely be with you in this matter I foresee success to be inevitable eventually.

                    -Hermann of Germania.
                    "Certainly you can't be serious Emperor, this means nothing, it is simply a request from Germany, that is all." the Archbishop replied.

                    "And, what was your response?"

                    "Well, I can't make a decision such as this one it must go through the Pope in Yaroslav'l, not the Archbishop of Spain, so I-"

                    Charles threw another letter on the Archbishop's desk...

                    In the name of his Holiness Pope Paul VI, I will agree to the terms of your letter and will begin, along with the Russians, sending missionaries to the southland for the purposes of converting your faith to Christianity.

                    You must understand, and I hope you do, that this must be kept in full confidence, even from the leadership of Germany or any other state for this to occur. If we are implicated, or exposed, we will deny any involvement.

                    Further you must understand that Spanish soldiers are ALREADY in India. I hope that since I have divulged these facts you understand that Spain means no harm to Germany, America, or France in the upcoming war, and will take a measure of neutrality similar to that of his most Catholic Majesty Czar Peter II. We will remain there as observers, to make sure that the Jews remain staunch to their position; in effect we will make sure your nations maintains a defensive position as you claim you shall. In the meanwhile the Catholic Church will make constant attempt to gain a peace treaty between India, America, and Germany; one that is not wholly unfair or biased.

                    You have my promise, as the Archbishop of the Spanish Catholic Church. We shall uphold our word. Further, any possible confrontation between Germany and Spain during the war WILL BE LIMITED. If this is not understood, and Germany flies off the handle over Spanish troops in the area, I assure you it will be the last mistake Germany ever made.

                    Again, we will grant your missionaries, and will remain neutral (with POTENTIAL for limited involvement) during the war, so long as Germany and America do not go on a war of conquest.

                    That is all,

                    Archbishop Juan Pedro III.
                    "What do you have to say for yourself, Archbishop?" the Emperor asked.

                    "My liege, it was done merely for your own protection. You must understand, if it came out that we were sending missionaries to Germany what message would that send? If you knew about it, there would certainly be war, so I tried to threaten Germany into silence, you must understand this was done for Spain, for God, and for you Emperor." the Archbishop explained.

                    "Oh, I see, you believe it fit for a man of YOUR status to keep secrets from his Emperor? You think I believe you?" Carlos asked "What does the Pope know of this, truly? What does Peter II know of this? Do you realize what you've done?"

                    "Emperor, the Pope is aware that we are sending missionaries to the south, I don't know that Peter is involved at all. I am sure the situation in Russia is the same as it is here; he probably has nothing to do with it. You must believe me, we didn't think it was necessary to inform you, this matter is religious and has nothing to do with your excellency or his empire." the Archbishop explained.

                    "Ah, but that is where you are wrong Juan Pedro, did you not mask these missionaries through our contingent of Conquistadors? Are not the Conquistadors part of MY army? You told them that our troops were in India Juan Pedro, its in the letter, they used this information against us politically, this is unacceptable." the Emperor barked.

                    "Yes, your Excellency, that is true."

                    "Now, you will be removed as our envoy to London, as this information has come to light we will send a new envoy in your stead, you will remain in Madrid until I speak with both Pope Paul VI and Czar Peter II. I will find out exactly what is going on here and I will make my decision." the Emperor explained.

                    "Your decision?" the Archbishop asked.

                    "Yes, I have not yet decided what to do with you, but I can't have things like this happening right under my nose, you may be a man of God, but I AM GOD in Spain." the Emperor said "Now, you and your Russian friend continue with your little discussion..."
                    "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                    One Love.


                    • Official Spanish Statement...

                      His Catholic Majesty Carlos V, King of Aragon, King of Castille, King of Leon, Duke of Toledo and Emperor of the Holy Spanish Empire.

                      TO: Captain William Manning, Lord Protector of England.
                      FROM: Don Pedro Abarca de Bolea, Spanish Foreign Minister.

                      New information has come to light in Spain, implicating the Archbishop Juan Paul III of sharing military secrets with foreign leadership. While the information is not that damning, and will not hurt Spain in the longrun, it is disheartening to know that a man of such status in Spain can make such a foolish mistake.

                      Obviously, we can not trust this man to represent our Emperor in London. In his place we shall send Prince Phillip II of Aragon, and Prince Alfonso Guzman de Olivares as our ambassadors.

                      And don't worry, we will still bring the Flan.

                      Thank you,

                      Don Pedro Abarca de Bolea.
                      "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                      One Love.


                        19 May 1288AD

                        From: Northern Alliance
                        To: All nations of Terra


                        Queen Elizabeth II of England and
                        Sapa Inca of the Inca
                        Founding Members of the Northern Alliance
                        Solemnly declare that:

                        Taking into consideration that

                        1) The Northern Alliance has undertaken the task of colonizing the new continent, which for now is called “The New World”, assuming both the economic costs and the sacrifice of our heroic explorers and soldiers in the eradication of the barbarian threat from these new lands, and therefore reserves the right to manage or lead the colonization of this new continent and to distribute the lands and cities found within it. We do not wish however to have exclusive rights over the entire new continent but we believe that as its discoverers we have priority

                        2) We believe it is in the best interest of all the nations of the world that the colonization of the new continent needs to be a collective and thoroughly planned effort in order to minimize the costs of colonization and thus maximizing the collective profit

                        3) All nations have the right to establish their presence in “The New World”, as long as that doesn’t come into conflict with the aim to achieve a lasting peace through an adequate balance of powers, and with the long term expansion plans of the Inca and England

                        In order to achieve this, we wish to Invite all the nations to participate in a
                        Coalition for the Colonization of the “New World” and the eradication of the Barbarian Axis of Evil.

                        The terms of this Coalition can be negotiated, but as of now we are proposing the following plan:

                        1) Any nation interested in establishing a colony in “The New World” will have place their military units under the direct command of Northern Alliance field commanders (Inca/English). They will immediately set sail to the New World in our galleons in order to repress the Barbarian threat.

                        2) Once a region is secure we will proceed to either give the cities or allow the founding of new cities in previously accorded locations. The amount of land or the cities granted will have been previously negotiated, but will be directly proportional to the level of military involvement.

                        3) In case more than one nation is interested, priority will be given to the least powerful countries, and all previously accorded deals the Northern Alliance may have with other countries take precedence. Transparency in this process will be maximized to insure a fair deal to everyone.

                        4) Any military units (settlers included, but not scouting units) involved in any actions not sanctioned or previously accorded in these proceedings will be considered hostile and dealt with swiftly by all participating members. If this shall result in declarations of war between nations, they will be considered, at least by the Northern Alliance members, valid only in the new continent (i.e. there will be no military reprisals in the “Old World” as a result)

                        5) If a peace treaty is signed as a result of the peace proposal made earlier by England – return of Boston and gift of settlers to the southern block, and any other deals negotiated in the summit - it will take precedence over other deals made according to this plan but the four major powers will be eligible to negotiate for their presence in the new continent.

                        Finally, matters of State prevent me from participating in the summit if it is held at the accorded time (22:00 UTC), in which case England has our blessing to represent and vote for the Inca people in the Summit. Hoping that peace will finally triumph,

                        Yours truly,
                        Sapa Inca of The Inca
                        In representation of
                        The Nortern Alliance
                        "You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war" - Albert Einstein
                        Eternal Ruler of the Incan Empire in the History of The World 5 Diplomacy Game. The Diplogame HotW 6 is being set up.
                        Citizen of the Civ4 Single Player Democracy Game JOIN US!
                        Wanna play some PBEMs!?


                        • Update on Peace Accord

                          Manning was beginning to see he might be regarded as truly great one day.


                          "I thank my friend Sapa Inca of The Inca for his wisdom, insight and fairness. His plan is excellent and will be discussed. I ask him for a suggested name for the New World.

                          Peace with India
                          I also thank Rajaraja Chola of India for their kind offer and praise of our draft plan. It is true our shared religions with the Inca is at least some basis for easing of the tensions between our nations, with a view to longer term peace and stability. I'm sure if she were here my Queen's view of India may well have changed but for the influence of Rho - where are they? (OOC America feel free to write up any story of Elizabeth and Rho)

                          Boston peacably returned to India
                          I send condolences to the Americans and George Washington. Things might have been different if you had been in control earlier dear George, but past failings in American diplomacy forces me to conclude that Boston must go to India, peacably. One option here is for old Boston to be dismantled to ease the cultural pressures between India and America; or at least a promise by India to keep the culture of old Boston mixed.

                          Indian settler to New Boston
                          If you cede it peacefully the settler donated by India will set sail as soon as possible for the New World and a new city established in a good location - New Boston - a place for old Bostonians to emmigrate to. A Worker may be provided by another nation to allow America to quickly develop the new city and build a Courthouse.

                          New World city for Germany
                          Germany, I can now reveal in good faith, has already entered into a plan with my English to help us colonise the new World. As I speak an English ship with German troops is on it's way and in return at least one city will be ceded to Germany.

                          It must be rememberecd that some nations may not require too many New World cities as the maintenance costs are horrendous. If Spain wishes to gain New World cities I'm not against it but beware these costs. Even with Courthouses the maintenance bill is very high.

                          I make these announcements now in order that it assists speedy peace talks at the London Peace Accord (LPA)

                          See you on Crab Beach!

                          the Cap'n"
                          "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                          *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                          icq: 8388924


                          • The Madrid Monitor
                            January 1st, 1350
                            1/30 Gold

                            Now Available in Russia!

                            TOP STORY!

                            London Peace Accords Successful!
                            London, England - An assembly of nations in London finally decided upon an end to the conflict surrounding ownership of Boston between India and America. Spain sent two ambassadors; Prince Felipe II and the Infante, Prince Alfonso Guzman de Olivares. Prince Felipe spoke for Emperor Carlos V, who was busy in Russia having meetings with both Paul VI and Czar Peter II of Russia. "Prince Felipe told the assembly that Spain was not involved in the conflict and would not be subject to its decisions" said Foreign Minister Pedro Abarca de Bolea, "In essence we supported the assembly, but would not be subject to its decisions as we were not part of the conflict [between India and America]." The final settlement was for India and another country (this country eventually turned out to be Russia) would provide "funds" for the Americans and Germans to create settlements (under Anglo-Incan oversight) in New World territories. In exchange India would keep Boston. All in all the peace talks went well, with all sides leaving the conflict behind them and cooler heads prevailing. "Finally peace can prevail" said Emperor Carlos V, whose father King Sancho Diaz aligned Spain with India in the Great World War "Hopefully this is a sign that will last this time around." To further cement the friendly ties that Germany, America and India now enjoy a coalition of the three countries took down King Dragon of France who attempted to conquer both Germany and America, more on that later.

                            DOMESTIC REPORT

                            Archbishop Juan Pedro III Excommunicated!
                            Toledo - Juan Pedro III has been officially excommunicated from the Catholic Church by Pope Paul VI and at the behest of Emperor Carlos V. In an amazing turn of events new secret documents came to light implicating the Archbishop in a plot to use Spanish forces to protect Christian missionaries that would be sent to Germany and France. "Clearly when someone you trust uses that trust against you it hurts" said General Chavez "Regardless, our men did their jobs and nothing happened, no harm was done in the end." The missionaries began spreading Christianity into Germany and eventually America under missionaries sent by Juan Pedro III, establishing the popular Spanish Mission in Germany. The Emperor became furious when he discovered that it was being conducted without his knowlege or consent and stormed the Archbishop's chambers demanding answers. The Archbishop stood trial at behest of the Pope in the city of Toledo and was officially exiled to the New World. Father Horatio II of Cordoba has become the new Archbishop of Spain; "Juan Pedro III was a man whose heart could not stand up to temptation, he could not follow the straight path, and satan took over his mind, we musn't allow this to occur in a land as Holy as Spain is" Horatio said at his first speach in Toledo following Juan Pedro's trial "I will work hard to keep the church in balance, I will even re-open relations with the Buddhist church in Spain as I shall meet with the Guru Santo!" Clearly with the recent shake ups in the Catholic Church in Russia, Germany and now here in Spain the Catholic Church may have to tone down their actions slightly.

                            Ling Lun Amazes the Imperial Court!
                            Madrid - Chinese born musician Ling Lun amazed the Imperial court today following a feast held by Emperor Carlos V in honor of his son, Felipe II being named heir to the Holy Spanish Empire. "Ling was amazing!" said Spanish noble Diego De Parma "Such sounds I have never heard before, it was amazing!" The musician apparently served as an assistant to the former Emperor of China, and traveled to Spain to test his musical abilities. "I use twelve special flutes, made from twelve special types of bamboo plant" explained Ling Lun "Each sound has a special meaning, and on such an eventful day it was honor to play for the Emperor Carlos V, his Queen Maria, and the Prince Felipe."

                            Spanish Military Victorious Over Sarmatians!
                            New Spain - The Spanish navy, under the command of Admiral Hidalgo saw victory over a squadron of Sarmatian Triremes near the English colony of Illinois. "The Sarmatians sent a ship to destroy our fleet after Spanish forces destroyed two heathen villages east of [Incan] Numidia" said General DeMores, who was present on Hidalgo's ship "It was a wise move, but their weak ship was no match for ours!" The Sarmatians were quickly routed by the Admiral who gained medals of honor as well as a rank upgrade. Following the victory a coalition of Spanish, Incan and English soldiers attacked and conquered Sarmatia, establishing Spanish military rule in the area, and the founding of what has been dubbed New Spain. "We are glad to see that such land is available for settlement" said Emperor Carlos V "Spain is becoming crowded and now there is a new world for us to spread our faith and culture." An Imperial World Map will soon be released to the public lineating what territories in the new world will be Spanish.

                            FOREIGN REPORT

                            France Destroyed by Indian, German, American Forces!
                            Paris, AMERICA? - Never failing to amaze anybody the southern states have again embroiled themselves in a war; but this time its personal. The King of France (known by the mysterious title Dragon) announced his intentions on conquering America and Germany following the break down in aggression between the American/German alliance and India. "As far as we can tell the French felt their military size was sufficient to fight a two front war against America and Germany" General Chavez explained "They overestimated their position because of nationalistic sentiments in France, unfortunately for them the Indians supported America and Germany as a measure of friendship following their recent peace accords in London." Thus the situation became worse for France when the Indians captured Orleans in 1292, the Germans took Lyons in 1298, and the Americans took Paris in 1302. Germany would eventually destroy the last of France. There were hardly any French achievements, no amazing French military victorious, and in general France will probably not be missed. Could Mongolia be next?

                            Christianity Taking Hold in Germany, America!
                            Munich, Germany - Following the successes of the Spanish Mission in Berlin, cities all over the southern part of the continent are converting to Christianity. "Now that we have imperial support for the missionary program we are seeing unexpected success" said Archbishop Horatio II "We had some problems in cities like Munich and Hamburg, but all in all it has been a success, through the spread of knowlege Spanish [and Russian] culture spreads as well, establishing bonds of trust and brotherhood." Many German nobles have already converted to Christianity officially, despite the fact that the state religion in both countries remains to be Judaism. The Emperor said that while "it was discouraging to find Juan Pedro III behind the plan, now that it is in the open and done in a peaceful and transparent way things are going much more smoothly."

                            Spanish, Incan Troops Take Numidia!
                            Numidia, Incan Territory - The new world empire of Numidia fell to Incan and Spanish troops, leaving the city temporarily under Spanish control until Incan officials could arrive on time, "our men did well, keeping the city under control until the Incan officials arrived, and I personally have gained a lot more respect for the Inca" said General DeMores, who is in charge of military affairs in the new world. "Personally the Emperor and I were very bothered by the Northern Alliance's designs in the New World, but they kept their word, and we have learned to work together, something many nations on this world should take an example from" said General Chavez. The Emperor declined to comment on the situan, however the Foreign Minister Pedro Abarca de Bolea did release a small statement saying that the Emperor was appreciative of help from the Inca and English, and looks forward to better relations with both Kingdoms.

                            Catholic Church Undergoes Reformation!
                            Yaroslav'l, Russia - Following a message posted by German Christian Mark Luther in the city of Yaroslav'l the Catholic Church underwent a huge reformation! Following the excommunication of Juan Pedro III, and his implication in a conspiracy with German officials, Pope Paul VI stepped down from his position as Pope and John III has succeded him. John III was born Vladimir Shamanov in Moscow, and served as the Cardinal of Moscow after his training at Seminary school attatched to the Hagia Sophia. "The shakeups were huge" said Foreign Minister Pedro Abarca de Bolea "We had a change here, there was a change in Russia, now this German comes along and calls the entire thing into question, honestly its hard NOT to ask questions about this Church." The deeply Catholic Emperor, Carlos V, was dismayed "The problems must be fixed, clearly there were men who had no right to be in their positions, they wanted to use faith as a means of power, we should all be careful NOT to allow such things to occur, that is why I persuaded the Pope to excommunicate [Juan Pedro III]." As of right now the Church has announced a counter-reformation which will attempt to bring followers back into the Catholic fold. The reformation started by Martin Luther was in response to what her percieved as a VERY close relationship between Czar Peter II and the new Pope John III.


                            El político Don Carlos el Católico
                            By Baltasar Gracian y Morales

                            Our Emperor, Carlos V, is a Catholic. As am I, and an ordained priest I might add. But what does this mean now? Before it meant following the Pope in Yaroslav'l, saying your prayers, and living a good Christian life. From what I have seen lately though, things are becoming quite different. We have a reformation brewing in Germany, a counter-reformation brewing in Russia, we've had an excommunicated Archbishop in Spain, and now we have a new Pope! Things have been moving quite quickly, and it is quite distressing, for Carlos things must be spiraling out of control. So what is his response? Nothing. He doesn't even address the issue, and continues working with England and the Inca in the New World; who saw this coming? Why are we wasting our money and our military on the New World anyway? It is becoming increasingly apparent that the Church is nothing but a tool for the true leaders, the big politicians; namely Peter II and Carlos V. There are shake ups in Spain when it comes to light that the Pope and the Archbishop of Spain wanted to send missionaries to Germany and America. The Emperor became angry that this occured without his consent, but there is no way he didn't like the plan, because the plan continues! Why was Carlos so angry? Not because of the missionaries, if he was angry about the missionaries why did they continue going? I can confirm to you that at least two whole groups of missionaries were killed in Germany, at least two. And from what I can tell the Spanish converted four cities down there, Munich, Berlin, Hamburg, and Paris. That means six groups were sent, and as far as we can tell Juan Pedro and the Pope were only responsible for one. What does this tell you? Quite simply the Emperor and the Czar removed Juan Pedro III and the Pope from power and installed their own favorable leaders, now THEY control the church. This is what Martin Luther wanted the world to know, and this is what the Church is working hard to prevent. Plain and simple Carlos saw a plan he liked, he stole it from Juan Pedro III and now he's sharing it with Czar Peter II. THAT is what is really going on.

                            The views expressed by Baltasar Gracian y Morales are not the views of the Madrid Monitor, its editor, or Emperor Carlos V.
                            "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                            One Love.


                            • ELEVENTH SESSION 1354 AD

                              India(Gandhi) - OzzyKP
                              America(Washington) - CyberShy
                              Germany(Bismark) - LzPrst
                              France(Louis XIV) - AI - and eliminated
                              China(Qin Shi Huang) - Frank Johnson
                              Russia(Catherine) - KunojiLym
                              Spain(Isabella) - TheCapo
                              England(Elizabeth) - Deity
                              Mongolia(Genghis) - AI
                              Inca(Huayna Capac) - NicodaMax

                              Session 11 Number of Cities (since session 9):

                              Germany - 10 (+3)
                              England - 10 (+4)
                              Spain - 10 (+1)
                              China - 10 (+1)
                              Inca - 8 (+4)
                              Russia - 8
                              India - 7 (+1)
                              America - 6
                              Mongols - 1
                              France - 0 (-4)

                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by OzzyKP; May 20, 2006, 01:02.
                              Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                              When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                              • Map:

                                Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                                When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah

