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The History of the World V . . . .

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  • The Madrid Monitor
    August 12, 155 a.d.
    1/10 Gold Piece


    Top Russian Official Leaks Document to Monitor!
    Moscow, Russia - An unnamed Russian official has leaked what has been described as evidence that there was collusion between Zionist Rebels and American leaders:

    -width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-color:#000080;">
    To the Patriarch of Washington

    I write to you seeking your assistance in a matter of most grave importance. As you may or may not be aware, our tsar has fallen, as Adam did, under the sway of evil most foul, embodied by that incarnation of Lillith who stands beside him. He has repeatedly tried to sweet-talk us to the ways of the devil, but we have held firm in our faith. Yet half of Russia is already under the sway of this demonic influence, and there are furthermore, rumors that a witch from the Kingdom of Darkness is on his way to Moscow to percipitate our fall from grace. This, as you must agree, cannot be allowed to come to pass.

    Thus, we present this plan to you for your approval. The witch shall be staked upon arrival. From thence, we shall arrest Lillith and her accursed offspring, and burn the demons on the stake. We shall enlighten the people about the evils that have befallen them and our land due to her vile corruption. And after that, we shall drive the agents of darkness from Russia herself.

    In all this, of course, we seek your advice, support, and final approval.

    Rabbi Aleksandr Arakcheev, Patriarch of Moscow

    Obviously such a letter would be huge evidence incriminating the Americans in being complicit, or at least somewhat knowlegable of the actions of these Jewish rebels. The letter proves that the Americans, being the head of the Jewish faith, would have knowlege of this activity, and further activities by Zionist extremists. However Foreign Minister Bartolo Calderon de Castilla disagrees. When we confronted him with the letter he said "Without knowlege of who provided the letter, or proof it is legitimate, Spain can not make any decision either way and maintains neutrality in a conflict that has nothing to do with Spain what-so-ever." The conflict reached full tension with the declaration of war upon Russia by the Americans, which was answered with India support, after which the Germans declared war on India and Russia on behalf of the Americans. No other nations are known to have been involved, but top officials predict France will have something to do with the struggle sooner or later.

    The Madrid Monitor would like to say that we have nothing to do with the letter, we had no hand in writing it, or creating it at all. The letter was recieved by a high ranking official with the Russian government, we would not have published it without this being the case. So if anyone challenges us for creating a bad situation you have nobody to blame but the government of Russia for allowing this to come out. Thank you.


    Generals Mendoza and Cadrez Return to Spain With Tales of Foreign Lands!
    Toledo - The Generals Mendoza and Cadrez, who were initially dispatched under King Bainor to help lend support to the English against the Mongols finally returned after years upon years of travel around the world. "I was disappointed I missed so many events" said General Cadrez "But I am happy to see Spain at peace and more powerful than before." General Cadrez is the highest ranking military official in the Spanish army, and traveled a route that brought him south to the jungles of India even before the Indians had settled it. He reached as far south as the German-named Wildwaldt forests, but ventured no further south into the Jewish lands of Germany, America and France. General Mendoza traveled a more northernly route through Russia and the Incan lands into England and north to the border with Mongolia, he never ventured into Mongolian territory though as King Bainor called the troops back from the front. The two collaborated on a map that, while crudely drawn, does a good job reflecting the geo-Political position of Spain compared to other lands. There are a few mistakes particularly with the labelling "here be Germans," this part of the map is speculation and from current diplomatic positions we know this territory is actually America:

    General Cadrez has announced he will retire soon, which would make General Mendoza the highest ranking General in the Royal Army of Spain. The map will be displayed in the Citadel of Madrid.


    Chinese Empire Searches for Wife!
    Beijing, China - The Chinese Empire has again announced they are in search of a wife, and this time Spain is jumping at the opportunity; "The Empire of China has been a great neighbor of Spain, we have enjoyed thousands of years of peace and Buddhist harmony. Our religion is the same, and we have maintained peaceful relations with all nations for years, so it is a perfect match" King Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar (El Cid) remarked today. Potential candidates include Isabella de Castilla, and Maria Olivares de Barcelona. Foreign Minister Bartolo Calderon de Cordoba would first hold audience with the Chinese foreign minister before considering the marriage in order to iron out certain undisclosed agreements with the Chinese.

    Call for Northern Summitt Falls on Deaf Ears!
    Madrid, Spain - Through the office of the Foreign Ministry a plea by Spanish King Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar fell on deaf ears. The letter, which was sent to China, Russia and India was ignored by all three nations, as hostilities mounted leading up to offical war between the Indo-Russian alliance and the German/American alliance. "This type of conflict could have been avoided by the summitt" foreign minister Bartolo Calderon de Cordoba said "In fact, one of the points in the letter was the situation with the Jewish Missionaries, an issue that went unresolved and now has lead to war." The King announced he will again send a call for a non-aggression summitt again, but this time the list of invitees will be quite different. "We understand certain countries are going to be embroiled and influenced by war, and these countries will have to be omitted from the guest list because of this." No word set on when exactly this would occur.


    Official Retraction!

    The Madrid Moniter would like to officially retract our editorial entitled "Don't Believe What you Hear!" by Isidor Bainor de Castilla. The editors try and allow all sides of a story to come through, but in this case the rhetoric used by Isidor was hateful and could have lead, or at least help to lead the countries of Russia, India, America, and Germany to war. We apologize to these people, and pray they can find a peaceful means to solve their issues. Thank you.



    Recently the Madrid Monitor had the pleasure of interviewing the Guru Santo, who will be taking a goodwill trip to China in order to speak with Chinese leaders and to get a good look at the Chinese princes who wish to marry our princesses...

    MM: Thank you for coming Guru, it is a wonderful honor.

    GS: The honor is all mine, with such an influential newspaper as a forum my word can reach many people around the world, including some Kings of other lands.

    MM: Let me get right to it. You have a lot of influence with El Cid, and you are vehemently against this war in the south, why hasn't he come out against the war officially?

    GS: Well, the King is under a lot of pressure, and he has to represent Spain to the entire world. While I can talk of peace, and condemn the actions of Russia, India, America, and Germany he can not. I don't really think he agrees with me on the issue though.

    MM: So you are telling us that the King really doesn't want the war to end?

    GS: He would love for it to end, but he knows it is not his place to talk about it, and it is not his concern.

    MM: Alright, so you personally don't think war is the answer in this case? Especially considering the accusations of espionage, regicide, sedition, and a host of other crimes the two sides have been accusing eachother with. I mean, these are normal men, they are not holy men like yourself.

    GS: I understand, it is difficult to agree when everyone is arguing, and tensions run high. But as a great Spanish writer once said "when everyone is to blame, nobody is to blame," rings true here (thanks Nicoda ). So we can't approach this as if it is somebody's fault, because right now we can place the blame on all of them, and at the same time none of them.

    MM: I see, very deep Guru. Now tell us a little bit about your tour of China.

    GS: Well I've spent many years here in Spain meditating and writing, and I know I have to see Buddhists the world over, and the country with the second largest Buddhist population is China. The religious wealth is so strong there, they have Buddhism, they have Hindusim and the scholars are wonderful people. I am going to have a great time while I'm there learning about other people.

    MM: Word has it that you're going to be checking out these princes, to see if they're good enough for our own royalty.

    GS: Well, that is part of it, it would please me to see the realm of Buddhism come under a peaceful coexistance, but you can't force it, and I know the princesses pretty well, so I will just make sure these boys aren't evil men and speak with their leaders as well. I am looking forward to it.

    MM: Well thanks again Guru Santo, you are always welcome here.

    GS: Thank you, and peace be with you.
    "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

    One Love.


    • The Iron Mines of Corihuayrachina, 150 AD

      "Will they be ready?" asked Huascar.

      "Yes, sir. And your brother Atahualpa has been sent to Huamanga to personally foresee the upcoming negotiations with the Spanish. He won't be any trouble."

      "I wonder is my father suspects anything."

      "The Sapa Inca is old, and his mind is far from here, down south. He's worried about the war between the Americans, Indians, Germans, and specially the Russians. You need not worry."

      "Oh but I do worry my old friend. My grandfather would have never approved of the way my father has been doing things. Tupac Inca Yupanqui was a strong leader. He was the one who rid us of the Mongol threat. Now we have become so weak, our cities fall to barbarians. Huayana Capac will pay for his icompetence! Better times are coming, just wait and see."
      "You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war" - Albert Einstein
      Eternal Ruler of the Incan Empire in the History of The World 5 Diplomacy Game. The Diplogame HotW 6 is being set up.
      Citizen of the Civ4 Single Player Democracy Game JOIN US!
      Wanna play some PBEMs!?


      • I wanted to wait a little longer with revealing this, but now the Madrid Monitor has revealed the letter that I did receive indeed I have to enlighten all of you on this matter, eventhough not all investigations have been finished.

        It is true indeed that this 'rabbi' entered the city of Robingthon, seeking for the King for he had an important message from the Jews in Russia.
        I wanted to speak to him since my friendship with the Russian made me worrying about these zionist rebels about which the russian kept talking.

        The rabbi appeared to have a message of the most important Rabbi in Russia, The Patriarch of Moscow, in whom I have much trust. I read the message immediately, and anger took me. Now I got proof that the jewish were indeed rebelling against the Tsar and were about to murder the Russian Tsar and his family.

        Immediately I have send out a message to the Tsar that I backed him up against the evil Zionist rebels, and publicly announced my anger against these rebels.
        I am sure everybody remembers this.
        Of course I could not let the messenger go, and imprisoned him immediately, to his surprise. Perhaps he expected my support or perhaps weapons or money.

        When the prison guards checked him they found a letter. It was a letter from Ivan (now known as Ivan III, Tsar of Russia) to this messenger. This messenger was not send by Aleksandr Arakcheev, Patriarch of Moscow. He was sent by Ivan, grandson of Nicholas the Great, Tsar of Moscow.

        We questioned this fake rabbi for weeks and for months, and he told us this really surprising information. He told us about Alexander and Ivan (his son) who were setting up a plot against Nicholas.
        He told me how Ivan used his father to get rid of Nicholas, only to murder him several years after he succeeded and to take the throne himself. He told us how Ivan had promised this messenger (who names himself Alexandr Laninsky) fame and glory if he would only bring this letter to me. Ivan already acts in this letter if him being the Tsar is only a matter of time, and Alexandr anticipated on this already. For Ivan, his plans succeeded. For Alexander though, he will linger his days in our prisons, which is quiet mercyfull, for he deserves a certain death.

        Later, when I received a message from the real jewish Patriarch, which I have already published before, I started to understand what was going on. First I did not believe this Alxandr. Though when Nicholas died, and Alexander died after him I started to understand the truth behind this nightmare.

        I tried to convince the Indians about the cruel intentions of the Russian Tsar, who I started to name the Murderer Tsar, now you know why.
        This Ivan wanted to take the Throne of Russia, blame the Jews on the death of the beloved Nicholas the Great and his wife Sita. He knew that this would in the end result in war between India and America. I tried to explain this to the Indians, but they rather believed the Murderer Tsar.

        Now I can publish you this letter.
        I know that nothing will change the point of view of the Indians, but I hope that the other nations in the world will see the truth, for so far I only find the Germans next to me, and their armies are not many.

        May the lies of the Murderer Tsar die with him as soon as possible, for who knows what will be next?
        What I fear is that Chandragupta Maurya is not a victim in this, but that he is alike as Ivan.
        Rumours are still spreading, he may have killed his uncle to claim the throne. I have not been able to finish the investigations to the involvement of the Indian and the fake zionist letter and the death of Nicholas the Great. How disgusting would that be, if Chandragupta Maurya did not only kill his uncle but also his aunt Sita!
        But once again, I cannot confirm this, since I didn't got the time to finish this investigation.

        below you can see the letter we found in Alexandr's clothes and a picture of Alexandr, still dressed as a Rabi, in our prison.

        May my fear be wrong and my Chandragupta Maurya have had no knowledge on this. And may this open his eyes.

        Robert LXVII
        King of the Americans

        Last edited by Robert; January 31, 2008, 10:00.
        Formerly known as "CyberShy"
        Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


        • People of the civilised world, it is clear that the King of America is of unfirm mind, and a highly warped view of time. Allow me to demonstrate why.

          - Ivan III is the great grandson of Nicholas the Great, not grandson as the King claims
          - Alexander III, who was Ivan's father and Nicholas's grandson, had a lengthy and prosporous rule, that was marred only by the restiveness of the Zionists. Recall that Shiva's Light and the Heavenly Garders were both completed under his watch.
          - Ivan was not even born at the start of the Zionist Troubles; he was barely 7 years of age when Alexander passed away, of old age. He has only now taken on his full duties as Tsar, after the regency of Grand Minister Bori Gudonuv.
          - Our records show that the King's condemnation of the Zionists came several years too late to alter the tragic chain of events.
          - Most tellingly, the King never informed Nicholas the Great about this plot against his life, while he was still alive.

          We have no idea who wrote the letter that the King has published, but what is beyond doubt is that that the letter is not written by our Tsar, simply because (1) he was not born at the time, (2) he would never stoop to such underhanded means. The Tsar wants it to be known that, if he had wanted someone killed, he would had done it with his own hands, and not through some ludicrous show of cloak and daggers.

          Clearly, the four millenia or more that the American King is rumored to be alive has taken its toll. Perhaps he should consider whether or not he himself is fit for rule before accusing others of misrule and subterfuge.

          Emelian Pugachev
          Chief Advisor to His Most Wondrous Excellency, Tsar of the Russian Empire, Ivan III


          • That's all you can come up with?
            No real counter arguments, just only some babling about generations and birthyears that we cannot check anyway? The family tree of the Russian Tsars is too complicated for us, civilized people, to understand. No year passes by without another son murdering his father, the Tsar.

            Most funny of course is first that you claim that America received a letter that proves their cruel means. Then later you suddenly claim that this letter was sent long before Ivan was born. So in fact you just pick up 100 year old letter to prove how evil the Americans are? Yeah, sure.

            Robert LXVII
            King of the Americans
            Last edited by Robert; January 31, 2008, 10:01.
            Formerly known as "CyberShy"
            Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


            • Our records show that the King's condemnation of the Zionists came several years too late to alter the tragic chain of events.
              Another time-gape incident.
              The Americans condemned the so called evil actions of the so called zionist rebels immediately after the Russians told them about it.
              So in fact you just told me that the Russians either didn't knew about these rebels for a long time (quiet impressive rebels that must be!) or the Russians just waited a long long time before the contacted the Americans, and then they blame the Americans for not responding quick enough.

              But the truth is of course that the Russians try to pull another time-gap-excuse, unfortunately for them they're not really good at this.

              I have said enough on this issue and will remain silent in this issue. I will only answer to the Indian King if he seriously wants to investigate this issue of the Russian Tsars killing Sita and planning to setup war between India and America.
              Formerly known as "CyberShy"
              Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


              • The Tsar had no intention of letting this letter leak out in the first place; the persons responsible have been dealt with. But that is besides the point. The fact is, the letter is proof that the American King had in his hands first-hand knowledge of the troubles that at that point in time, had yet to erupt. Why he did not then contact Nicholas the Great and warned him of this matter is something that is quite beyond our comprehension, unless one considers, at the very least, malign neglect, and at the worse, conspiracy to strike Mother Russia in her heart. There was more than ample enough time for the King to respond, to judge from the date of the letter, and yet it was only after Nicholas the Great had been murdered and the Zionist Troubles begun that the American King came out to condemn the Zionists. How long had he been sitting on that letter, I ask? How long?

                As a sidenote, one need only read the published histories of the Russian Empire to get a sense of the recent generations of Tsars. But it is clear that the American King has no interest in Russia herself, save that she may make for fodder for his Zionist anarchists.

                The Russian Empire has written quite enough on this issue; henceforth, any fresh blusterings by the American King will only be met with a stoic silence.

                Emelian Pugachev
                Chief Advisor to His Most Fearsome Excellency, Tsar of the Russian Empire, Ivan III


                • News Release:

                  First Son of the Emperor has lost his wife in childbirth. While traveling to India on a diplomatic mission, First Son was greeted with a fast messenger to hear that his wife was taken to deliver a daughter. Alas, the delivery was too much for her fragile body and she died within a few hours of the delivery.

                  The King of India, much moved by the sorrow of the devoted husband and new father, has given solace to him in this time of grief.
                  Last edited by condor223; March 29, 2006, 19:38.


                  • From Gustaf of the Germans
                    To: India, Russia, America.

                    Cease this ruinous bickering. Let Germany clear the situation once and for all. It is fully the right of the rulers of Russia to do whatever they feel necessary, within their own borders, to ensure the safety of their rule. If that means massacring a few thousand jews, so be it.

                    It is also fully the responsibility of the leader of the persecuted religion in question to protest such cruelty, whether it is necessary or not.

                    All these letters and claims of evil plans and foul plots are as untrustworthy as Incan lawyers.

                    The situation is clear. Robert has a personal grudge against Tsar Ivan III and claims him to be an usurper and murderer. The Tsar's response to this name-calling grudge is WAR.

                    Germany considers WAR to be a great snake, devouring men, homes, lands and cities. Such snakes cannot be defeated, they thrive and grow from the death and suffering of men. The only way for this evil to be quenched is recalling it by those who sent it out.

                    Germany does not wish a WAR. Germany has declared no WAR. Russia has declared a WAR. India has declared a WAR. Germany wishes only peace between our neighbours.

                    However, despite our scorn for conflict, we will not shy away from it. Our soldiers will stand peacefully in the cities of America. We will not fire until fired upon. We will not charge until we ourselves are charged at. But let it be known, that if our men, stationed for peace and defence are attacked, we will respond. We will not cry and moan our dead. We shall fight until the blood of our attackers soak the earth with so much salt that naught can grow in it. We shall not stop until we are victorious. We shall crush our enemies, see them driven before us and hear the lamentations of their women. Thus is the fate of all those who attack Germany.

                    I advise Russia of this, let not your pride drive you to foolish deeds. Why not settle this grudge like men. In a duel to the death. Not by sending your best and brightest to their deaths.

                    To India I say, we are friends. We will be friends as long as you wish us to be. But an attack upon us is not an act of friendship. This conflict is ultimately between Czar Ivan III and Robert. Let not our relations suffer for it. Act not as rashly as your northern neighbour. Germany would possibly consider staying out of the conflict if you were to do the same.
                    Last edited by Robert; January 31, 2008, 10:44.
                    Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


                    • A small, non-descript house, in the back-alleys of Yaroslavl'

                      "And so we pray, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Amen."


                      The people gathered lifted their heads from their positions of prayer, and started to disperse, one by one. They were from all walks of life: merchants, artisans, peasants, housewives, even a few untouchables. Each of them made the sign of the cross as they left, their heads bowed.

                      Two stayed behind: a man clad in white, who had led the prayer session, and another man dressed in the garb of a merchant. The latter made his way towards the white-clad man, a serious look on his face.

                      "Father John, we will have to go underground soon."

                      The white-clad man identified as Father John looked weary. "Yes, Mikhail, I am all too aware. But enough of that for now. Have you had contact with our brethen in the far off cities?"

                      Mikhail nodded briefly, and pulled a parchment from his flowing sleeves. He passed it to the priest, who took it silently, unfolding it and reading it through.

                      "It is as expected. Our brethen in Cuzco is sympathetic, but is only able to pray to the Lord for our safety. What of Toledo?"

                      "I have sent a missive there, but it is as yet too early to expect a reply."

                      Father John sighed, and sat down tiredly. "This is bad business, my friend. The Empire does not distinguish between us as Christians, or the various denominations of Jews. A storm is coming, and I pray to God that we may weather it in one piece."

                      Silence reigned between the two men for several moments, before the priest spoke again.

                      "What news from Moscow?"

                      Mikhail frowned. "Not good. You see..."


                      Another non-descript house in the alleys of Moscow

                      "God has finally answered our prayers! America, the promised land, will deliver us from the age of darkness! My friends, now is the time to destory the devil's spawns atop of Zion, once and for all! I call on you to..."

                      As the rabbi ranted on, waving his arms dramatically, two men shared a look, then quietly slipped out. Outside, a light drizzle moistured the alleys of the starless night.

                      "Zion is a lost cause, isn't it?" The brown-haired man looked at his companion intently.

                      The other man smiled faintly. "Be careful that the walls don't have ears. Myself, I just don't know about all this. The King of America is openly calling upon us to rise up against the Tsar. Everyone is assuming that he will finally provide us with arms and support. But haven't we been dissappointed before?"

                      "You're not thinking of running off to join that Christian rabble, are you?"

                      "No... but I think that we sorely need a change in leadership among ourselves. It's the same group of Zionists who dominate all the top positions in the Moscow Patriachry now." Now the man looked intently at his companion. "Don't tell me you are actually looking *forward* to this."

                      "Easy, Rudolf." The brown-haired man made a placating gesture. "You *know* my thoughts on this matter. Even so... let's face it, Zion is something that we'd been aspiring to since forever. You're saying we can just walk away from all that?"

                      "...Dmitri. I will put it to you plainly. The Patriachry is in dire need of a reform."

                      "Rudolf. I will put it to you equally plainly. We are too busy coping with the Tsar's forces to even think about such."

                      "This talk will get us nowhere." Rudolf pinched his nose, and shook his head. "Anyway, unless the Patriachry of Washington says something, I rather doubt we will see any change."

                      Dmitri smiled faintly. "So, who are you for? For Zion? For Russia? For God?"

                      Rudolf shrugged slightly. "It doesn't matter. No one wins."


                      • This game is ****in' awesome.
                        "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                        One Love.


                        • From the first of the Four Books, The Great Learning
                          An invaluable gift from the Inca Confucian Sages to the world in these times of peril

                          The Way of the great learning involves manifesting virtue,
                          renovating the people, and abiding by the highest good.

                          The ancients who wished to illustrate illustrious virtue throughout the
                          kingdom, first ordered well their own States.
                          Wishing to order well their States, they first regulated their families.
                          Wishing to regulate their families, they first cultivated their persons.
                          Wishing to cultivate their persons, they first rectified their hearts.
                          Wishing to rectify their hearts, they first sought to be sincere in their thoughts.
                          Wishing to be sincere in their thoughts, they first extended to the utmost their knowledge.
                          Such extension of knowledge lay in the investigation of things.

                          Things being investigated, knowledge became complete.
                          Their knowledge being complete, their thoughts were sincere.
                          Their thoughts being sincere, their hearts were then rectified.
                          Their hearts being rectified, their persons were cultivated.
                          Their persons being cultivated, their families were regulated.
                          Their families being regulated, their States were rightly governed.
                          Their States being rightly governed, the entire world was at peace.

                          From the Son of Heaven down to the mass of the people, all must
                          consider the cultivation of the person the root of everything besides.
                          "You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war" - Albert Einstein
                          Eternal Ruler of the Incan Empire in the History of The World 5 Diplomacy Game. The Diplogame HotW 6 is being set up.
                          Citizen of the Civ4 Single Player Democracy Game JOIN US!
                          Wanna play some PBEMs!?


                          • "Sir, there are reports of unrest in Cuzco because you choose to follow a religion that is unknown to your closest citizens and collaborators."

                            "We will not make the same mistake the Indians make, when they ignore the teachings of the great Confucius, one of their own people. Confucianism is more than a religion, it also describes our system of moral, social and political thoughts, and though the world has clearly shown its preference for Hinduism and Judaism, this has brought but bloodshed and conflict to them."

                            "Besides, this unrest comes precisely from the intolerant members of the Hindi community in Cuzco. They are but a small minority of the Incan people, and should not be trying to force their beliefs on all others."

                            "Yes great Sapa Inca, as you command."
                            "You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war" - Albert Einstein
                            Eternal Ruler of the Incan Empire in the History of The World 5 Diplomacy Game. The Diplogame HotW 6 is being set up.
                            Citizen of the Civ4 Single Player Democracy Game JOIN US!
                            Wanna play some PBEMs!?


                            • Originally posted by The Capo
                              This game is ****in' awesome.
                              Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                              When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                                Last edited by Robert; March 31, 2006, 01:11.
                                Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                                Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori

