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The History of the World V . . . .

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  • Patch Time.....


    • Are you serious? Another patch?

      BTW, I probably started this but let's keep OOC (Out Of Character) comments relegated to the "Attention All Diplogamers" thread from now on, thanks.

      Let's address the patch issue in that thread.
      "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

      One Love.


      • Originally posted by The Capo
        BTW, I probably started this but let's keep OOC (Out Of Character) comments relegated to the "Attention All Diplogamers" thread from now on, thanks.
        Originally posted by The Capo
        This game is ****in' awesome.
        Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

        When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


          Last edited by Robert; March 31, 2006, 01:10.
          Formerly known as "CyberShy"
          Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


          • My dear Elizabeth, ruler of England,

            It is clear to me that circumstances in the South are more stable now. Thank you for you support.

            I hear that war has been declared by Russia on America! And I understand that you are slightly sympathetic towards the Americans.

            Although it may seem an uncalled for act of aggression on Russia's part I implore you to consider the help of the Russians in capturing Turfan. I also remind you of the Americans declaration of war against the English over shipping rights. And their threat to sink our galley. Why, I could have landed those Axemen of ours right on American shores and easily taken a city of theirs.

            But, as you have praised me for my strategy of peace and successful negotiations with the Germans, I beseech you to tread carefully. Unfortunately I can not be by your side at this time as there is much to do in the south and conclude arrangements with Germany.

            Forgive me if I sound at all conceited. I miss our homeland and I miss you, your majesty.

            Always yours,

            General Manning
            "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
            *deity of THE DEITIANS*
            icq: 8388924


            • Please empty those OOC posts and replies and then I'll empty this!
              "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
              *deity of THE DEITIANS*
              icq: 8388924


              • To: Robert LXVII
                From: Mencius (aka Meng Ke), Principal Interpreter of Confucianism

                Exalted be thy, Robert LXVII, our King

                We thank you for your support and tollerance regarding our philosophy. Eventhough many of our teachings go against Judaism, our state religion, you gave is the right to study our own insights and follow our Indian teachers in Madras.

                We are concerned now America and India are in a formal state of war. Eventhough we are loyal to you, our real symphaty lies with our brothers in India!
                Therefor we call upon you to sign peace again with India for we cannot support you in this war and we fear that many of our brothers will die because of this mistake you made.

                You always have been a wise man, and I expect that you will be wise again this time. Do not support us, or you may lose loyal friends within your own border and capital.

                Last edited by Robert; January 31, 2008, 10:59.
                Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                • To: Mencius and the whole American Confusionistic community
                  From: Robert LXVII, King of the Americans

                  Greetings from him who supplies the air you breath and the money you need to fund your studies.

                  I have read your letter regarding the American - Indian conflict. I can see your worries and you should know that we share them. You should know that I have offered peace many times to Chandragupta Maurya, King of India, but he ignored these begs for peace and declared war on me despite my many pleas.

                  Therefor I hope that you will send the same letter you have send to me to Chandragupta Maurya and ask him to end this madness.

                  Since this war is a Judaistic issue, I will promise you though that I'll not recruit soldiers from the confusianistic community. And understand that you don't want to fight a war with your brothers. Though I hope you will support me if Russian armies come to our borders, for they do not know confucianism, and they're known for brutally killing all those who do not follow their state religion.

                  The faith of the jews who were murdered in Russia may be your faith if we do not stop them. That is our goal, India unfortunately became a stand in the way to reach this goal. We do not seek war with India and we do not seek the death of confucianists.

                  Please bear with me in these dark times.

                  Robert LXVII
                  King of the American
                  King of both the Jews and the Confusianists among them!
                  Last edited by Robert; January 31, 2008, 11:00.
                  Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                  Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                  • To: Robert LXVII
                    From: Mencius

                    Hail King,

                    I have received your letter. Eventhough I respect you, I doubt that you speak the full truth to me. I can feel your distrust in me. I do not believe in agressors who do not seek war. I will send a letter to India, like you requested, and ask the Indian King, who is a wise man, eventhough he's not a confucianist, to stop this war.

                    If war continues though I will blame you for it.



                    To: Chandragupta Maurya, King of the Indians
                    From: Mencius, principal American interpreter of confucianism

                    Hail King Chandragupta Maurya!

                    May you live long and may your days be blessed with spirital wisdom and hapyness!

                    Eventhough our King, Robert LXVII, who has our respect, ensured us that this Indian - American war is not what he intended, we do not believe him.
                    Though we want to ask your opinion in this as well. Is it true, like he says, that peace can be made between India and America, if only the Indians would agree?
                    If this is the matter, I urge you to sign peace again with my King, for I worry the battlefield in which confucionists from India and America fight each other.

                    Eventhough Confucianism is not the main state religion in India nor America, we have always found place and respect from our kings. We do appreciate this. Our support is with you, Chandragupta Maurya, for the Indian city of Madras is the home of our philosphy.

                    I urge you to listen to us!
                    Sign peace, if you can, and let this war not endure!
                    Please do not support the Russians in their persecution of all those who do not follow their religion. I fear that my brothers and sisters will be persecuted after all jews have been elliminated by them. Therefor I do also seek your protection.

                    If this war will continue, then I hope that you will be victorious, for we'd rather live under your reign, eventhough our current situation is not that bad either.


                    Last edited by Robert; January 31, 2008, 11:00.
                    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                    • To: Mencius, principal American interpreter of confucianism
                      From: Chandragupta Maurya, King of the Indians

                      You are right to be skeptical of the Americans. India never intended war, we simply requested that America stop sending its missionaries through our lands to try and convert good Hindus and Confucians to the Jewish faith, a faith that has proven to be violent and disruptive in Russia and elsewhere.

                      Instead of honoring our request, America refused and began provoking us to war. Then he publically called for the murder of our friend and ally, Ivan of Russia.

                      But that is all simply of historic interest at this point. I fear despite our best efforts that war is upon us and unavoidable. Russia and America are determined to fight, and India is caught in the middle. Neutrality is impossible when foreign armies march through our lands. If America refused to listen to our request they stop sending missionaries through our land it is doubtful they will honor a request not to send troops. So we will end up at war with America one way or another.

                      If Confucionists from India wish to not fight their counterparts in America, I will understand and not force them. However if Vishnu is on our side in this war many American Confucionists may find a new, welcomed place as part of the Indian Empire.

                      I know not how you have been treated in Jewish America, but know that India has always been supportive of your traditions. Indeed even I have learned of your religion with much interest. It is quite related to my own Hindu faith and it has a welcome home here in India. Hopefully soon more of your brothers will join your Madras counterparts as part of greater India.

                      I wish you help and luck through these coming days of trial.

                      - Chandragupta
                      Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                      When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                      • The Great Northern Summitt!

                        Royal Foreign Ministry of the Kingdoms of Spain
                        TO: The Chinese Empire, the Incan Empire, and the Kingdom of England.
                        FROM: Bartolo Calderon de Cordoba, Chief Foreign Minister of Spain and advisor to King Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, known as El Cid.

                        I write you urgently to discuss the situation of world affairs. Our nations are sophisticated, influential, and strong northern nations who have yet to succumb to the type of hate-mongering religious struggles that have plagued the great states of India, Russia, Germany and America. Our northern culture has been an example for the entire world to follow and I believe it behooves us to establish a non-aggression and mutual protection pact that would ensure peace between us and with others for centuries to come.

                        Issues of trade and technology sharing can be discussed as well, if we improve the infrastructure of our lands, and build a series of roads our trade and cooperation could excel beyond anything in Terra currently.

                        What King Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar calls for is a summitt to discuss our position in the current war between the Indo-Russian alliance and the southern Jewish kingdoms. England especially should have great concern for this war as they have colonies to the south which border German lands. We hope to recieve all of you, and look forward to speaking with representatives from England, China, and the Incan Empire. Please respond quickly as time is of the essence.

                        Obviously it would be wonderful to have India and Russia attend the summitt as well, as they are important northern states, but they are currently embroiled in a conflict right now which would clearly effect their position on certain issues. Obviously the barbarian Mongolians have not been invited.

                        Thank you, and may your people be blessed with great health and success.

                        Foreign Minister
                        Bartolo Calderon de Cordoba

                        This message endorsed by King Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, King of Aragon, King of Leon, "El Cid," and King of the United Spanish Kingdoms.
                        "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                        One Love.


                        • Originally posted by condor223
                          News Release:

                          First Son of the Emperor has lost his wife in childbirth. While traveling to India on a diplomatic mission, First Son was greeted with a fast messenger to hear that his wife was taken to deliver a daughter. Alas, the delivery was too much for her fragile body and she died within a few hours of the delivery.

                          The King of India, much moved by the sorrow of the devoted husband and new father, has given solace to him in this time of grief.

                          Also giving solace is the King's sister, Pramada, who has grown quite close to the crown prince in the last few weeks. Not in an improper way, to be sure, in this time of mourning, however she has offered just the right amount of comfort in the Chinese prince's time of need.
                          Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                          When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                          • Re: The Great Northern Summitt!

                            Originally posted by The Capo
                            Royal Foreign Ministry of the Kingdoms of Spain
                            TO: The Chinese Empire, the Incan Empire, and the Kingdom of England.
                            FROM: Bartolo Calderon de Cordoba, Chief Foreign Minister of Spain and advisor to King Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, known as El Cid.

                            I write you urgently to discuss the situation of world affairs. Our nations are sophisticated, influential, and strong northern nations who have yet to succumb to the type of hate-mongering religious struggles that have plagued the great states of India, Russia, Germany and America. Our northern culture has been an example for the entire world to follow and I believe it behooves us to establish a non-aggression and mutual protection pact that would ensure peace between us and with others for centuries to come.

                            Issues of trade and technology sharing can be discussed as well, if we improve the infrastructure of our lands, and build a series of roads our trade and cooperation could excel beyond anything in Terra currently.

                            What King Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar calls for is a summitt to discuss our position in the current war between the Indo-Russian alliance and the southern Jewish kingdoms. England especially should have great concern for this war as they have colonies to the south which border German lands. We hope to recieve all of you, and look forward to speaking with representatives from England, China, and the Incan Empire. Please respond quickly as time is of the essence.

                            Obviously it would be wonderful to have India and Russia attend the summitt as well, as they are important northern states, but they are currently embroiled in a conflict right now which would clearly effect their position on certain issues. Obviously the barbarian Mongolians have not been invited.

                            Thank you, and may your people be blessed with great health and success.

                            Foreign Minister
                            Bartolo Calderon de Cordoba

                            This message endorsed by King Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, King of Aragon, King of Leon, "El Cid," and King of the United Spanish Kingdoms.
                            To the Foreign Minister of Spain
                            Bartolo Calderon de Cordoba

                            I share your vision of peace and co-operation.

                            Peaceful sharing of resources and so forth can come later for my thoughts are occupied with imminent war near the borders of our good friends the Inca. We must bring pressure to bear on all parties to cease this impending doom. Our old friends the Russians are much changed of late and their latest regime is out of character of the Russian history. It is to be expected that the Indians would cause trouble and together they represent the two largest nations on this planet Terra. A world peril if they pursue war.

                            England negotiated peace with Germany DURING a war. Shots were fired and English civilians the only casualties. We know only too well the horrors of war. The English have never fired a shot in anger, save against the barbaric AIens. So we concur with your diplomatic efforts. But what influence can we bring to bear?

                            A formal protest is currently being delivered to Russia and India.

                            In future I will only discuss such matters with King Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar as I am the Queen of England and we are a monarchy kind sir. Tell him that a summit may be a good idea, if there is time.

                            Queen Elizabeth I
                            "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                            *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                            icq: 8388924



                              TO: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth of England.
                              FROM: King Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, King of Aragon, King of Leon, and King of Spain. World renowned Warrior known as El Cid.

                              I have been told by my advisor Bartolo Calderon de Cordoba that you required a personal letter from the King himself. So here it is.

                              We understand that Russia and India stand as the world's strongest alliance, but that is not the purpose or reason for the summit. We don't wish to challenge India or Russia what-so-ever, in fact we would love if they joined our peace treaty as well. The only reason they were disincluded was the simple fact that they were currently at war. How inappropriate it would be to have members of a non-aggression alliance involved in warfare.

                              The meeting is not simply one of defense and conflict, other more pressing issues such as infrastructure development and technology sharing will be discussed as well. Possibly even land grants or agreements for countries who need more room to expand.

                              So please glorious Queen, do not feel entirely worried about the conference itself, it is only to foment peace, and prosperity. Not to lead to conflict.

                              I hope that helped, thank you.

                              King Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar.

                              El Cid.
                              "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                              One Love.


                              • Formal Protest by England

                                To the great nations of Russia and India.

                                This is a public announcement.

                                England wishes to formally protest at your swift actions in declaring war on America. Diplomacy had much distance to travel on the issues in dispute and we request you draft a diplomatic form of words that may be required by the Americans to avert war and allow a dialog. The Americans may consider this I trust.

                                We believe that King Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar of Spain is keen to call for a summit. Please retract your declarations of war and respond to this Spanish request on behalf of all the peace loving nations of the world.

                                *Royal Seal*

                                Elizabeth I
                                "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                                *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                                icq: 8388924

