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42 turns left?

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  • #31
    On the Statue of Liberty, it is a world wonder built in NYC. It has resulted in America getting a free specalist in every city in 49 of the 50 states. (Hawaii does not get a free specalist nor do the overseas territories because the Statue of Liberty's effects are limited to the contientent.)
    1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
    Templar Science Minister
    AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


    • #32
      Great analysis joncnunn! That is exactly what I had in mind when I started this thread.


      • #33
        The SoL was built in France and gifted to the US, model THAT in the game.
        Long time member @ Apolyton
        Civilization player since the dawn of time


        • #34
          The French gifted a GE that rushed the wonder for teh US.
          Modern man calls walking more quickly in the same direction down the same road “change.”
          The world, in the last three hundred years, has not changed except in that sense.
          The simple suggestion of a true change scandalizes and terrifies modern man. -Nicolás Gómez Dávila


          • #35
            On the Corporations:

            The Japanese civ founded the Sushi corporation, and has sent several executives over to the US to found branches here, but they don't last long because they keep getting displaced by competing corporations.

            The American civ founded the Cerial corporation and for decades maintaned a branch in every city and resent in the executives where Sushi took hold to reclaim it, but of late they have stoped building Cerial execuctives.

            The Brazil civ founded Standard Ethanol and have it in every city they own, primarily using sugar. Recently though they have sent several executives to the American Midwest and have started replacing the native Cerial corporations with their own.

            The Americans founded the Mining Inc and have had it present in every city they own for decades.

            One of the countries that merged into the EU civ founded Creative Constructions, they have it present in all of their cities.

            The Swiss Civ founded the Civilized Jewelers corporation, they have spread it not only on their own cities but the EU, Japan, and are now sending exceutives into India as the middle class there enlarges.

            It appears that either the Alumium corporation has not been founded or else the founder of it has exhausted it's coal.
            1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
            Templar Science Minister
            AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Unimatrix11
              And the Iran is obviously a pretext - so far, Iran does not possess neither nukes nor any longe range carrier system - and they are probably further from the later than they are from the former even. So the planned SDI-facilities in eastern Europe are clearly put up, in order to nullify what can be considered the remainder of russian strength. Putin is not a man to be fooled by pretext - neither one that will just go with whatever is dealt to him.
              Well, I doubt that...there's now way a couple of anti-missile missles in Poland and Eastern Europe could ever do anything significant against the tens of thousands of ICBM's russia has, and I'm sure Russia knows that; the whole thing sounds like a pretext to try and demonstrate a degree of control over Eastern Europe and to prevent expanded American influence there. On the other hand, while it's worthless against Russia, an anti missile defense already set up in Eastern Europe could deter a country like Iran from spending the resources to design long range missiles that could strike Europe or the US.

              MAD works if there's only a couple of countries with nukes. I'm not sure how well MAD, when not combined with use of some defensive systems, will work when dozens of countries have some level of nuclear weapons. The treaties you're talking about made sense in a cold war world, but don't really make sense anymore.


              • #37
                Oh, sorry...shouldn't have gottend sidetracked onto the poltical stuff...

                Not long ago, the United States, the Europen Union and Japan had a tech advantage over the rest of the world, that was very much helped by the fact that these three powers were constatnly tech trading with each other, but China is rapidly catching up right now, and India isn't far behind.

                Most of Canada actually culturally flipped and became part of the United States decades ago, but they haven't admitted it yet.

                China is in the middle of a Golden Age, their economy is expanding dramatically, and so they're currently switching over from State Property over to a Free Market without a period of anarchy. They appear to be keeping the Police State civic, however. Because of the Golden Age, they are rapidly creating large numbers of buildings in all their cities, they are quickly catching up on technology. Also they are on much better diplomatic terms with the west, and have open borders agreement, a lot more trade income, and are doing a lot of tech trading now.

                Russia was not so lucky; it was not going through a golden age when it switched civics, and is just coming out of anarchy now. It appears to be going back to a Police State civic, while keeping the Free Market.
                Last edited by Yosho; February 16, 2008, 17:18.


                • #38
                  India and China's economy is becoming good enough to support an increase on the tech slider. In China fueled mostly by production and exports, in India by specialists, mostly scientists and engineers.

                  The US economy is running at a huge minus to keep up tech advantage and field the worlds most powerful military.

                  India, China, Russia and the EU are getting involved in building Apollo Program.

                  Persia is trying to build nuclear plants to provide power to their factories, but are suffering political fallout due to their import of Uranium. Due to a huge population increase, they suffer great happiness issues. The Theocracy is also causing some unhappiness due to voting Never! in UN Free Religion votes.

                  Babylon is now a vassal of the United States, but has severe happiness issues and suffer daily sabotage from Iranian and Saudi spies.

                  The Middle east though culturally Arab is divided, except for Saudi-Arabia which has made a great diplomatic effort to befriend the US, but are secretly funding and conducting sabotage spy missions in the US.

                  London, Paris, Berlin, Rome, Beijing, New York are approaching legendary status.

                  The Vikings have adopted Pacifism, but have no specialists so few GP appear.
                  e-mail: diplo_mongolia [at]
                  msn: diplo_mongolia [at]

                  “The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters.” -Genghis Khan (allegedly)


                  • #39
                    In the year 2012, at the start of the new Mayan Calendar, during a foolish move by the United States to create a Colony out of the Florida Keys, the Mayan Empire and Pacal II suddenly regenerate with an uncountable number of supposedly obsolete Hakon units. The appearance of this Stack of Death so upsets all present military planning that every other nation immediately capitualates to the Mayan Empire, creating a Conquest victory for Pacal II.

                    Remember, you heard it here first.
                    If you aren't confused,
                    You don't understand.


                    • #40
                      If the "game" would end in 42 turns the winner would be China. The empire has lasted for thousands of years without falling under too much outside control and have remained essentially the same throughout all those years meaning that the culture on the oldest Chinese cities is huge by now. That combined with the fact that most of the land has Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism practiced and have their respective "cathedrals" built since who knows when, they're well set for a cultural win.

                      If not that, the population and army size combined would make the chinese score soar way beyond anyone else. Even if they are technologically a bit backwards or their infrastructure isn't quite what it is in the western world, I think they'd take this one easily.

                      Chinese win, Americans finish second, then India.
                      Last edited by Fleme; February 19, 2008, 15:08.
                      "The state is nothing but an instrument of oppression of one class by another--no less so in a democratic republic than in a monarchy."


                      • #41
                        Care to venture a guess as to who is desperate enough to attempt to knock China out of that number one slot Fleme? It's just me but I'm thinking Russia. They can declare war and lure those SoDs into the Motherland. A sudden loss of Chinese units might embolden India to dogpile on and attack from the south. Maybe poor little Genghis Khan, caught in the middle of Russia and China, might wake up some of his mothballed UUs and "let slip the dogs of war". Who knows?


                        • #42
                          In 42 years, the shape and civics of many states may change due to currently unimagined developments. However, the US, with its $14 Trillion economy and total cultural dominance, is obviously winning on score right now. However, it's not very popular internationally and has overcommitted its military, which will soon begin to be disbanded if the US cannot balance its current accounts. The very real advantage of having US currency be the world standard will also soon fade if trade cannot be better balanced.

                          I don't think Africa has fallen to the barbarians. Instead, it is an empire in which almost every city is in constant revolt, leading to the breakout of the four horsemen in a pretty steady cycle.
                          No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai
                          "I played it [Civilization] for three months and then realised I hadn't done any work. In the end, I had to delete all the saved files and smash the CD." Iain Banks, author


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Nohbody8
                            Speaking of China, how much longer before they buckle under the weight of their people clamoring for Emancipation?
                            As long as it takes for the Chinese people to figure out they have the power to do so... and band into the largest disorginised army the world has, and ever will, see.


                            • #44
                              Someone mentioned china is leading scorewise - three amricans post to argue it - cute

                              1. Russia is more of an ally to china than an enemy right now - due to america´s ambitions for an american 21st century

                              2. America may have a 14$ trillion economy, but also a trillion deficit - due to it having a 2/3 part of all the world´s military budget (and maybe 1% of med-care for example)

                              3. Different civs, different values - maybe it´s good for china, and its people, that it is not emancipated... imagine they´d all be materilsitic individualists as we in the ´western world´ are. In fact that might bring us all down quicker than any military they could field...


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Unimatrix11
                                Someone mentioned china is leading scorewise - three amricans post to argue it - cute
                                Where exactly in my post did I say anything about the U.S. belonging in the number one slot or that the U.S. should do something about it?

