Originally posted by Unimatrix11
BTW, SDI violates the SALT II treaty, if i am not mistaken. I think it was that one, that limits strategic missile defence to Moscow for the Russians and norad-hq for the US.
BTW, SDI violates the SALT II treaty, if i am not mistaken. I think it was that one, that limits strategic missile defence to Moscow for the Russians and norad-hq for the US.
If life were a Civ IV game, I would view America, India, and China as the three civs with clear potential to win. China and India have huge leads in population, but they do not currently have the city and tile improvements they need to make good use of that advantage. They've also been plagued in the past by poor choices of civics. (It's hard to be sure exactly how well their recent changes in civics are working.) If either one does a good job of overcoming these deficiencies, there is plenty of time left to pull ahead.
The U.S. is third in population, but has done a much better job than India and China of building city and tile improvements to make effective use of its population. It also has the most late-game wonders. It's ahead of India and China in the technological race, and either ahead of or equal to all of its other rivals. And no other major civ has a clear advantage over the U.S. in city and tile improvements to make up for being smaller than the U.S.
Thus far, I've been able to come up with four scenarios where someone other than America, India, or China might win.
1) America becomes complacent and starts making serious mistakes, and India and China don't live up to their potential. (Some would argue that America is already in the process of making some serious mistakes.)
2) Someone else gets back-to-back golden ages, and America, India, and China can't use golden ages of their own to offset that advantage.
3) Someone else decides to pursue a conquest or domination victory, and neither America nor an alliance of other powers intervenes to stop them before it's too late.
4) Major use of nuclear weapons cripples America, and India and China either don't play well enough to use their population advantages or are also involved in the nuclear exchange.