Well, I said I was done with this thread, but seeing the sheer number of times my name has come up, I feel compelled to comment.
And been to Germany. In all honesty, I do find them a bit more distant (cold) then alot of other nationalitys. This of course (as with all sterotypes) does not apply to all Germans (which I already stated earlier). Being part German myself I feel somewhat at ease making this observation.
I never admitted I was "trolling", I was accused of it. MY definition of trolling is starting conflict just for the sake of starting conflict. In contrast to that, I feel strongly about the wrong of censoring Hitler. Just because I forsaw the moral right comming down on me for it doesn't make it trolling IMO.
Yes, but it would be nice if they had the integraty to choose leaders objectively.
Just for the record, I would have no problem argueing this point in public. I have argued much more controversial issues in the flesh.
Another example of free speech being curtailed for the sake of someones "feelings".
Those girls did have nappy hair!
Pinchak thinks he knows how Germans feel about it since he worked for a german company?
But you've admitted that you were trolling.
I suppose it's not too difficult to argue that it is not Firaxis job to be a bastion of free expression.
When someone publicly speaks about adding Adolf in the game in a room with other living, breathing, people as in a game store or a diner I'll take their opinion a bit more seriously.
By contrast, many of his detractors fail to make any valid points. Rather they use the classic PC approach of lambasting the messenger rather than arguing the case. Sitting comfortably their high-horses, they accuse others of racism, stupidity, naivety (or a whole host of personal attacks), while confident that they are safe from any such attacks because they are on the “easy side of the argument”. That this side may be in the wrong does not seem to be important to them.
Don Imus
Those girls did have nappy hair!