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Patch v152 out

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  • Originally posted by Alanus

    I cannot do less than the Alemanics.

    So Firaxis/Take-two can donate my 100 bucks to UNICEF !
    News item generated.

    Feel free to PM myself, DanQ, or any of the other news staff if you do something newsworthy like this and/or see someone else do something newsworthy
    <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
    I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


    • Did you do Yin's cardboard eating video?


      • Originally posted by snoopy369
        Feel free to PM myself, DanQ, or any of the other news staff if you do something newsworthy like this and/or see someone else do something newsworthy
        OK, thanks. I'll send PMs to Apolyton's staff in such occasions.
        Si vis pacem, para bellum (9 mm)


        • Re: Patch 1.52 : not localized

          Originally posted by Alanus
          Referring to CIV4GameText_New.xml

          Except for 2 strings, none have been localized, which result in a mix of languages when not playing in English.

          I have translated French strings for myself before it comes with the next patch.
          Great job!
          Anyone here would like to help me to do same effort translating in italian language?

          I can also appreciate a couple of hints from anyone here about particular settings in xml: e.g it seems that in italian version is not correctly supported the gender alternative text (resulting in something like "patetico : patetica" showed instead of the proper definition of my enemies ).

          If anyone can help me to correctly understand special settings, I can speed up the whole process, focusing only on text translation (e.g. things as silly as "power" translated as "potere" instead of a proper "energia elettrica" required for industry).

          Thank you in advance.
          Edited: never mind my last request - I've found the link to the MOD wiki.

          BTW, patch 1.52 seems working quite well so far for me
          Last edited by Adm.Naismith; January 3, 2006, 09:53.
          "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
          - Admiral Naismith


          • If you think about it, a patch doesn't HAVE to allow old save games to work properly. The format may change slightly for example. It's NICE if a patch works with old save games, but it's not always a good idea for them to allow it.

            mods can also cause problems, but it's the responsibility of the developer to fix bugs. I'd rather see them release a fix for the game than wait another three months to release it just because people can't handle starting over again, or not patching until they no longer need to use a save game.


            • targonis: from a PBEMer's view, not being able to continue a started game (some games take up to 2 years) is really frustrating. i can name 2 players who withdrew from civ4 because of this issue.

              loading old saves should always be possible...
              - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
              - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.


              • You can see how supporting old saves may not be possible though. Significant changes to the game code are going to mean that older saves simply will not initialise properly under the new code.


                • As a developer you should allow for that and have defaults on any new features you implement so as to keep this from happening.

                  I agree that it could happen but I also think that there are enough steps to take to keep it from happening that it should be an extremely rare occurance.

                  Civ4 specifically has been developed to be very "moddable" to think they could support whatever kooky thing you or I do to it but couldn't support their own code modifications is a little extreme.

                  Tom P.


                  • Originally posted by Targonis
                    If you think about it, a patch doesn't HAVE to allow old save games to work properly. The format may change slightly for example. It's NICE if a patch works with old save games, but it's not always a good idea for them to allow it.
                    If the format changes slightly it is very easy to counter this, you can modify your serialization methods, with a savegame format version this is not a problem. One nice thing about Civ4 is that the save game format version is displayed somewhere in the game. That's called tranparency, that's something nice.

                    Originally posted by Targonis
                    mods can also cause problems, but it's the responsibility of the developer to fix bugs. I'd rather see them release a fix for the game than wait another three months to release it just because people can't handle starting over again, or not patching until they no longer need to use a save game.
                    Usually they modify the code and there should be no problems, things get more complicated if they start to modify their databases, espeacilly adding and deleting entries if they access the things as indices. But that is rather an issue with mods.

                    Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                    • Say, Ghengis Khan demanded something, I refused, and he declared right away! Is this a new thing in 1.52, or did it simply just not happen to me earlier? They never declared war right away...

                      And another thing... I'm all buddy buddy with Mansa, and he comes asking for help. OK, here ya go. I then check his techs and stuff right there, and notice he has a tech he could trade to me. Question, if we are so buddy buddy, why could he not trade the tech? Is a friends job to sleeze free booze and Gunpowder from me at every turn? Friendship is about giving, give something!

                      Or, is it that his tech is worth less than mine, so instead of lopsided trade, he asks for it, as a gesture of good will? Grrr... I like friendly relations, but being Santa pisses me off. I never get anything...
                      I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"


                      • Originally posted by Tattila the Hun

                        I never get anything...
                        RIAA sucks
                        The Optimistas
                        I'm a political cartoonist


                        • Direct2Drive

                          Is this patch compatible with Direct2Drive installations? Anyone know?
                          "It might be a good idea." -- Mahatma Gandhi, when asked what he thought of Western Civilization.


                          • There is seperate patch for d2d users.


                            • Originally posted by Tattila the Hun
                              And another thing... I'm all buddy buddy with Mansa, and he comes asking for help. OK, here ya go. I then check his techs and stuff right there, and notice he has a tech he could trade to me. Question, if we are so buddy buddy, why could he not trade the tech? Is a friends job to sleeze free booze and Gunpowder from me at every turn? Friendship is about giving, give something!
                              AFAIK the AI try to keep for itself military tech and/or tech that open new civic choice (high value tech) while is more ready to trade marginal tech. I'm not sure about real figures used to evaluate trades, of course.
                              "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
                              - Admiral Naismith


                              • I'm having a couple issues with the patch, & search on the forum insists it can't find 'memorysave' when I know for a fact it's in this very thread. So, search nazi's please forgive me

                                1. memorysave was said to be added to the config file, but it was not there post-patch. I added it, & set it to '1'. I'm a trouble shooter at heart, so I iimmediately tried doing something that the patch notes said wouldn't work with a memorysave=1 setting. That being alt-tab. Alt-tab worked just fine. This makes me question whether the setting is working at all.

                                2. I appreciate the hassle saved by automating workers. I also wanted them to leave forests alone so I turned on the new option. Never the less, I'm still seeing 'so & so production yield from forest clearing' messages throughout the game.

                                3. Turning off 'wait at end of turn' doesn't seem to have an effect either. I still have to press enter at the end of every round.

                                Is anyone else seeing these or similar issues?

                                Last edited by Amickiew; January 4, 2006, 17:05.

