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Skipping sound

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  • Skipping sound

    I have a problem with the sound skipping during any movies, from the 2k Games screen at the very first, to the opening movie, and all wonder movies. How do I fix this?

  • #2
    System specs?
    Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
    Then why call him God? - Epicurus


    • #3
      Do you have integrated sound, by chance? If so, who's the maker?


      • #4
        I'm experiencing the same sound skipping issue.

        When the Wonder Movies play, the sound for the movie skips every 1-2 seconds, very similar to listening to a CD with a bad scratch on it.

        I'm at a loss on where the issue may resides.

        My system specs are:

        P4 2.4GHz (533FSB)
        1GB PC2700 DDR RAM
        80GB Maxtor HDD
        ASUS Nvidia GeForce 6800 Ultra (256MB)
        SoundBlaster Audigy 2 ZS Gamer

        All the drivers are recent since last month.

        Has anyone found any workarounds or will this need to be resolved by a Civ IV patch?


        • #5
          I too get the skipping on wonder movies.

          My specs:

          P4 2.8GHz
          2GB PC3200 DDR RAM
          160GB Maxtor HDD
          BFG GeForce 6800 latest 81.85 drivers and DIVX codecs
          SoundBlaster Audigy 2 ZS Platinum


          • #6
            Are any of you with the sound skipping problem running a temperature monitoring software such as "MSI PC Alert"?


            • #7
              I have the same problem with skipping sound occurring during Wonder Cutscenes.

              I use:
              Intel 2.8ghz /w Intel Mobo
              Win XP
              Integrated Sound (SoundMAX Digital Audio Drivers)
              Raedon 9800
              1gig Ram

              Everything other than the Skipping Wonder music is running fine.


              • #8
                When the Wonder Movies play, the sound for the movie skips every 1-2 seconds, very similar to listening to a CD with a bad scratch on it.
                I had this issue as well. What I did was to change my specific sound driver selection to "stereo" and the Wonder movies played just fine. Worth a shot as it solved not only the Wonder movie issue, but seemingly the lack of volume control I was having with other sound driver selections.


                • #9
                  The only thing of mention for the temperature monitoring question is that I have ASUS' overclocking/Temperature Monitoring utility install, which came with my video card.

                  I can't imagine it causing issues now, since I've had it installed with the driver software for over a year now. I haven't had any compatibility issues with other PC games.

                  (FYI...I'm only using it for temperature and fan monitoring, I'm not overclocking the video card)


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Markgraf

                    I had this issue as well. What I did was to change my specific sound driver selection to "stereo" and the Wonder movies played just fine. Worth a shot as it solved not only the Wonder movie issue, but seemingly the lack of volume control I was having with other sound driver selections.
                    Thanks for the suggestion. I'll try that out tonight when I get home from work.

                    I'll make sure to post tomorrow if this solution works for me as well.

                    Thanks again!


                    • #11
                      It did not work for me, my sounds skips during wonder movies no matter which one I pick. I also disabled voice chatting and that had no effect.
                      My motherboard had onboard sound, which I am not using, but it is still an option for civ. I cant try it now, will try it later.
                      soundblaster audigy platinum, I think, I will check for new drivers, but I am pretty sure they are up to date.
                      Call me Frank.
                      To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical. - Thomas Jefferson


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Markgraf

                        I had this issue as well. What I did was to change my specific sound driver selection to "stereo" and the Wonder movies played just fine. Worth a shot as it solved not only the Wonder movie issue, but seemingly the lack of volume control I was having with other sound driver selections.
                        Where is this at specifically? Under the advanced settings for speakers?

                        I have Reltek AC97 Audio and it does the same thing. Currently I have my speakers set to "desktop speakers" they are mounted to my screen actually. Should I change that then?
                        A wise man once said, "Games are never finished, only published."


                        • #13
                          Are any of you with skipping sound also experiencing extremely laggy gameplay (framerates maxing out around 10) and delayed response from keyboard and mouse?


                          • #14
                            Not me.


                            • #15
                              Where is this at specifically? Under the advanced settings for speakers?
                              Yes, I think that's where it's at. Wherever all the speaker configuration settings are (EAX, EAX2, etc.) under Audio Options. I was getting really choppy sound under most of the settings I tried, until I selected "stereo" and my Wonder movies ran smooth as silk, and I got volume control back too.

