Originally posted by Solver
Ralph - yep, but there's a good reason why one of the two missing combinations is exactly that, and not any other.
Ralph - yep, but there's a good reason why one of the two missing combinations is exactly that, and not any other.
Industrious + Philosophical
are missing. Both Industrious.
According to CFC (assuming that is correct, which is far from being a given):
Creative: "+2 culture per city. Double production speed of theater, coliseum."
Industrious: "Wonder production increased 50 percent. Double production speed of Forge."
Philosophical: "Great People birth rate increased 100 percent. Double production speed of University."
On the first view I don't see any reason, why they wouldn't go together, none of the bonuses "bite". I don't think balance issues are the reason, I hope that the traits are so well balanced, that any combination would go together.
Starting techs (again relying on CFC) seem not to depend on traits, but only on civs, so no clash here either.
Guess I pass. No cookie for me.

EDIT: Ah I see, my balance assumption was too well meant. My fault.
