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"Civilization IV"... Confirmed?

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  • World of Warcraft

    How is Warcraft 3? (I guess I scanned a review of "World of Warcraft" and assumed it was the follow on for Warcraft 2)

    Don't buy it unless you have alot of free time on your hands.


    • Doug;

      Meaning it's really excellent or really bad bug-wise?

      And will my ancient P833 be able to play it if excellent?

      Okay just hovered over the icons- A blue thumbs-up means great- why is it blue in colour? That's the "down" colour, it should be green on "thumbs up"?

      Just thinking about the old games I ramble on about In how games used to

      - I've got a rack of old games I'd like off my shelf that I will never play again- I'll give them away if postage costs are met. Colonisation (floppy), Ascendancy, Cutthroats, Dune II, Master of Orion II, Twenty war game classics (from the earlier '90's, serious wargame strategy), Original Transport Tycoon (floppy), the orginal Civ (floppy), Civilwar Generals (the game I spoke of in the Rail post but misnamed), Alpha Centuri, Sim City 2000, Diplomacy, Majesty, Sudden Strike, Hidden & Dangerous, Corsairs, Chronicles of the Sword, Myth, the Ultima Collection, Norm Kogers Art of War, Heroes of Might and Magic compendium etc.

      How about a charity auction plus postage for them, handled by Apolyon?, the charity decided by a vote?
      (I send all games to Apolyon, or they collect them, they then send them out, once they get them, but reinburse the cost) Someone some where must be desperate to get hold of Myth in the world?!! (rubbish game ) Original boxed Civ might be worth more however, along with Colonization.

      Charity wise, Save the Children, Oxfam, War on Want or for the UK only; the RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institute) as they provide over 300 lifeboats stationed around the UK to save life at sea that will go out in a 30ft boat in Storm force 9 to save the lives of sailors in distress anywhere within diesel range of the engine.

      The last "big" disaster they had was in Cornwall when all crew of the RNLI [boat] drowned trying to help others in distress- They are all unpaid volunteers, the whole service is funded by public generosity, and now Britain is no longer a maritime nation, the bequests of seafarers, wives and widows is drying up, and the most expensive boats now cost about £1-2m. The widowers and children of those men that died trying to save others as a volunteer are still alive.

      On a lighter note,
      You can of course have an Inshore lifeboat named after you, and the smallest rigid inflatables are about £15,000. "Doris and Albert" are common type names, along with company names. If you pay for the significant part of any boat, you name it.

      Last edited by Toby Rowe; April 10, 2005, 05:54.


      • wow


        What can I say about the game over 1.5 million people are playing it worldwide. It is the biggest hit of all time as far as gaming goes, it is setting all the records. Start playing at your own risk, this game is highly, and I mean highly addictive. Even my wife has become addicted. We play hours on end. Sometimes helping each other, sometimes questing with others.
        Sounds like your computer is due for an upgrade. WOW is processor and especially video card dependant. The box states Pentium 3 - 800 with a 32 meg video card with hardware transform and lighting as minimum.
        Recommended is Pentium 4 - 1.5, 512 meg ram, 64 meg video with vertex and pixel shaders, and a broadband internet connection.
        I play on a P4 2.4 with a ati 9700 set 1024 x 728 with excellent results, yet it still can be a little choppy in the cities.
        Until Civ 4 comes it is a great game!
        Hope that helps you.


        PS If you do get it I am Darkwater in the Eldre'Thalas realm


        • Keep this thread on topic, or it will be closed.


          • Sorry all,

            I've rambled too much, too often. A big appology to all.

            A chastised person that deserved to be.

            Any news on Civ 4?


            (Doug: Thanks for the info on the game, alas I can't afford a new 'puter anytime soon, but it does sound good- One to bookmark- I wonder what the Civ 4 requirements will be? both 2 and 3 went for average computers, I hope 4 will do the same, thus making it available to more potential customers).
            Last edited by Toby Rowe; April 14, 2005, 21:49.


            • Originally posted by Lord Nuclear
              Keep this thread on topic, or it will be closed.
              Because of the 500 post rule, it should have been closed some 30+ posts ago really, but it seems like DanQ has forgotten this one. ut on-topic is good no matter what.
              Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
              I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
              Also active on WePlayCiv.


              • Originally posted by Toby Rowe
                (Doug: Thanks for the info on the game, alas I can't afford a new 'puter anytime soon, but it does sound good- One to bookmark- I wonder what the Civ 4 requirements will be? both 2 and 3 went for average computers, I hope 4 will do the same, thus making it available to more potential customers).
                They tend to be that, but remember that a average computer today is a 1,7 GHz or something along that line.
                Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
                I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
                Also active on WePlayCiv.


                • computers

                  Games definitely push the limits of hardware. I bet civ 4 will have big demands on the cpu as well as the gpu. Time to start thinking new computer. they say the new AMD processor make excellent game machines and cost less the Intel. Anyone know anything about them??


                  • Originally posted by Toby Rowe


                    I agree about fighting better in different area's- Historically soldiers have always fought better when defending the homeland, whilst lack of geographical knowledge and weather of a nation an aggressor has invaded has often hindered the army.

                    Didn't a mighty Persian Army founder intially against just 300 Spartan troops for several days until a treacherous goat herder showed the King another unknown mountain pass?

                    If you are the nation that has declared war on another I think the armies should have a slight reduction in morale, unless a warlike nation. The British troops fighting in the US War of Independence for example had quite low morale as they considered they were killing fellow Englishmen which they naturally disliked.

                    Assuming Civ 4 factors in morale that is!

                    Recently, I was worried about morality and rank in games. The armies in CIV III have no privates and no officers. In "The Ancient Art of War," the general would determine the outcome. In history, it took time to develop an infrastructure of military and social rank too. Also, some societies build ghettos and castles. There are no differentiations between military and social rank. CIV IV can include more things now that computers have larger memories.


                    • Originally posted by Boris Godunov
                      The MP is what really matters? Could have fooled me. I've been playing Civ for 12 years or so now, and I've had a grand total of 2 MP games. This MP myopia people have is bizarre.

                      The core of Civ has always been and always will be the SP game. MP is a great feature, but what makes Civ truly great is the ability to sit down and play it without having to worry about cobbling together people for MP (or worse, playing with strangers who can do all sorts of weird crap).
                      my sentiments exactly
                      A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


                      • Hey Mr. Fun is back!!! Good to see you posting again.

                        Yes, I've tried MP, but unless you are going to join a ladder league, it's really hard to get a good game going online due to game length (very long) and reliability of players. If an opponent starts to slip behind in techs or power -- its not long before he just drops off.

                        Even the MP tournaments that were hosted here at Poly had difficulty with administration/organization -- and that was with reliable players.

                        I agree make SP and PBEM work first.
                        Haven't been here for ages....


                        • Originally posted by Boris Godunov
                          The MP is what really matters? Could have fooled me. I've been playing Civ for 12 years or so now, and I've had a grand total of 2 MP games. This MP myopia people have is bizarre.

                          The core of Civ has always been and always will be the SP game. MP is a great feature, but what makes Civ truly great is the ability to sit down and play it without having to worry about cobbling together people for MP (or worse, playing with strangers who can do all sorts of weird crap).

                          I have to agree

                          I too was stricken with this myopia about MP

                          Then PBEM helped
                          but I do not have the time between family and work

                          to sit down on a regular basis

                          I find its a ton of fun thought for SP and even scenario making to play

                          I would rather have the great sp experience and pbem matches anyday

                          Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                          • civ3 lost a lot of great players from civ2 because MP didnt work well.

                            IF civ4 has mp built into it properly then i am sure the great players from civ2 days will return and those are the palyers that play till the end, returning every week to play anothersession , games lasting for 6 months or more.

                            The interaction in MP is what makes it more fun and enjoyable.

                            There is notihng like forming an alliance with a human player only to sweep your armies through his capital next turn..... and then getting Messages for the next milenium complaining aout it

                            GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                            • Originally posted by Rasputin
                              civ3 lost a lot of great players from civ2 because MP didnt work well.

                              IF civ4 has mp built into it properly then i am sure the great players from civ2 days will return and those are the palyers that play till the end, returning every week to play anothersession , games lasting for 6 months or more.

                              The interaction in MP is what makes it more fun and enjoyable.

                              There is notihng like forming an alliance with a human player only to sweep your armies through his capital next turn..... and then getting Messages for the next milenium complaining aout it

                              you mean to tell me there are better players than the ones we now have and willing to trounce upon poor unsuspecting souls?

                              what was it Rasputin, that made people flee?
                              I would say one thing that annoys me is not knowing whom or how many people attacked you
                              thats ticks me off fer sure
                              Attached Files
                              Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                              • yes so much changed from civ2 mp to civ3mp that it just wasnt civ any more.

                                The fact you dont know what is happening around you is one of my biggest hates. i liked in civ2 mp it told you causualty losses and to whom.

                                you could also in civ2 mp do all your city micromanamgent during the other players turn....
                                GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71

