Yeah, perhaps it's time to close this baby, it's beyond it's usefulness now I think.
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Replacing Religions
Originally posted by nbarclay
If people are interested in discussing the merits of religion versus atheism, can you please take it to Off Topic (assuming it's okay with the moderators to discuss the issue even there)? I'd rather not clutter this thread rehashing an old debate that's off topic to the thread anyhow.
Heh, heh - starting a thread like this, you kinda asked for it.Just because you aren't paranoid doesn't mean that they're not out to get you
1. Religions should be randomized as to which tech gives which religion. The names, as affects the gameplay are meaningless, mod away.
2. Slavery in the game means you can work your own citizens to death to rush production. As such, slaves are less productive. Period -- no other effects I can detect, whatever the word means, denotatively and connotatively.
3. Virtually all the intolerance on this thread has been shown by my fellow agnostics and their atheist allies. I am a little surprised and a lot disappointed. Nathan wants to modify his personal copy of the game in a way that makes it comfortable. He notes this is because he is a true believer, one who believes one path is always right and all others are THEREFORE wrong, and the world of Apolyton bigots falls on him like a ton of bricks. He has a right to say why, if he wants to. That is not "asking for it."
4. Within the limits of prurience and personal attacks, this forum has a free speech policy. That means you and Nathan can say whatever you want -- outside a personal attack. So what is with this crap about not saying something that will possibly offend others. Are you all cowards, have you no convictions? (I personally found the Yankee's characterization of the barefoot southerner the most offensive thing on the thread, and I'm from Wyoming and have no forebears with a stand on either side in the Civil War/War Between the States.
5. If I follow Locutus properly, I can change any name to anything in a single file in Civ IV's file system? It's as simple as backspacing out the one and inputting the other? That was the original question, and I am curious as to whether the solution is that simple.No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai
"I played it [Civilization] for three months and then realised I hadn't done any work. In the end, I had to delete all the saved files and smash the CD." Iain Banks, author
for Christians to try to follow the Bible, not a creed (whether written or unwritten) developed by men.
The bible was made by men.
Nuff' said.
On topic, there was really no need to shoot him down like that. If he wants to mod his game then let him!
Yeah I disagree with him but meh it's his game.
Personally, I love the religions in Civ4 - luckily, they are there and regardless of future releases, there they will stay
I'm pretty confident in my beliefs and I really don't concern myself with which religion my Civ is. Although, I've played enough I can pretty much grab anyone I choose to.
I do; however, feel for those that are so trivial and trite that they feel the need to bash others on their RL beliefs because of a question about modding the game, perhaps it’s because they are not ‘sure’ of their own beliefs? One can only guess. Although, on the same note; one should strengthen his/her faith - if an icon/concept in the game offends a person so much, as well...
Why do people act like they are LOOKING for a reason to be offended now, are some people really that shallow and weak?
I'm not sure if the original poster is still around, but if he is, I'd like to make a few practical suggestions.
If you really want to make the religion mechanic abstract and disconnected to real world institutions, why not use abstracted names? Maybe rename the religions Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet.
Alternatively, one of the scenarios in Warlords reconceptualizes religion as "house bloodlines." Missionaries spread "bloodlines" to other cities, and instead of having a state religion, you promote that house as the ruling body. You might be able to deploy assests from that scenario to do something similar.
As a Jedi, I find the topic starters logic to be a bit offensive. My religion (which I arrived at after much meditation and some deep spiritual experiences.) is a joke to you, so you feel fine with spreading it in a video game, unlike a "real" religion. I think you would in the long run find yourself a lot more comfortable by approaching religion with even a slightly more open mind then by any of this close minded thinking rubbish.
And now I vanish, never to be seen again.
Good bye DL, ok now for my sugjestions riped from the latests issue of PvP, Pixianity and NewbismCompanions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche