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Replacing Religions

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  • #91
    Seriously though...

    Judaism ... Kikism/Issacism
    Christianity ... Trinitism/Sogism
    Islam ... Mohomedism/Ishmaelism
    Hinduism ... Panthism
    Buddhism ... Xanadism
    Confucianism ... Cookieism (or if you are a pratchett fan, Sweeperism)
    Taoism ... Zaoism


    • #92
      Originally posted by nbarclay

      Can you come up with an explanation of how it could be possible for all seven of the religions in Civ 4 to be right, given the extent to which they contradict each other? If not, then how can a rational person who believes that his religion is right possibly not believe that other religions that contradict his are wrong?

      Edit: Also, how is it that you condemn me for believing that religions other than mine are wrong, but you don't condemn atheists who believe that all religions are wrong? Isn't that a serious double standard?
      Atheists are at least consistent. Their position is logical, whereas yours isn't.
      The problem with leadership is inevitably: Who will play God?
      - Frank Herbert


      • #93
        Re: Replacing Religions

        Originally posted by nbarclay
        As a Christian, I don't feel entirely comfortable with a game where it is likely to be strategically important to create and spread religions that, in the real world, I believe are wrong.

        But it's okay to play a game where you simulate killing and conquering a lot of people ?

        Which version of the Bible is it where Jesus says:

        'Yea verily, I say unto you- my words are backed with nuclear weapons!'

        because I can't find it in the King James Authorized Version.
        Last edited by molly bloom; October 15, 2005, 08:07.
        Vive la liberte. Noor Inayat Khan, Dachau.

        ...patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone. Edith Cavell, 1915


        • #94
          I love the idea of a Civ religion, I think i'll mod it in myself if the sports religions get in ( as we have all said it isn't hard , especaly with the easy to get simbols that the Civ religions need )

          Sid-ism (folowers of the chosen of Sid ) -Belife in the creator, and thath all others are minions to him and play a minor roll in the world ( a civ game ).

          Firax-ism (folowers of the pantheon of FIRAX) - Sid is but one (albeit important ) god of the pantheon of creator gods.This faith contains many sects worshiping diffrent creator divinities.

          Player-ism (folowers of the player god) -Sid and the other creator gods, crated the universe and do not interfere in it, they have left it in charge of the
          Player-god who shapes everything execpt the most basic of natural laws, they are proteceed in the sacred source-code, those who belive in multiple universes claim that in the latest universe even that is not out of reach of the divinity that is the player. If he is losing it is because he WILS IT ,he can always destroy the world and create a new on a lower mistical "dificulty" level or use the great map editor tool to create scenarios that amuse him.The AI are false gods, shell's of creatures withouth will or wisdom.

          Apolyton-ism (folower of trans-dimensaolist theory) - this heretical sect of player-ism has become in the past few milion turns ( a few year's ) a major religion in it's own right. Like the player-ists they claim that firax or at least the Sid divinity no longer interferes in the universe (except the misterius "payable addons" and "bug fixes"- wich raises another theory tha Sid is not a god since he can make mistakes) and that the player controles it once it is finished.However they claim that there are several universes some older some newer (civ I,II,III and recently Civ IV ) and that each univers contains many many worlds each controled by a player-god. The folowers of this faith claim that they commune on the mistical plain known as the " Apolyton civilisation site " wich is the only source of true wisdom.

          Multi-player-ists ( the caos cult ) -claim that players can under some strange circumstances control parts of the same world , this hovewer brings dificulties that the creator god has only solved in three universes (Civ-net, CivIII-PTW and Civ IV), they claim the god's that live in these multi-player worlds are beter "civ- players"(gods)
          and have "more fun" (achive transcendence earlyer).Other faits claim that the Sid didn't indend to do this but was forced to either by falen players or the "market forces".

          CTP-ists ( folower of the Call to Power player-gods) claim that in the beging Sid an Firax were good but were curupted by the "market forces" and became enslaved by these demons and were forced to create stagnant universes.But since good and evile are always bipolar a new good rose. The "Activison" panteheon as they were called. But the same "market forces" enslaved the as well and so these folowers avait in the Civ IV (or the unfinished CTP II ) universe trapped for their sins, avaiting recue by a new god that will free the old god's froms slavery and return them to freedom (some claim that such a universe exists it is called the "Ages of Man" mod ). This fait has been losing ground, and some have reverted to Sid and Firax -ism claiming that Civ IV is the "promised universe".

          "Market force worshiping cult" -is a dark cult abouth wich there is little information.
          I'm not buying BtS until Firaxis impliments the "contiguous cultural border negates colony tax" concept.


          • #95
            Aislam. Worshipers of entities known as AI's, believe that the Players are the fake gods, the AI's are the true gods since they are one with the code.


            • #96
              You'll probably get a fatwa for that one Blake.
              Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
              I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
              Also active on WePlayCiv.


              • #97
                Originally posted by Navyman
                I think the basic problem for Christians, like myself and nbarclay, is that by having "Christianity" as a game topic, it trivializes something that is the most important thing in our lives.

                (That's me hitting my head against the wall.)

                But it is Ok if we trivialize war and peace, enslavement, starvation, and nuclear war. Glad we got that straightened away.
                Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by nbarclay
                  Some of the issues that come up with regard to separation of church and state also come up with separation of church and game, and I can see why Firaxis chose the course they did. I'm just saying that I personally feel more comfortable with a slightly different approach and will likely come up with a mod to implement an approach I feel more comfortable with for my personal games - especially since the mod won't affect the game mechanics at all.

                  So now I'm up to two pseudo-religions for my mod: Jediism and Apolytonism. That still leaves five slots open. (No, I'm not interested in spreading missionaries around the world to preach the virtues of beer.)
                  Nathan - living in the states where the president says God Bless America at the end of everything, you have to understand that a lot of the rest of the world - myself included - have serious concerms over the American concept of the separation of church and state. In other words, I suspect you see them much more separated in your nation that I do. (and I am basing my opinion on a lot morte than just GWB's tag line). So I see the comparison with church and game differently than you - but as you stated earlier, everyone is welcome to their own beliefs. Not being a Christian (but being a true believer in good will towards my fellow man, and the golden rule - which incidentally - is the basis for all relgious belief in one way or the other), it took me awhile to mellow after reading the first part of this thread. So, I don't understand your position on this at all, but that just means we don't share a common base of belief and faith. And, as you have also stated, that is OK. But it still leaves me shaking my head.

                  But, in the spirit in which the thread was started, I would like to make a suggestion.


                  Not the worship of cats, but of things catlike. Sleep. Food. Play. The occasional hunt. A strong mystical connection to each other, and a much weaker connection to that other minor species that inhabits the earth (humans).

                  The prophet Simon ....
                  Attached Files
                  Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                  • #99
                    Nice cat!

                    Up with Felinism!

                    I'd add my cats to the religion, but their names are Caesar and Augustus... so it might confuse matters with that Roman civ.
                    "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
                    "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
                    "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


                    • See, if I were a Christian, I'd want to keep it in the game. I'd make a beeline for Christianity to make sure it was my religion, or failing that, adopt it when a Christian civ demanded it. Then I could send out missionaries, have inquisitions, forcefully convert heretics, conquer and massacre infidels, and all those other things that Christians have liked to do over the past centuries.
                      Tutto nel mondo è burla


                      • Not all are truely Christians who have called themselves Christians.

                        Besides, true religion is this: to help widows and orphans in need; to visit those in prison; and to keep yourself unspotted from this world.


                        • Come to think of it, I've decided on how I will mod my religions in the game:



                          Hank's Buttism




                          Last Thursdayism
                          Tutto nel mondo è burla


                          • Originally posted by nbarclay

                            For some reason, I find it a lot easier to suspend my nonbelief when it comes to slavery than I do in regard to some other issues. I used to make quite a bit of use of slavers in Call to Power, and I happly grab slaves when I get a good opportunity in Civ 3. Maybe the fact that slaves end up doing essentially the same thing for me that they would have been doing for the other civ, without anything being obviously harmed or destroyed, contributes to that difference.[/size]
                            Wow. Where does one start? This is rich.

                            /me notices the Alabama location and starts to understand the willingness to "accept" slavery, but intollerance regarding other religions.

                            I don't think I've ever committed genocide in all the time I've played Civ 3, which dates back to probably within a couple weeks of the game's original release. I've conquered entire nations any number of times, but that's a very different thing from killing all of their people.
                            What a relief. I'll withdrawl my complaint to the UN Human Rights Crimes Commission.

                            BTW, isn't having ANY OTHER RELIGION -- worshipping anyone or anything else an "idol and a graven image"? Enjoy your sin.
                            Haven't been here for ages....


                            • Okay, Wait a second: How can somone say "It trivilizes somthing so important in my life" and not realise that if we took that out of that reason, we couldn't leave ANYTHING juicy in. War, Culture or you know, the other big belief system in the world: IDEOLOGY.

                              For all that is sane, You don't hear me complaining that they're trivilizing Social Welfare, but that is, indeed, my core belief set (and the ONLY thing in my life that has drove me to wanting to inflict violence), If I complained every time an American called Socialism evil I would have nothing to do but complain (This is not to complain that I DON'T complain sometimes when the virtues of Socialism are called into order).

                              Grow up and stop being so self centered, There IS a universe outside of your personal conciousness. Sometimes you have to take a punch so the enjoy group can get along happy and have a good time.

                              Mod it out if you want, Each to his own, But don't expect sympathy from the public for such a cause.


                              • Well, to be fair, he isn't asking for sympathy, he's just saying he finds it troubling and will mod it and is looking for modding suggestions. He's not saying it shouldn't be in the game and Firaxis should remove it or anything.
                                Tutto nel mondo è burla

