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What nations would you like to see...

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  • #91
    What I would really like to see is the ability to develope your own civ during actual gameplay. While this may not appeal to the masses, I think it would be more realistic. Civilizations were defined by their surroundings. For instance, I don't think it makes much sense that a Camel type UU would be available in a Jungle type map. The fact is, cultures developed based on the available resources and the neccesity to survive. The Vikings didn't have much to work with, so it makes sense to me that they became very proficient at building ships and raiding. Wouldn't it be cool if you could pick what things your civ becomes proficient at.

    While this may be more realistic and intriguing from a strategic standpoint, the implementation of this idea might be a bit tricky. I certainly think that it is feasible, though. First, you could start out with templates (e.g. Defensive, Aggressive, Expansionist, etc...). Also, I think it would be neccesary to have a feature to save your civ at any point during the game so you could use it in the next game. The issue of balancing would certainly be present and would take a while to tweak, but again, possible.

    As far as UUs go, I can think of two options. One, you could automatically create a UU of whatever type by using the max_ramp% limit. What I mean is that, the first type of unit created that reaches max ramp cost is automatically turned into some type of UU. For example, if I make a lot of foot soldiers in Classical age, when the max ramp value is reached, I get a UU similar to something like the Roman Legions or some other type of unique foot soldier. Two, there could be a make UU research option. You would get maybe one per age or something. As far as the abilities of the UUs, the easiast thing would be to allow the player to pick a couple of options from a list when the UU becomes available.

    For bonuses, I think the easiest way is to again use a unique research button. This gives the player the option to pick what bonus his/her civ will have. They could base it on anything they wanted. Another idea I like is that of basing the bonuses on what the player is doing/gathering/building. It would automatically give players bonuses while still letting them decide what bonuses to get by their actions. If you chop a lot of wood, you get a wood chopping bonus. If you build a lot of ships, you get a shipbuilding bonus.

    Imagine you are on a large plain, with horses as a resource, and limited wood. You could build lots of farms, get a food bonus, and produce lots of stable units and get a Horse UU. You could build a civ similar to that of Rohan in Tolkien's world. I think the strategy of the game would be exponentially increased if this idea were implemented.


    • #92
      LodeRunner31 said:
      Wouldn't it be cool if you could pick what things your civ becomes proficient at.

      Isn't that what we are doing anyways when you pick who you play as?
      "War does not determine who is right, it determines who is left."


      • #93
        Originally posted by PMKeates

        Whether you have the mental acumen to answer my post without talking rubbish is not on my conscience. Yes, a moron could have made that post, as it was not complicated. However, not being able to respond? That just makes you a plain old imbecile.
        Were I as stupid as you appear to be I could use the same "logic" and claim that because you are a moron, all Brits (assuming that you are a Brit) are morons. But I'm not a moron, and know that huge groups like the U.S. Army or the population of the UK tend to have a wide variety of types. One case is meaningless in trying to determine the characteristics of a large group.

        Your post was filled with associations as dubious as the one destroyed above. What does training have to do with loyalty or mental health? If anything the scumbag who attacked the HQ troops was trained well enough to take out several other heavily armed troops. I will say that whether you are a moron or a troll, you should check out the Off Topic section of the fora / forums, as I'm sure we could all use a good laugh from time to time.
        He's got the Midas touch.
        But he touched it too much!
        Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


        • #94
          Isn't that what we are doing anyways when you pick who you play as?
          Yes, you can pick the civ you want before the game starts (from a limited list for which there much debate). But, what I meant was that you would develop your civ "real time" during gameplay. Sorry if I did not communicate that very well.


          • #95
            Originally posted by Signa
            LodeRunner31 said:
            Wouldn't it be cool if you could pick what things your civ becomes proficient at.

            Isn't that what we are doing anyways when you pick who you play as?
            This is slightly off-topic, but I think it would be cool if you could randomize not only the Civ, but the Civ special abilities. For instance, you could play as the Turks, but instead of getting the power of Siege, you would get the food bonuses of the Egyptians and the UUs of the Germans. As long as each advantage was given a weighted value (ie, supply wagons healing troops would be more valuable than cheaper citizens), you could still have unique random games without unbalancing the Civs. And it would certainly lead to some interesting combinations.


            • #96
              They need to get real obscure. How about the Scythians?
              KH FOR OWNER!
              ASHER FOR CEO!!
              GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


              • #97
                Power Of Frontier

                (*based upon the work of GRRhhg*)


                Minuteman (improved Milita)
                National Guardsman (improved Partisan)
                Regular (improved Musketeer)
                Doughboy (improved Rifleman)
                G.I. (imprved Infantry)
                Ranger (improved Assault Infantry)

                Aircraft/Ships/Missiles Build 20% Faster
                Less negative effect on the open-Market prices
                Cities exert more NatBorders
                Cheaper gathering buildings (slightly)

                this is just experimental... tell me what you think.
                "War does not determine who is right, it determines who is left."


                • #98
                  STFU punks

                  all you people who have been bashing on americans need to stop, first off, without americans, those home computer you are talking **** on probably wouldnt exist, second without the americans the nazi ****s would have conquered europe, third, americans have the most powerful military in the world theres no reason they shouldnt be put in, fourth, anyone british in here better shut up, the americans whooped your ass once dont make them do it again.

                  think, bill gates is an american you mother ****ers, dont talk **** on an american machine, or any of your ****in foreign offshots.

                  ill **** all you up you think you tough come to South Central for a day and talk your ****, you wont last a ****in second.

                  im out *****es


                  ohhh yeah P.S. any of you mother ****ers try to net bang on me, dont bother i wont respond, and if you want some kid, come on down.


                  • #99
                    ...and on that note, does anybody want to compare the American civilization as they currently stand?

                    Seems like they have science bonuses and a good blend of special military skills. Definitely a civilization that you'd want to be wary of in the late game!
                    "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                    • I believe the Americans belong in the first few ages as much as the Romans and Mayans belong in the last few ages. This is a problem with having a game that covers so large a time period.

                      Regardless, the Americans will be in the game and I think that their unique units are good but I would like to see some unique fighter aircraft units starting in the modern age.

                      I also think that the Americans should have a unique scout unit from gunpowder to industrial that is a cavalry type unit. It would be less expensive and quicker than the normal scout.
                      Ille potens sui laetusque deget cui licet in diem dixisse Vixi


                      • Phillippines: The Power Of Spam
                        New American UU: Al Gore-Eliminates pollution and you get "The Internet" great wonder instantly.

                        New Hittite MGL: Howard Dean(listen to what their UU sounds like when it attacks)


                        • Originally posted by Ctulu
                          LOL no worries

                          I would like to see the Atlantians included, with mermaids and other nudities included arty:

                          Or perhaps, the Eskimos, with icebear riders

                          Or even some Scandinavian country, with Black/Death Metalheadz in modern/information age

                          No seriously, why not the Palestinians with terrorist units, and the American's with a special building called the WTC tower (increased wealth commerce cap )

                          PS: if anything of this message offends people, srry!
                          You really offend me with this post!
                          (My mother was an Eskimo)


                          • An Inuit, An Inuit.

                            I heard that "Esquimaux" from French means "Eater of raw flesh".
                            "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                            • Well, this thread really went all sh** house.

                              I'm still waiting for "Hawaii" as a playable option.......
                              Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
                              Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
                              *****Citizen of the Hive****
                              "...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis


                              • Originally posted by Alinestra Covelia
                                An Inuit, An Inuit.

                                I heard that "Esquimaux" from French means "Eater of raw flesh".
                                Then why aren't the french called eskimos?
                                Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

                                Do It Ourselves

