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What nations would you like to see...

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  • #61

    You're probably right that Native Americans wouldn't want the US to represent them- yet it would also be wrong to have a "Native North American" nation, too. There are hundreds of tribes and subsets in North America, so to make a single nation like that would be incorrect. Also, keep in mind that Native Americans have volunteered for military service in great numbers.

    The Italians are a good civ to include, but I think it's easier to incorporate them with the romans- just as the western empire was starting to fade, Italy was on the rise.

    Finally, on the USSR thing- I'm taking it that your point is that the Soviet Union is resilient. You're right, and it's a testament to the workforce of that nation that they were able to survive, despite crippling poverty and shortages- things you never heard about because of the state-run media. As we're learning now, much of the Soviet strength was just smoke and mirrors, and came at the expense of the populace. Read memoirs of German soldiers on the Eastern Front of WW2, about the state of the people they encountered.
    "I never let my schooling get in the way of my education" -Mark Twain


    • #62
      [QUOTE] Originally posted by Alexander's Horse

      Oh please.............

      Shouldn't that be French? [/QUOTE

      The French already have a power? Power of Seige?

      Americans, Indians (East), Carthage, Sioux, Apache, Javanese, Assyrians, Swedes (dominant in Scandinavia till 1905), Koreans.

      Arguably the Americans, Canadians, Australians etc are merely an extension of Europeans however and while highly relevant to post 1750 not prior to that.

      Plenty of options though.


      • #63
        Originally posted by PMKeates

        That first statement is extremely far from the truth. The non-USA economy is almost four times as large as the USA one.

        Your army is the best trained? That is highly debatable. Recent military events have put that statement to serious question.
        I'd like to hear why you think that statement is debatable. Helicopter crashes in the desert are unavoidable. Do you know how much maintenance is required for them, per hour in the sky in the desert? Also, our troops have been very cool when it comes to crowds, generally. There have been incidents, but for the most part, our soldiers have been polite and diplomatic when it comes to local opposition (clerics and such.) Also, while the media may spew out disaster story after disaster story about Iraq, you might not realize that a lot of the country is doing well. Most of Northern Iraq is safe, and quite prosperous. For example, the city of Mosul has running water, an Iraqi-elected council, Universities, electricity, police, etc. Our soldiers are doing the best they can, and have a lot of experience in it. Many soldiers have been to Afghanistan, and before it places like Albania, and Bosnia. There are few countries in the world whose armed forces approach ours in terms of experience, and training.
        The equipment gap is also quite large between the U.S. and the rest of the world. If you hadn't seen already, the U.S. army just unveiled a new next-gen rifle to replace the M4. In addition, the U.S. is doing a lot of research, and testing, of integrated systems for the battlefield, like the Land Warrior system. Javelin anti-tank rockets, and the new Crusader vehicles are some of the other innovations from our Army.
        Our Air Force and Navy are also very advanced, but I don't have quite as much knowledge about them.
        I'd like to see what you have to say about this, and perhaps you could enlighten me about the problems with our military.


        • #64
          too large ?
          too expensive ?
          you used it outside of your borders when not being under attack by a nation?
          "Ceterum censeo Ben esse expellendum."


          • #65
            Once again this is a turning into a political debate...
            dannubis just basically said "all these accomplishments are mute because you use them in such a way that could be interpreted as aggression, so you shouldn't be in Ron". Does Germany's great feats in building a massive army and air force in the 30s need to be left out because they where offensive with it? NO! Same with the Roman legions/Mongol hordes/Aztecs warriors and a heck of a lot else. All in all, despite the fact some people don't like us, America should be in an XP.

            As for the technology of the United States Navy and Air Force we are probably even more ahead there. We are the only nation with nuclear powered surface ships, have the best submarines, the Aegis combat system (which would rule if it was ever given a chance to shine), aircraft that only a few foreign ones can challenge (the F-14, F-18, and the incoming JSF [the "Super" Hornet I admit sucks]), only nation with the potential to have battleships (with six months), plus our carriers. Those are no small accomplishment of industry and technology. The Air Force is even further ahead on technology. F-22 fighter, which will rule everything that exists, the JSF (which looks to be good), the only other country besides Japan and the USSR/Russia with AWACs (and ours are signifigantly better), only nation with stealth aircraft (China might have a proto-stealth technology but nothing like us) in the F-19/117 and B-2. And the heavy strategic bombers that aren't preatty but can make people hurt alot in the B-52 and B-1. Plus the older generation of aircraft (F-15, F-16, and A-10) are still the best in the world and we are still upgrading. No individual force is capable of facing our Air Force or Navy, we dominate on the sea and in the air far more than land.
            "War does not determine who is right, it determines who is left."


            • #66
              i didn't say they shouldn't be in RON
              don't have a problem with the US being in the game.

              but there is a subtle difference between being 'the' defender of freedom and the imposer of freedom

              i was just trying to point that out ...
              "Ceterum censeo Ben esse expellendum."


              • #67
                What about: America: The Power of Economics

                Power of Freedom is lame....
                Try my Lord of the Rings MAP out: Lands of Middle Earth v2 NEWS: Now It's a flat map, optimized for Conquests

                The new iPod nano: nano


                • #68
                  Power Of Capitalism?
                  Power Of Free Enterprise?

                  Now the more I think about it Power Of Immigration sounds good. Our country is defined by nothing more than a nation of entirely immigrants (Native Americans immigrated here if you go back far enough).
                  "War does not determine who is right, it determines who is left."


                  • #69
                    I don't want to attack the US here (actually, I do, but there's no need for that ), but although the US military is definitely the best equipped, I really don't think they are the best trained... not by a long-shot.

                    I've heard too many stories from British soldiers about American's troops' lack of knowledge about their allies' uniforms to believe any differently. And that's something a soldier should learn pretty early in his career. One Brit said that, "you just don't go near the Americans at night."

                    But I agree that the game just wouldn't be right to have more recent civs in there. There are still quite a few ancient civs that can be added in the inevitable expansion pack.


                    • #70
                      Definitely the Scandinavians - representing Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark. Vikings, anyone?


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by asdfboo

                        I'd like to hear why you think that statement is debatable. Helicopter crashes in the desert are unavoidable. Do you know how much maintenance is required for them, per hour in the sky in the desert? Also, our troops have been very cool when it comes to crowds, generally. There have been incidents, but for the most part, our soldiers have been polite and diplomatic when it comes to local opposition (clerics and such.) Also, while the media may spew out disaster story after disaster story about Iraq, you might not realize that a lot of the country is doing well. Most of Northern Iraq is safe, and quite prosperous. For example, the city of Mosul has running water, an Iraqi-elected council, Universities, electricity, police, etc. Our soldiers are doing the best they can, and have a lot of experience in it. Many soldiers have been to Afghanistan, and before it places like Albania, and Bosnia. There are few countries in the world whose armed forces approach ours in terms of experience, and training.
                        The equipment gap is also quite large between the U.S. and the rest of the world. If you hadn't seen already, the U.S. army just unveiled a new next-gen rifle to replace the M4. In addition, the U.S. is doing a lot of research, and testing, of integrated systems for the battlefield, like the Land Warrior system. Javelin anti-tank rockets, and the new Crusader vehicles are some of the other innovations from our Army.
                        Our Air Force and Navy are also very advanced, but I don't have quite as much knowledge about them.
                        I'd like to see what you have to say about this, and perhaps you could enlighten me about the problems with our military.
                        First off, I was not referring to friendly fire incidents in general, they are unavoidable. But rather the fact that some members of the American armed forces are just not right in the head. Don't say I'm wrong, unless you think that nutcase who threw a grenade into an American tent was in a state of perfect mental health. If one of the troops does it, who's to say they aren't more troops who would have snapped just the same?

                        I also did NOT need a lecture into the state of American defence forces. Your comparisons to land and air equipment of the Chinese and Russian armed forces was frankly a waste of time. In fact, comparison to any of the conventional forces of any nuclear power is pointless. How long do you think it would take for a war between Russia and the USA, China and the USA or even the UK and the USA to escalate to a nuclear state of affairs? To answer that question, not very long at all. When countries such as the UK have enough nuclear power to remove a vast majority of the American populous, whether the UK has the latest and greatest aircraft or the latest and greatest armour on its tanks (Although it does have the latter) is of no consequence.

                        P.S. - While your soldiers may have been polite and diplomatic (For the most part), some of your soldiers, I personally do not think, really understand what's going on. A shining example of that is when they draped the American flag over the head of a huge statue of Saddam Hussein. That was not a professional thing to do, and not something that people with true experience and even a little common sense would have carried out.
                        Britain - something 1/4 of the world was once part of, unficiation on a very grand scale.


                        • #72
                          Hum... I'm sure a crazy act by a individual solider is a indication that an army is not well trained...

                          However, the thing about "don't go near Americans at night" is a good point. But I'm sure our troops learned quick enough.

                          And the flag point. Maybe not the best thing to do, but I don't see the major harm it did. Would you rather Saddam stayed up? Or a "modified" Iraq flag, what?
                          "War does not determine who is right, it determines who is left."


                          • #73
                            I have to agree with the poster above me that the actions of one individual soldier shouldn't reflect on the whole. In every industry, there are people who aren't right in the head. This isn't a result of their training, or their job. Some people are just insane. I've seen other incidents like this, and while it is always a tragic thing, it is not a result of their training. Your logic that "If one does it, more will follow" has no base in reality.
                            As for your thought that nuclear arms render all convential forces null and void, I believe this is also flawed. I cannot honestly see and of the leaders of the countries you mentioned launching nuclear weapons. The leaders are simply too intelligent to unleash such a devastating weapon upon the world, unless it would do more to save lives than end them. WWII showed us the devastation of nuclear war, and I don't think any leader would want to see that happen again.
                            As for the soldiers; I can't say that I approve of the marine putting the American flag on Saddam's statue. That was an insensitive thing to do. However, you may not know it, but many of the leaders in Iraq aren't idiots. They don't let their soldiers drive around with American flags flying from their humvees. As with your last argument, because one soldier does something does not mean others will follow in suit. I would caution you from saying American soldiers lack common sense. Did you not see the scene in Najaf, where soldiers, when trying to meet with a local Sheik, were confronted by locals who were afraid they were going to defile the local Mosque. Did they start firing wildly? No. Did they start shouting, and enflame the crowd? No. The Colonel had his men kneel, and lower their weapons. When the crowd still refused to let them through, he told his men to go on and turn around, and leave.
                            Does that sound to you like an inexperienced group of soldiers, with no common sense? Maybe you should see the other half of the picture before you stereotype the whole American Army.


                            • #74
                              Enough of this crap. Go have your political debates elsewhere. They are not needed here. Read the topic again, please.

                              On the topic, I would prioritize two nations on the "to be included" list: USA (or Americans in the Civ3 style) and Scandinavians (as I said earlier). Other nations could be the Arabs and Italy (rename Rome when they reach medieval?).


                              • #75
                                Personally, I don't want to see the inclusion of America in an expansion any more than I'd want to see the inclusion of Australia. These nations are too young, and wouldn't make any sense in the context of the game, other than the "Yay, I get to play as my own nation" nationalistic kind of way. If the game was more realistic, and the nations changed into what they are today, like if you could start out as a European nation, then colonize another country, and then become a new nation or some such, I think it would work ok, but then we'd be talking about a completely different game.

                                I like the inclusion of nations such as the Aztec, in that they offer a kind of "what if" scenario, in that we can find out "what if the Aztecs survived and made it to the present", but unfortunately, that doesn't really work in the reverse (what if the modern USA was an ancient civilisation) without creating too much of a fantasy game.
                                I think the only way to include "Americans" would be to have native-American tribes (which are already included in the game as barbarians), but, like the Australian Aboriginals, I don't think they lend themselves very well to the type of civilisations in the game, what with their smaller, nomadic nature. Besides, that isn't what people want anyway, they want modern USA, judging from all the tech people talk about.

                                I know there is a mod that replaces one of the South American nations with the US, and I think if you really want to play as modern USA, go with a mod, or play something else. Modern civilisations that come from European colonisation don't seem right in this game.

