Why did you have to say some more American-bashing, Alinestra? If I go by the flag by your name, suggesting that you are Chinese, there are numerous amounts of jokes and things I could say to make fun of your nation and its achievements. Stop ripping on the Americans, ok? Or else I'll flame with Chinese jokes, too.
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The Israeli/Hebrew/Jewish Nation sounds good, in the ways that others have described it. I think it should be a defensive Nation, with maybe some Ancient and Classical Age unique units, and then Modern and Information Age unique units, such as Sayerets (spelling?) and a Merkava Mark 4.
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The Israeli/Hebrew/Jewish Nation sounds good, in the ways that others have described it. I think it should be a defensive Nation, with maybe some Ancient and Classical Age unique units, and then Modern and Information Age unique units, such as Sayerets (spelling?) and a Merkava Mark 4.