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What nations would you like to see...

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  • #31
    Why did you have to say some more American-bashing, Alinestra? If I go by the flag by your name, suggesting that you are Chinese, there are numerous amounts of jokes and things I could say to make fun of your nation and its achievements. Stop ripping on the Americans, ok? Or else I'll flame with Chinese jokes, too.

    Back on topic....

    The Israeli/Hebrew/Jewish Nation sounds good, in the ways that others have described it. I think it should be a defensive Nation, with maybe some Ancient and Classical Age unique units, and then Modern and Information Age unique units, such as Sayerets (spelling?) and a Merkava Mark 4.


    • #32

      What brings you back to these fair forums?
      I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


      • #33
        How about Melanesia?

        The Power of Headhunting.
        Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

        Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


        • #34
          Originally posted by ADG

          But even with their short lifetime, they had managed to become the greatest nation at present time...

          I'd say, USA should be a nation in RoN...
          The problem with the Americans is that they were never an ancient tribe. They are a modern offshoot of the Britons. Everyone else makes somewhat sense when they start in the ancient era, but Americans.


          • #35
            I'm surprised the Yanks aren't included. They were in civ 1 and 2.

            Bit of a marketing blooper there.
            Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

            Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


            • #36
              Aegis Cruiser is a must - one of America's prinicple strengths is its navy and air superiority. Also goes for the Nimitz Carrier, could hold say 8 fighters instead of .

              i say no to both. why? because thus far, there are no unique naval units. there are nations which definitely deserve some unique naval units--the koreans and the greeks, for example. they don't have those unique naval units; thus, any american civ should not have one either. besides, every unique unit has a regular unit counter of one sort or another; that's because all the unique units are ground units. an american water unique unit would have no natural counter, and thus be a game-breaker.

              Why did you have to say some more American-bashing, Alinestra? If I go by the flag by your name, suggesting that you are Chinese, there are numerous amounts of jokes and things I could say to make fun of your nation and its achievements. Stop ripping on the Americans, ok? Or else I'll flame with Chinese jokes, too.

              dude, she's of asiatic origin, but she's like me... we're both american.
              i didn't see that as america bashing. and in any case, you won't win any arguments by stooping so low as to bash another country.

              if there is a israeli/hebrew/jewish nation, i'd suggest we drop the israeli and jewish names and stick with hebrew. jewish is loaded, as it's a religious term; one could just as easily substitute the word arab for muslim, but there was a good reason for them not doing that. as for israel, it's either a) too modern, or b) during the same time as judea, thus doesn't make too much sense. besides, hebrew is a tribe, an ethnicity, which fits far more in line with the other tribes and nations in the game--not one of them is named for a country, but rather an ethnicity, a tribe.


              • #37
                Our culture is everywhere. The Fareast Asia has embraced our form of capitalism, Europe is the same, things like McDonalds and bluejeans are common sites all over the world.
                and you consider Mc Donalds as Culture? You only describe your own narrow mindness! Don't make me Laugh! :LOL: the rest of the world should be considered as culturally backword if they don't have the same fast food consumption minded, warpig's like Amerika?!? Thumbs Up for the ignorant! The less you know, the less you know you are nothing but a shallow shell, puppets of madmen. American's are truly a Godgift of bastard inbred Europeans/Africans/Asians! All hail to the new Nazi's of the world, disguising themselfs behind *preventive* war's. You fear what you have become, you dirty Imperialists!

                PS: this is only directed at Nationalist, conservatives, who don't know/give **** about the rest of the world, not all American's are like this!
                Pain is of no subsequence to me, for you cannot kill what cannot bleed!


                • #38
                  Sayerets (spelling?) and a Merkava Mark 4.

                  Sayeret is the Israeli counterpart of Rangers or SAS or something. It means "recon ranger group".

                  There are many different groups, with the leading one being Chief of Staff Recon = Sayeret Matkal.


                  • #39
                    Thanks for the info, Sirotnikov. I was thinking of editing a few units in the Scenario Editor to make some Sayeret units, that were faster and maybe more powerful than normal Assault Infantry. However, they aren't the entire Army such as Assault Infantry portrays, so maybe I could make them an entirely unique unit, I.E. replaces nothing.


                    • #40
                      Its a strange phenomenon that we're all living in now-a-days.

                      All you people say that 'America' isn't an Ancient tribe. I would argue that America is an 'ancient' tribe.

                      Why? Well, the Vikings may have been around for 1000 or so years. Thats a pretty long time. But they didn't have telephones, or the internet, or anything like that. So, time was much less.. 'valuable'. A second was worthless... even minutes had no real value. Everything was measured in days and sun cycles. Wheras today, people are scrambling for minutes and information is being sent around the world three times over in seconds.

                      So even though America hasn't been around since the mid 1800s (oh wait.... but why is 'Germany' there then?) the fact is, America has grown and advanced ten.. a hundred times what the Vikings did in 1000 years.. in 300. I mean, the world has fought two major world wars within 30 years or so from each other. Thats crazy.. tell me any other point in history that something like that happend...

                      Although personally, I wouldn't want the United States in the game, because they would feel to fake, until you get to like Industrail Age...

                      but then again, I was really mad when I saw Aztecs, Bantu, Inca Maya and Nubia... those are ubsurd.
                      "Mr. Chambers! Don't get on that ship! We've mastered the book, To Serve Man.... it - its a cook book!"


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Signa
                        We played a huge (albiet short) part in WWI,

                        Germany Lost WW1 because of the US.
                        German Victory in WW1 => no WW2 => no ColdWar.
                        I'm trying to say that we would be better of with out you.

                        Our GNP beats the whole of the rest of the world.

                        Our culture is everywhere.
                        now, isn't that a bad thing?
                        My Words Are Backed With Bad Attitude And VETERAN KNIGHTS!


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Scipio2k
                          Lots of US bashing here, but its easy for other countries to direct blame on the United States for their problems, instead of looking inward.

                          its easy for the US to ignore the problems it has caused to other countries.

                          United States was the first modern democracy
                          now, isn't that a bad thing?
                          My Words Are Backed With Bad Attitude And VETERAN KNIGHTS!


                          • #43
                            There is a serious lack of Arab civilizations in the game. Arabs/Sumerians/Persians along that line...

                            Even the Indians are missing.


                            • #44
                              People say that WWII was because the USA helped the Allies. Did you ever consider that if Germany had won and gave the UK and France a horrible deal (just like they did to Germany in the real world) maybe the UK and France would have been a economic hellhole and then they would become the breeding ground for fascists (it can be observed that the nations that got shorthanded at Versalles all ended up starting bad things, ie Germany, Italy, USSR [not at Versalle but at Brest-Livtosk {hell if i can't spell}], Japan, and even Vietnam. BTW WWI wasn't ever going to be won by the Germans. They where doomed. They would have folded first even if the USA stayed pernamently neutral. BTW again despite that the 20th Century was like one big nonstop war it did end up rather well, didn't it?

                              As to DarthVeda's comment he is right of course...

                              its easy for the US to ignore the problems it has caused to other countries.
                              Such as?

                              First modern democracy
                              now, isn't that a bad thing?
                              ?!? how is that bad?
                              "War does not determine who is right, it determines who is left."


                              • #45
                                Yeah, Veda, I think that there are an amount of Arab nations missing. An Arab civilization or Persians would be great, but i would really appreciate the Indians as a nation.

