Originally posted by la0tsu
If you read my thread entitled "Bantu Boom", you will see that my opening move is to research Civ1 and immediately upon completion build those two cities.
If you read my thread entitled "Bantu Boom", you will see that my opening move is to research Civ1 and immediately upon completion build those two cities.
City2 goes up fast with 2 workers, and typically I send them off immediately to City3. Waiting a bit permits me to scope out City3 in particular to make sure I get a solid location for it...in my experience as long as your capital is decent with solid woods and at least a 5-Citizen mountain you can subspecialize City2 and 3 (one wood/farms, other metal) and use City4 to cover the rest of your basic needs, which makes exploration and boundary pushing with Temples less important early.
However, by the time I'm ready to begin conquest, I have more resources than I can reasonably spend, so the added pop cap becomes the most important factor at that stage.
That said I may consider starting to throw it up right after Terra Cotta in Medieval, which is an approach I've never taken. After all, at that point I've got Construction1 and a Wonder work force of 4+ laborers...
It should also be noted that my perspective is that of a perfectionist.
I would recommend you read the Bantu Boom thread to have a comprehensive view of my MO.
As for bad habits generated by playing 'D' until Industrial, the problem with that is that you're failing to disrupt the opponent's production, which will come back to haunt you against a more competent human general that will not squander his resources on useless units. If you raid, you can often force the opposition to use more resources defending the raid than you invest attacking AND shut down the production of a city for the duration of the raid, which is pretty strong.
I'm with Grond on the necessity of a fast Commerce3 against Toughest, as well as the fact that this is ONLY smart against the comp, which just flat doesn't attack after Classical until Gunpowder in most games...but let's face it, Catapults suck

Also, I suspect that a lot of us are breaking down the AI because we are not RTSers at heart and use 'P' quite a bit...I've never scored much over 30 on speed, and in an ugly game I'll chalk up 20-25. Learning my way around hotkeys now so I can try MP.
No games last night, it was my anniversary (3rd) and I do NOT play strategy games well with a head full of champagne. I'll try the Brits again, and I'll let you know the results.