I find that if I just set my resources pretty close to the edge of the city radius, the Nukes do very little damage. They always land it right on top of the city.
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Beating the Toughest AI
Originally posted by solo
I wonder what the difference has been in our last few games, as I have had a relatively easy time of it by adding many archers for defense until siege are available. Now I make sure each city has an archer and each tower has two before adding another city, and go for attrition sooner than I used to in games when I was hurt early.
Your strategy on farm timing for the Brits was quite helpful, actually, ran it yesterday morning and it GREATLY improved early efficiency...I had no fishing and still was able to hold my own early. Got trounced by the WORST nightmare of the Brit archer force in Medieval - a swarm of Elite Javs and Knights, stopped & went to work...goofed two ways that game, built the first Tower in the wrong place AND made a big error on Mine placement by putting my first Mine AHEAD of my left flank city when I had two protected locations available...not smart.
My test on starts showed a big disparity in results after only 5 minutes, which makes me think that the gathering rates of the human player may be secretly adjusted based on things like tech acquisition, number of cities, etc. We all know that in Toughest, that the AI gathering rates have been increased by 50%, and if the game tinkers with human rates, too, this would not be noticeable without comparative tests.
Two firsts:
1) Two in a row with the Brits! WOOOOOOO!
2) Won one without building either the Statue or Versailles (grumble #^&@ Egyptians grumble)
Oddly, comp didn't EVER send a single unit into my turf until Info Age in the first game...and got slaughtered for failure to disrupt the boom. Think I more than doubled up the second-highest score (final was like 55k), won a Wonder victory (up like 29 points) outside the last enemy capital with 65% of the territory, outearned all 3 comps in every resource except wood...ugly stuff.
Building additional Towers seemed to help in the second game...repulses pre-Bombard attacks pretty handily. Played around with helicopters some...they're nice since they never need to land, but VERY fragile. My feeling was if you have pop limit issues (and I always do with the Brits, Colossus or no) and more resources than you know what to do with (again, not an issue with Brits) then Helicopters on infinite queue flagged to the general rock Bombers for sheer firepower any day of the week.
Oddly, comp didn't EVER send a single unit into my turf until Info Age in the first game...
If you are really testing your own prowess versus the AI, to improve your multi-playing skill, I'd recommend playing ONE AI, normal speed, no pausing, with other "standard" settings.
Of course, everyone is free to make their own choices, and if you don't ever plan on playing multi, then it doesn't really matter.
Some additional wealth comes from establishing trade routes earlier and by not putting so much into scholars early on. I compensate for this by getting a lot of wood and aiming for those Scientific upgrades as soon as possible. When basic defenses are in place, wealth is shifted to scholars using the infinite que.
Nice going on those wins as the Brits!
You have a very good point and it may turn out that just playing against one AI opponent is a better test of skill on Toughest, since they often end up attacking and weakening each other in many 4-player games, leaving the human player a lot more time to boom.
I have learned a bit about predicting AI behavior, making the last few games go much easier, but a key reason for this success was my policy of building up a good defense early. In games when I didn't do this I was attacked early, often and almost continously. So ignoring one's military can be equally disasterous in SP and MP games.
I'll have to try a few games against just one AI on Toughest to compare the difficulty, as I see that vs. only 1 opponent there will be more time to build a competitive military early in the game and less chance of being attacked on two fronts simultaneously. Closer proximity in 4-player games meant contact and conflict much earlier than in games vs. 1 AI.
No doubt the best test of overall skill is by playing against human opponents in MP games, and I can't help but agree that practicing vs. 1 AI on Toughest without pausing would be better way to practice for MP games. However, Toughest games vs. more than 1 opponent DO teach you to become more efficient and help you in deciphering the reasons behind AI decision making.
Originally posted by Out4Blood
This results in bad play habits that will get you killed in multiplayer (e.g., not having to defend prior to info age!)
If you are really testing your own prowess versus the AI, to improve your multi-playing skill, I'd recommend playing ONE AI, normal speed, no pausing, with other "standard" settings.
In other words, while 1v1 is a more consistent test of skill, there are a lot of lessons to learn from 4-man FFA as well.
I don't doubt that you're a better player, Out4Blood, but I also suspect that you have an RTS background...we graying TBSers understand strategy but are still getting used to the interface, control groups, and the fine art of hotkeying REALLY fast...it's not an easy transition if you're used to spending time over your decision making.
I'm beating Toughest resoundingly as Mayans on Sea Map. I can't really explain why, other than I build coastal defenses and the dumb AI keeps throwing away his ships at it. Very little land military except for Spies and Archers, and the Archers get ZERO upgrades (don't need 'em--they're garrisoned). Usually a Wonder victory, but a D-Day victory works almost as well.Fight chicken abortion! Boycott eggs!
Originally posted by Aginor
I fail to see how the dynamic is much different from MP with the same number of players...
Originally posted by Aginor Only problem is that the AI is horribly predictable in single player.
Originally posted by Aginor In
other words, while 1v1 is a more consistent test of skill, there are a lot of lessons to learn from 4-man FFA as well.
Originally posted by Aginor I don't doubt that you're a better player, Out4Blood, but I also suspect that you have an RTS background...
Well, in between 1v1 and 4-"man" FFA, would 2v2 with a computer ally be a useful compromise? Rushing the center might not be such a good idea, as you might get pincered by the two AI enemies. Just a thought...
As for me, I don't feel up to "toughest" just yet (though I *should* be ready for it after THIS thread!) But 1v1 at "tough" isn't really a challenge anymore. There are challenges, yes, but the outcome is not seriously in doubt.
Last night I was attacking the strength-7 Incan capital in CtW in Enlightenment, and initially I thought I was in trouble, backed up against the wall with an initial AI city about where I would normally build my 2nd city, and an army already on its way to my capital. But I was fine, throwing up two stockades flanking the city and tossing damaged musketeers into garrison as needed. Then the AI continued to attack me there while I expanded laterally and put down 4 more cities. Boom for my Bantu, bust for his Incans. Wide and thin would be suicide against a human opponent, but the AI single-mindedly wasted its forces (as usual).
O4B: I've never tried MP because I'm too darned slow ("glacial" is my usual term). I'm a dyed-in-the-wool TBSer and I "think forever" in spades. It's starting to frustrate *me* because I'm hardly getting any sleep thanks to RoN.
Huh? Wha'?
"I just want to take this one more city, then I'll go to bed!" "...your Caravel has killed a Spanish Man-o-War."
Try using more hotkeys, waypoints, queues, and rally points. You'll start to get bored on normal speed against the AI.
I've confirmed, an Incan spy strategy works pretty well on Toughest/land maps, unless there's a shortage of hills. Spies cost metal and gold--something the Incans ought to have plenty of. And you get refunds when your bribed units die. It's critical to get to Classical and get mines early, because you NEED at least 5 spies by the time the AI's second wave attack comes along. Definitely get Angkor Wat.
So far I've beaten the AI Toughest multiple times with Incans, Mayans, Russians, and Bantus. Of those I have to say Mayans/sea maps are by far the easiest.Fight chicken abortion! Boycott eggs!
I enjoy the British the most. Everytime I go to pick another civ, I end up picking British again.