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February 28?!

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  • #16
    Yeesh. These guys are worse than blizzard.
    By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day.


    • #17
      Oh go back to the jabbering marine AOL (newbie) board.


      • #18
        I know there have been theories of corporate intrigue going on about the MoO3 release date, and for the most part I've completely ignored them. The only thing that gives me pause is what I read yesterday.

        I was reading an article on Command & Conquer: Generals on Gamespot, and it mentioned that they aren't releasing the game until after Christmas because, to quote them -

        "As it did with SimCity 4 and the PlayStation 2 version of The Sims, Electronic Arts decided to hold off the release of Generals in order to prevent the cannibalization of its own products--as most gamers are quite aware of right now, there is an absolute flood of games on the market. Rather than compete with hundreds of other games, Generals will be released in February, after things have settled down a bit, so to speak. "*

        Insert "MoO3" in that, and it does make a bit of sense. Looking at it from Infogrames' standpoint, it's not a bad thing - they stand a better chance of making money, and gamers get a game that has the bugs exhaustively worked out of it.

        Oh well. Working out bugs, corporate decisions at the highest levels, whatever. It'll eventually show up.

        We make war in that we may live in peace.


        • #19
          One of the chief questions is what happens after release. Normally there is a modicrum of post release support even if no expansion is planned. Sound to me that QS is using that up now so what we get will probably be the final product. In which case I wish them mucho well over the next two or so months.


          • #20
            I would imagine after-release support will mostly depend on actual sales. This regardless of weather they release now or in two months.

            Although, I'd be much surprised if we didn't see some serious purges over there after the release - the bean counters will want someone's head on a plate for the failure to capitalize on the x-mas rush.
            "The number of political murders was a little under one million (800,000 - 900,000)." - chegitz guevara on the history of the USSR.
            "I think the real figures probably are about a million or less." - David Irving on the number of Holocaust victims.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Sherlock01
              I know there have been theories of corporate intrigue going on about the MoO3 release date, and for the most part I've completely ignored them. The only thing that gives me pause is what I read yesterday.

              I was reading an article on Command & Conquer: Generals on Gamespot, and it mentioned that they aren't releasing the game until after Christmas because, to quote them -

              "As it did with SimCity 4 and the PlayStation 2 version of The Sims, Electronic Arts decided to hold off the release of Generals in order to prevent the cannibalization of its own products--as most gamers are quite aware of right now, there is an absolute flood of games on the market. Rather than compete with hundreds of other games, Generals will be released in February, after things have settled down a bit, so to speak. "*

              Insert "MoO3" in that, and it does make a bit of sense. Looking at it from Infogrames' standpoint, it's not a bad thing - they stand a better chance of making money, and gamers get a game that has the bugs exhaustively worked out of it.

              Oh well. Working out bugs, corporate decisions at the highest levels, whatever. It'll eventually show up.

              This is definitely the best possible interpretation. I still wonder if EA/IG would make this decision if the game was ready to go.


              • #22
                I was at the mall today and checked EB's book on relase dates, it still said late january


                • #23
                  Originally posted by GP
                  There is no immediate impact on me. But ultimately if they are ineffecient, they will go out of business (not making games for me any more). Also, the losses they take will make them less likely to try projects like this any more.
                  Yeah, that's a possibility... but then again Microprose and Simtex are no more and this game's still being made. So I wouldn't worry about that too much.

                  The game didn't release because it isn't done yet. I'm sure the publishers have some language int he contract to pretect them when the creators don't manage their project effectively.
                  IMO they made the mistake of using external beta-testing very late in the progress of the game. And, yeah, the PR work was horrible. But I wouldn't say the project wasn't effectively managed. Many publishers would have released the game as it is now... maybe even before the redesign in April. We'd have gotten the game on time but it probably wouldn't have been as much fun as it is promising to be now. So I am thankful that they are not being "effective" and trying to make a quick buck.

                  Yes. I think a lot of the problem goes back to this. A lot of lost time.
                  Setbacks happen in design processes. Ever heard of the dinosaur Sid Meier Game? No? That's because it was stopped about a year in the developement. As they put it it simply wasn't fun. That's what happened with MOO3, too, but I wouldn't fault Alan for that.
                  Last edited by Wahngrok; December 15, 2002, 20:28.


                  • #24

                    I suppose everyone that say it is better that they wait is right. It is true that they`re working out bugs that we wont have to deal with. I`m just angry because of the constant setbacks with the release date. They shouldn`t have set one at all instead of continually moving it further and further back like they have now.


                    • #25
                      Again, to reiterate something I've said before:

                      The release dates that have been otherwise stated are COMPLETE FICTION.

                      The only one that has been stated that would not fit this would be the Nov. 26th one, and that is because QS was told that they MUST release it at that time. That time did indeed pass, and now we're on the 'when it's ready' timeline. QS has no choice and little feedback on those sort of dictated timelines. Really, IG doesn't either. It's a date that basically says "If we don't meet this time, it won't be out in time for X-mas". It's not an arbitrary date; it's set by the distributors, marketing, and other evil necessities.

                      Any dates that have been listed by various online/offline agencies are guesses. They might be guesses by, or ebgames, or the marketing team at IG, or even the product managers at QS, but they are all guesses. Educated or otherwise.

                      Right now, and I need to stress this, no one truly knows when it'll be out. Testing takes time, and testing a software product of this magnitude with this level of user-interface issues (as is the case with all consumer-level software products) takes a LOT of time. It is quite promising that they're down to one SP and a few MP bugs, but fixing those bugs does not guarantee anything about what else they might find, or even how long it'll be to fix those specific bugs.

                      The only time we will know, for sure, when it'll be done, is when it goes gold. Until then, it's just a matter of increasingly short amounts of time.

                      Finally, this sort of thing pisses me off. Does anyone even remember playing Moo2 when it first came out? Do you remember the 1.1 patch for Moo2, and how good it was - but still, how bad it was in terms of crashing bugs and stupid AI? Go read the patch readme to see exactly how bad things were.

                      You all begging them to release it right now, instead of when it's really well and done, MAKES THIS HAPPEN. If you were a better consumer and didn't buy beta products, or didn't TOLERATE beta products that were released to the public way before they were ready - like, say, Moo3 would have been had it been released in November, with crashing/save game corruption bugs - it wouldn't be necessary for them to justify this sort of thing every day.

                      Stop asking them when. Ask them for previews, pics, impressions. Ask them details about how the game is, how things work. Ask them how they like it. Ask them about the music. Or the performance on low-end machines and graphics cards.

                      STOP ASKING THEM WHEN. Every time they answer you is another 3 minutes longer that you'll have to wait.


                      • #26
                        I'm willing to wait. But all I am saying is it had better be fricking incredible this game.


                        • #27
                          Hmmmmm..... would I be cinical (sp?) if I say that I expect the game to rather come out on Feb 29th?
                          Or maybe even on Feb 30th?

                          Just a bad pun
                          I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)


                          • #28
                            You know, I keep hearing over and over about the difficulties of preparing a game for both single and multiple players. Maybe the industry should put their heads together and decide that they simply won't try to offer both in one package. It would not bother me one bit if evferyone who wanted to play on the internet had to go out and plunk down an extra charge to buy th multi-player expansion pack.
                            "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


                            • #29
                              Because you wouldn`t be plunking down that extra bit of cash? Haha. The more I think about it the more I realize that someone in the marketing department must have ok`d this so it is already decided. I just don`t see how they can make up for the xmas sales.


                              • #30
                                Having missed Xmas, 28/02/03 (thats 02/28/03 for you Americans ) is no better or worse than any other date.

                                That said, Amazon typically has no clue about release dates so their suppliers are hardly the fount of all wisdom either. Don't sweat it. Enjoy Xmas and play something else
                                To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.

