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  • Hound-B-Gone

    And now for the April 1 update I promised you folks. No, it's no joke. Dan (or whoever), please do me a favor and don't make this a headline item if you can justify not doing so.

    As of today, I'm no longer employed by QS to work on MOO3. I was laid off as a cost-cutting measure. [Informed Speculation: I'm the first, but not the last. We're at the stage of the project where designers supposedly don't have anything much to do.]

    That means that I'm no longer the "voice of QS" around here. While I may pop in from time to time, there's going to be less and less that I can really say that's meaningful with regard to how the game is progressing. Since I rarely like to speak without something useful or entertaining to say, that means I'll pretty much be shutting up. I seriously doubt anyone from QS will be taking up those reins.

    I will, however, tell you a few things. Expect more changes and simplifications from things you've seen here and on the QS site. Expect more things to be removed, including some that you really like. I have no idea how closely the final game is going to resemble Alan's design, nor any great amount of hope. QS is going to have to get the game out the door at some point, and will do what it takes to satisfy the publisher. If you want to write that off as "sour grapes" by someone who's been cut loose, be my guest.

    In some ways, I share the blame. MOO3 was quite an ambitious project when I got in on it, and I certainly allowed myself to be swept away by the vision for the game (and tried to translate that euphoria to all the other fans). I tried to design in accordance with that vision, and I know Alan liked what I gave him. Alan's not making the decisions now, though; Infogrames and QS senior management are. That vision is meeting some harsh economic and business realities...well, it has been for a little while now, but things are going to get a lot more intense. We'll all get to see the end result at some point, I hope. At least, I think I hope so.

    Beyond that, I'm going to resist the urge to rant. It would be useless to be angry now, and I need the energy to hunt for a job. Take care, folks, and I'll see you around sometime.

    Ex-Assistant Designer of MOO3
    If I'd known then what I know now, I'd never have done all the stuff that led me to what I know now...

    Former member, MOO3 Road, Crew

  • #2
    Sorry to see you go. I enjoyed my time with you here and was gratefull when you answered my questions so promptly. Hope to see you soon and good luck with your new job.

    Last edited by Yolky; April 1, 2002, 13:35.


    • #3
      I hope they just don't screw up AI.

      In that case IFP would be wortless.


      • #4
        I don't think you're going to have to worry about IFP being worthless.

        I can't really evaluate the current state of the AI, however.
        If I'd known then what I know now, I'd never have done all the stuff that led me to what I know now...

        Former member, MOO3 Road, Crew


        • #5
          No I was worring about:
          -Leader builds something
          -No I don't want that click, click, click
          -Another Leader builds something stupid
          -No I don't want that click, click, click
          -All Leaders builds something stupid
          -No I don't want... ARGH!!!!

          Of course this wont happen if AI is nicely programmed.

          Anyway, is it known what's supposed to be cut?

          I mean, just some rumors...


          • #6
            I don't have a list, and even if I did I don't feel like having lawyers on my back for breaking my NDA. I just know that Infogrames had a list of demands.
            If I'd known then what I know now, I'd never have done all the stuff that led me to what I know now...

            Former member, MOO3 Road, Crew


            • #7
              Originally posted by Stormhound
              I don't have a list, and even if I did I don't feel like having lawyers on my back for breaking my NDA. I just know that Infogrames had a list of demands.
              Sucks to see you go. You were a hardass at times, but hell, that just made you all the more of a pushover the rest of the time.

              At least now I know not to send my resume to Quicksilver...
              <p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures </p>


              • #8
                Is this an april fool's joke?
                "Anarchism is not a romantic fable but the hardheaded realization, based on five thousand years of experience, that we cannot entrust the management of our lives to kings, priests, politicians, generals, and county commissioners." - Edward Abbey


                • #9

                  Pop Top Software (the makers of railroad tycoon ii) currently have a notice up on their web site:

                  "JOB NOTICE: We're looking for 1 or 2 experienced senior game programmers. You must have atleast one published title under your belt (the more the merrier). Programming responsibilities at PopTop would include some or all of: A.I., Networking, Interface and Game Logic programming. We're not looking for artists or other positions for the foreseeable future."

                  "God does not play dice." - Albert Einstein.
                  "Einstein was wrong. Not only does God play dice, but the dice are loaded!" - Erwin Schroedinger


                  • #10
                    Okay, I wasn't worried at all when I heard about the delay, but I am worried if the higher-ups are now calling the shots. If they simply said "get the game out by X date" then that's one thing, but actually stepping in...

                    Anyway, PopTop sure seems like a good company- Phil Steinmeyer did HOMM2, and that's about as good a game as any. Hope they're interested. And you never know- if MOO3 goes on to become the great revolution we've been waiting for, then QS might have enough $$ to keep going, and make a new game, when of course designers would matter again.
                    All syllogisms have three parts.
                    Therefore this is not a syllogism.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Joe R. Golowka
                      Is this an april fool's joke?

                      "Even the clearest and most perfect circumstantial evidence is likely to be at fault, after all, and therefore ought to be received with great caution. " - Mark Twain


                      • #12
                        As we dance the path of fire or solace

                        I'm sorry to see you go, you always did a wonderful job acting as a sort of middle-man between the fans, and the company.

                        I'm sure we'll all miss your witty remarks, and your great devotion to keeping us informed, and answer all the questions as best you could.

                        I'm sure a person of your experience will find another job, and I'm sure you did enjoy your time with QS very much, just a shame it had to end like this.

                        I can understand that you may feel the need to take a break from all things MoO, but I hope you'll still talk on the forums, this one, and the Delphi one, even if you have nothing witty, or informative to say.

                        I wish you the best, you always seemed like a good person to me, and good people are not as common as some may think.
                        "Beauty is truth, truth beauty, that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know." -John Keats, from "Ode on a Grecian Urn"


                        • #13
                          my smiles from the other day are gone, good luck with your future and thanks for hanging around here and doing a great job with us fans. I share nightingales sentiments and hope you will stick around, at least to see the s**t hit the fan when the game is released too soon
                          hmmmm.....maybe this thread needs another look, from time to time
                          click here
                          'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.

                          Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.


                          • #14
                            Looks like there is martial law in Quicksliver (enforced by Infogrames).


                            • #15
                              It's now April 2, and what I said yesterday still stands. I can add one bit of information that's public (thanks to Rantz in the chat room): IFP are now gone. If you hated them, you can be happy. If you liked them, c'est la vie.

                              Thanks to those of you who've written (publicly or privately). I'm sure I'll hang around here, there just won't be much to say. At least I'm not prohibited from posting to boards, like Alan. (Another bit of now-public info, this from the Delphi board.) I won't go back to Delphi, though...I really don't care to live under Rantz and Cory's thumb, and right now they're doing damage control from yesterday.

                              Thanks to LordEd for the PopTop notice; it's just a shame that my programming skills are all in COBOL, not C++. But if they decide to develop a game for the mainframe, you never know.

                              And hey, MOO3 might turn out to be a good game. You can count on getting my honest opinion about it either way...
                              Last edited by Stormhound; April 2, 2002, 13:42.
                              If I'd known then what I know now, I'd never have done all the stuff that led me to what I know now...

                              Former member, MOO3 Road, Crew

