Theben sent 6 caravans to Sparrow: 11*10*6=660-(21*6..126)=+534x1.5=801.
Theben sent 5 caravans to Spaced: 11*10*5=550-(21*5..105)=+445x1.5=668.
SABOTAUGED MJW sent 9 caravans to Spaced (958gp)
Sparrow sent 6 carvans to Theben (890gp+178gp) [I sent 5, then sent 1 more]
Sparrow sent 4 caravans to Spaced (640 gp)
SABOTAUGED Jonny sent 10 caravans to MJW
Spaced sent 5 Caravans to Thizbean (Profit = 2*5*(10*11(Revenue)-[10+11(Cost)] = 890)
Spaced sent 5 Caravans to Sparrow (Profit = 2*5*(10*10(Revenue)-[10+10(Cost)] = 800)
Coming (At Turns' end.)
Sparrow receives 126...252 from Ninjabadhistan.
Sparrow receives 100...200 from the Empire of Texas.
Spaced receives 105...210 from Ninjabadhistan.
NO Spaced receives 171...342 from Kira's Kingdom.
Spaced receives 80...160 from the Empire of Birds
Theben receives 62...188 from the Empire of Birds.
Theben receives 52...157 from the Empire of Texas.
Total Trade Received
(11 caravans) Ninjabadhistan
(11 caravans) Empire of Birds
(9 caravans) Empire of Texas
(0 caravans) Kira's Kingdom
(0 caravans) Empire of Missouri
Jonny's Trade Phase was sabotauged by Theben.
MJW's Trade Phase was sabotauged by Sparrow.
Jonny's army production was defended by MJW.
Jonny's army production was defended by Jonny.
Texas has a saved spy.
Ninjabadhistan constructed NASCAR (D4) (245 bid) and the KGB (E4) (366 bid)
* Ninjabadhistan sent all armies against Missouri.
* Missouri and Texas are at war.
* Empire of Birds and Kira's Kingdom are at war. (Sneak attack by the Birds)
* PEACEbetween King Kira VII, the Peacemaker (King Kira VI was mysteriously assassinated shortly
after sending orders to invade the Empire of Texas. His replacement, a distant cousin, came to be known
as the Peacemaker for his diplomatic skills.) and President Jeb Bush under Spaced Cowboy (Texas)
Defending Armies
* Kira's Kingdom- ALL
* Empire of Birds- 14
* Missouri- 93
Total Armies before battles
1.) Ninjabad (289)
2.) Missouri (187)
3.) Birds (185)
4.) Texas (164)
5.) MJW (39)
* Theben's orders came in first... so he attacked first, with 289 troops assaulting the 94 missourians
left to defend. Ouch. Every city was captured. 7 casualties for Ninjabadh.
* The 93 missourians who were on the move went on to do battle with the texans. Only 2 noncontiguous
cities were taken I5, and J6. Jonny's forces took (164/12=14 casualties), leaving 79.
D/DCx Cities taken... 164/33)x2=10 casualties for the Texans.
* Sparrowhawk's sneak attack catches MJW unawares, causing Kira's kingdom to lose 7 of its cities,
leaving it with 5. Sparrow takes 3 casualties. MJW takes 23 casualties
Total Armies after battles
1.) Ninjahbad (282)
2.) Birds (182)
3.) Texas (154)
4.) Missouri (79)
5.) MJW (16)
* 159 Armies built by Ninjabadhistan and all armies were sent to invade Missouri.
* 156 Armies built by the empire of birds and all but 14 armies sent to invade Kira's Kingdom.
* Kira's Kingdom constructed six cities.
* Kira's Kingdom built 39 armies.
* Missouri built 125 armies, for a total of 187.
* 94 Missourian soldiers attacked the resilient Texans.
* 11 armies built for Texas. only 7 were ordered, but I think Spaced had a little more money than he guessed.
* Ninjabadhistan's KGB invalidates the power of the JIHAD!!
Gifted Tech
* Empire of Birds sent tech 13 to Ninjabadhistan.
Please Check taxes. They don't seem right, but I'm too tired to deal with this now.
I think I give up on using the automation program. I think the code is interfering with itself.
No numbers are ever right.
ORDERS from Theben
Base Income is: 780 gold
Army Levy is: 7 deducted
Babel income is: 169
Trade income is: 0
Rep Army income is: 0
Final Turn Income is: 1417+ 345 Trade Caravan incoming income of 1769
(12 cities)*(5 per city)*(13 for tech)*(1.5 for mon) = 1170.
+345 Trade Caravans
-15 Army Upkeep (282/19) other cities not rehabed
=1500 Gold
* The extra taxation powers of the Mafia will come into effect next turn when the city is rehabilitated.
Jonny's income is 0 because all cities were captured who are income.
* NASCAR in effect next turn.
ORDERS from Sparrowhawk
Base Income is: 910 gold
Army Levy is: 0 deducted
Babel income is: 0
Trade income is: 0
Rep Army income is: -182
Final Turn Income is: 1638+ 452 Trade Caravan incoming income of 2090
(20 cities)*(5 per city)*(13 for tech)*(2 for rep) = 2600.
+452Trade Caravans
-182 Army Upkeep
=2870 Gold
ORDERS from Spaced Cowboy
Base Income is: 900 gold
Army Levy is: 0 deducted
Babel income is: 0
Trade income is: 0
Rep Army income is: -154
Final Turn Income is: 1646+ 370Trade Caravan incoming income of 2016
(33 cities)*(5 per city)*(12 for tech)*(2 for rep) = 3960.
+370 Trade Caravans
-154 Army Upkeep
=4176 Gold
Base Income is: 300 gold
Army Levy is: 3 deducted
Babel income is: 0
Trade income is: 0
Rep Army income is: 0
Final Turn Income is: 447+ 0Trade Caravan incoming income of 447
(4 cities)*(5 per city)*(10 for tech)*(1.5 for mon) = 300.
+0Trade Caravans
-4 Army Upkeep
=296 Gold
Theben sent 6 caravans to Sparrow: 11*10*6=660-(21*6..126)=+534x1.5=801.
Theben sent 5 caravans to Spaced: 11*10*5=550-(21*5..105)=+445x1.5=668.
SABOTAUGED MJW sent 9 caravans to Spaced (958gp)
Sparrow sent 6 carvans to Theben (890gp+178gp) [I sent 5, then sent 1 more]
Sparrow sent 4 caravans to Spaced (640 gp)
SABOTAUGED Jonny sent 10 caravans to MJW
Spaced sent 5 Caravans to Thizbean (Profit = 2*5*(10*11(Revenue)-[10+11(Cost)] = 890)
Spaced sent 5 Caravans to Sparrow (Profit = 2*5*(10*10(Revenue)-[10+10(Cost)] = 800)
Coming (At Turns' end.)
Sparrow receives 126...252 from Ninjabadhistan.
Sparrow receives 100...200 from the Empire of Texas.
Spaced receives 105...210 from Ninjabadhistan.
NO Spaced receives 171...342 from Kira's Kingdom.
Spaced receives 80...160 from the Empire of Birds
Theben receives 62...188 from the Empire of Birds.
Theben receives 52...157 from the Empire of Texas.
Total Trade Received
(11 caravans) Ninjabadhistan
(11 caravans) Empire of Birds
(9 caravans) Empire of Texas
(0 caravans) Kira's Kingdom
(0 caravans) Empire of Missouri
Jonny's Trade Phase was sabotauged by Theben.
MJW's Trade Phase was sabotauged by Sparrow.
Jonny's army production was defended by MJW.
Jonny's army production was defended by Jonny.
Texas has a saved spy.
Ninjabadhistan constructed NASCAR (D4) (245 bid) and the KGB (E4) (366 bid)
* Ninjabadhistan sent all armies against Missouri.
* Missouri and Texas are at war.
* Empire of Birds and Kira's Kingdom are at war. (Sneak attack by the Birds)
* PEACEbetween King Kira VII, the Peacemaker (King Kira VI was mysteriously assassinated shortly
after sending orders to invade the Empire of Texas. His replacement, a distant cousin, came to be known
as the Peacemaker for his diplomatic skills.) and President Jeb Bush under Spaced Cowboy (Texas)
Defending Armies
* Kira's Kingdom- ALL
* Empire of Birds- 14
* Missouri- 93
Total Armies before battles
1.) Ninjabad (289)
2.) Missouri (187)
3.) Birds (185)
4.) Texas (164)
5.) MJW (39)
* Theben's orders came in first... so he attacked first, with 289 troops assaulting the 94 missourians
left to defend. Ouch. Every city was captured. 7 casualties for Ninjabadh.
* The 93 missourians who were on the move went on to do battle with the texans. Only 2 noncontiguous
cities were taken I5, and J6. Jonny's forces took (164/12=14 casualties), leaving 79.
D/DCx Cities taken... 164/33)x2=10 casualties for the Texans.
* Sparrowhawk's sneak attack catches MJW unawares, causing Kira's kingdom to lose 7 of its cities,
leaving it with 5. Sparrow takes 3 casualties. MJW takes 23 casualties
Total Armies after battles
1.) Ninjahbad (282)
2.) Birds (182)
3.) Texas (154)
4.) Missouri (79)
5.) MJW (16)
* 159 Armies built by Ninjabadhistan and all armies were sent to invade Missouri.
* 156 Armies built by the empire of birds and all but 14 armies sent to invade Kira's Kingdom.
* Kira's Kingdom constructed six cities.
* Kira's Kingdom built 39 armies.
* Missouri built 125 armies, for a total of 187.
* 94 Missourian soldiers attacked the resilient Texans.
* 11 armies built for Texas. only 7 were ordered, but I think Spaced had a little more money than he guessed.
* Ninjabadhistan's KGB invalidates the power of the JIHAD!!
Gifted Tech
* Empire of Birds sent tech 13 to Ninjabadhistan.
Please Check taxes. They don't seem right, but I'm too tired to deal with this now.

I think I give up on using the automation program. I think the code is interfering with itself.
No numbers are ever right.

ORDERS from Theben
Base Income is: 780 gold
Army Levy is: 7 deducted
Babel income is: 169
Trade income is: 0
Rep Army income is: 0
Final Turn Income is: 1417+ 345 Trade Caravan incoming income of 1769
(12 cities)*(5 per city)*(13 for tech)*(1.5 for mon) = 1170.
+345 Trade Caravans
-15 Army Upkeep (282/19) other cities not rehabed
=1500 Gold
* The extra taxation powers of the Mafia will come into effect next turn when the city is rehabilitated.
Jonny's income is 0 because all cities were captured who are income.
* NASCAR in effect next turn.
ORDERS from Sparrowhawk
Base Income is: 910 gold
Army Levy is: 0 deducted
Babel income is: 0
Trade income is: 0
Rep Army income is: -182
Final Turn Income is: 1638+ 452 Trade Caravan incoming income of 2090
(20 cities)*(5 per city)*(13 for tech)*(2 for rep) = 2600.
+452Trade Caravans
-182 Army Upkeep
=2870 Gold
ORDERS from Spaced Cowboy
Base Income is: 900 gold
Army Levy is: 0 deducted
Babel income is: 0
Trade income is: 0
Rep Army income is: -154
Final Turn Income is: 1646+ 370Trade Caravan incoming income of 2016
(33 cities)*(5 per city)*(12 for tech)*(2 for rep) = 3960.
+370 Trade Caravans
-154 Army Upkeep
=4176 Gold
Base Income is: 300 gold
Army Levy is: 3 deducted
Babel income is: 0
Trade income is: 0
Rep Army income is: 0
Final Turn Income is: 447+ 0Trade Caravan incoming income of 447
(4 cities)*(5 per city)*(10 for tech)*(1.5 for mon) = 300.
+0Trade Caravans
-4 Army Upkeep
=296 Gold