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Fallout 3

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  • Originally posted by Spaced Cowboy
    I spent 45 minutes looking for the fusion cell or whatever it is for the elevator still could not find it. (I know where it is now, I looked at a walkthrough for that mission)

    The problem is that I thought the guy said it is on the third floor, but now I think he said it is on the 3rd floor down from here. I spent quite some time searching the lower levels, remembering that I never saw a robot the whole time down there.

    And you can't just go get one, as you are trapped in the building. This would have been a skipped quest for me in the old days.
    Few spoilers below..

    Why didn't you just follow the arrow? I was lead straight to it. When I went into that small room, I thought, huh? where is it, on the shelf? Then I looked down and there was a robot, so I figured, must be in there.

    Also a bug(?) to watch out for, when you first enter the roof of the hotel, DON'T SNEAK, the rangers will assume you're an enemy and you'll immediately fail the mission.

    It was funny how they were able to mow down all those brutes, but when it came to the 3 (I think they were masters?) after the elevator, they got slaughtered. Anyway, worked out good for me, that Eugene is damn powerful.
    be free


    • The armor is also very good. I think it's the best in the game - no penalties, good DR, good bonuses (boni?) and plentiful repair armors from enemy drops.
      "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


      • Yeah, loved that armor until I started picking up Tesla Armor towards the end...
        "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
        "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


        • Is that right? I am wearing Enclave armor, I kinda figured it was the best you could get. (But I am not very far into the game). Good thing I haven't left the hotel yet.
          be free


          • moar info about the bugs. This game is now officially unplayable with the version patch from the Bethesda website. Interestingly that patch is not on the tech support link from the launcher.

            Dont get the patch, its either corrupt or it completely destroys the games stability.

            I literally cannot play for moar than 10 minutes
            The Wizard of AAHZ


            • Do what I did. Download it. Sell yours on Ebay.

              I gave up waiting for it to be released in Singapore and so did many others.
              be free


              • ya... until this is fixed my copy of the game is completely ruined. Even after an uninstall and reinstall w/o the patch its still completely unplayable... e.g. crash around 10 minutes.
                The Wizard of AAHZ


                • Do you need the CD to play? If so, try a no-cd patch.

                  Or install K-Lite and see how that goes.
                  be free


                  • moar info. I read a thread on how a dude solved this same problem by getting a new PC fan because his system was overheating and it shut itself off as a protection measure. I thumbed my nose at that and said "PSHAW"... until the same goddamn "bug" that i got in Fo3, that i accused on the patch, happened when i was moving around FILES IN EXPLORER with the program closed.

                    I open my side plate and yes... Old Zeke here was overheating. damn near burned my hand just checking stuff. That is the problem, it seems although i can run Fallout 3 fine, my PC sweats balls to do it... literally.

                    So i need a fan it seems.
                    The Wizard of AAHZ


                    • Well that's good that you know what the problem is. Sucks that you need a new fan, but hopefully the rest of your rig is still good.

                      "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                      • ya everything seems fine. Zeke is a powerful dude and dosent afraid of anything. Just gets a little too sweaty
                        The Wizard of AAHZ


                        • I appear to have problems getting into the atrium...

                          Jon Miller-
                          I AM.CANADIAN
                          GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                          • "dosent afraid of anything"

                            Is it wrong that I find that meme funny?
                            "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                            • Judging by his avatar, I assume he likes cute things?

                              AAHZ, open case, get big ass fan you use during those hot summer days when its a good day for a BBQ, face opening of computer, turn fan on very high. That should save you some money.

                              Now i'm off to have a BBQ. Only Alinestra is invited because I like her face.. and the hat.
                              be free


                              • I got the same bug later

                                annoying, as I currently have to save every little bit to progress

                                Jon Miller-
                                I AM.CANADIAN
                                GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

