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Fallout 3

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  • In this game, most shops close at 8 pm or so and don't reopen till 8 am. They also have a weird inventory recharge mechanic - I find in order to make sure they have a new stock of inventory, you need to wait or sleep 24 hours and physically be in town for a new day.

    Radiation of less than 200 or so won't even faze you. In-game it's possible to get irradiated to 600 as part of a quest with no ill effects.
    "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


    • Originally posted by Alinestra Covelia
      In this game, most shops close at 8 pm or so and don't reopen till 8 am. They also have a weird inventory recharge mechanic - I find in order to make sure they have a new stock of inventory, you need to wait or sleep 24 hours and physically be in town for a new day.

      Radiation of less than 200 or so won't even faze you. In-game it's possible to get irradiated to 600 as part of a quest with no ill effects.
      Thanks sis, you know this is an awesome game

      I thought maybe my graphics card was freaking out, it was light then darker

      I am wondering, where should I sleep?

      In a house and if so how do I sleep?

      So if I understand you correctly, should I simply not use the simpaks and store them later for use?

      I appreciate the advice young lady
      Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


      • You can sleep in any bed that is not owned by someone else. You will eventually get your own house in Megaton or Twopenny Towers or whatever they're called; until then you can either pay 120gp to sleep in a hotel room (not worth it of course) or you can find an abandoned house. I found one in the minefield that I just used as my own house until I got one officially (I even left my extra gear in it, on the bed or around it).
        <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
        I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


        • Originally posted by Heraclitus

          Pheww.... I prefer this mechanic, to how it worked in Oblivion.
          It actually technically works like Oblivion (monsters adjust to your level), but there's one significant difference: they only adjust the first time you enter an area. Thus there are harder raiders and easier raiders, etc, and it's not necessarily consistent game to game if you explore in a different order.
          <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
          I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


          • The other difference from Oblivion is how the leveling itself works. In TES series, you have to be very careful about getting your stats high and leveling the right skills without cranking your level too fast. In Fallout, you get to pick what skills you add points to and what perks to take when you gain the level. While Oblivion mechanics sound cool on paper, when you actually have to stress the details of getting 10 ranks in Endurance skills and 10 ranks in Strength skills every level, without getting too many points in your major or minor skills . . . well it gets complicated, and always pulls me out of the game. Fallout lets you mess around more, and worry less.
            John Brown did nothing wrong.


            • Question: Why are people in Megaton dying? Is this a bug? Did I accidentally push them off the ramp? Is there a psychopath on the loose? Are they just tired of life?

              Seriusly though, the old Enclave fan is dead as is the sheriff what gives? I just found them lying each in a different spot not more than 30 meters from the nuke.
              Modern man calls walking more quickly in the same direction down the same road “change.”
              The world, in the last three hundred years, has not changed except in that sense.
              The simple suggestion of a true change scandalizes and terrifies modern man. -Nicolás Gómez Dávila


              • Originally posted by snoopy369
                You can sleep in any bed that is not owned by someone else. You will eventually get your own house in Megaton or Twopenny Towers or whatever they're called; until then you can either pay 120gp to sleep in a hotel room (not worth it of course) or you can find an abandoned house. I found one in the minefield that I just used as my own house until I got one officially (I even left my extra gear in it, on the bed or around it).
                Snoopy, I found a couch in Megaton and sat down, but cant sleep there..

                Not the same I take it?

                Is their some sort of clock other than the sun and moon?

                Also, If I accept a quest to do am i a low life If i dont do it? (like does it count against your reputation or no such concern?)


                Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                • Originally posted by Felch
                  The other difference from Oblivion is how the leveling itself works. In TES series, you have to be very careful about getting your stats high and leveling the right skills without cranking your level too fast. In Fallout, you get to pick what skills you add points to and what perks to take when you gain the level. While Oblivion mechanics sound cool on paper, when you actually have to stress the details of getting 10 ranks in Endurance skills and 10 ranks in Strength skills every level, without getting too many points in your major or minor skills . . . well it gets complicated, and always pulls me out of the game. Fallout lets you mess around more, and worry less.
                  So I could simply go out and collect stuff and kill things?

                  Also, is their any redeemable value in forks, plates,cofee cups and books or those are just crap?
                  Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                  • Originally posted by Heraclitus
                    Question: Why are people in Megaton dying? Is this a bug? Did I accidentally push them off the ramp? Is there a psychopath on the loose? Are they just tired of life?

                    Seriusly though, the old Enclave fan is dead as is the sheriff what gives? I just found them lying each in a different spot not more than 30 meters from the nuke.
                    They're falling to their deaths, I think. In my game the guy who trades for scrap metal died mysteriously.
                    John Brown did nothing wrong.


                    • Interesting... I guess Tenpenny's guys doesn't care about him


                      I went up and killed Tennpenny, left the place with a smoking gun in my hand. The guards where all like "good to see you" on my way out. I went out on a couple of missions, about a week later I showed up at TennPenny tower and everybody seems unaware about he's been dead for a week
                      This space is empty... or is it?


                      • Originally posted by Grandpa Troll
                        Snoopy, I found a couch in Megaton and sat down, but cant sleep there..

                        Not the same I take it?

                        Is their some sort of clock other than the sun and moon?

                        Also, If I accept a quest to do am i a low life If i dont do it? (like does it count against your reputation or no such concern?)


                        It has to be a bed. It'll say "sleep" instead of "sit" so there's no confusion. Also it can't be somebody else's bed. There should be a way to wait, where time passes without you gaining any health. It's the back button on the 360, but I don't know about PC. There's a clock on one of the Pip screens, I forget which one though.

                        If you take on a quest and never complete it there isn't any problem, unless you take on some contradictory quest (like blow up versus save Megaton).

                        Most of the crap you find is worthless. It can be fired from the Rock-It Launcher, but otherwise it's junk. There are some exceptions (like scrap metal) where certain NPCs will reward you for bringing them in. Without spoiling you, they're pretty common sense. Other items are needed in the schematics to make special weapons.

                        Of course, if you screw up in your first game and sell all the stuff before you find out its use - that's just another excuse to play again.
                        John Brown did nothing wrong.


                        • Originally posted by Felch

                          It has to be a bed. It'll say "sleep" instead of "sit" so there's no confusion. Also it can't be somebody else's bed. There should be a way to wait, where time passes without you gaining any health. It's the back button on the 360, but I don't know about PC. There's a clock on one of the Pip screens, I forget which one though.

                          If you take on a quest and never complete it there isn't any problem, unless you take on some contradictory quest (like blow up versus save Megaton).

                          Most of the crap you find is worthless. It can be fired from the Rock-It Launcher, but otherwise it's junk. There are some exceptions (like scrap metal) where certain NPCs will reward you for bringing them in. Without spoiling you, they're pretty common sense. Other items are needed in the schematics to make special weapons.

                          Of course, if you screw up in your first game and sell all the stuff before you find out its use - that's just another excuse to play again.
                          Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                          • Just got the Collector's Edition and enjoying it much more than I expected. Oblivion didn't really grab me but there's not too much of it in the Fallout gameplay.

                            Main gripe so far is that it's buggy although turning the graphics down seems to help and the controls. I'm so use to accessing stats, maps etc directly that it seems weird to have to go through the pipboy. I'm assuming this is a limitation of the xbox gamepad.

                            Been wandering round Megaton and the atmosphere and feel is pretty much spot on.


                            • Adagio, it could be because there's a quest to kill Tenpenny. I don't want to say more about it outside spoilers, but perhaps it's by design so you don't have to kill all the guards if you take it. He's always at the top of the tower and there's only one way down. Well, two ways down, but only one with a chance of surviving the trip.

                              And, to wait on the PC, hit the T key.
                              Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.


                              • Originally posted by snoopy369
                                You can sleep in any bed that is not owned by someone else.
                                Damn, he responded before I could write something misleadingly bawdy and raucous.

                                Next time, Snoopy, next time...!
                                "lol internet" ~ AAHZ

