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Fallout 3

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  • Originally posted by Space05us View Post
    You killed Morrowind.
    If BethSoft makes it i piss on the game title.
    The Wizard of AAHZ


    • Originally posted by Asher View Post
      My motivation was buying a game I could play while my SO is playing through his now 6-game backlog of Xbox 360 titles. We only have one console.
      You could play Mario Party on the Wii instead.


      • Clearly you need two consoles.

        Or XBox360 needs to develop a dual processor (or rather dual*3) console capable of giving one set of processors to each of two people, for playing two games with
        <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
        I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


        • I only had one or two crashes in my 50+ hour playthrough, I know one was a sound lock-up. I think my video driver is 8-10 months old.

          BTW I think that poster might have meant KB/sec not M/sec.
          We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


          • I have broken a few games.

            No More Heroes (Wii)
            Baldur's Gate 1 (PC)
            Metroid Prime 2 (GC)
            Capcom vs. SNK2 (GC)

            These ones through overuse, not through anger:

            Rise of Nations: Thrones and Patriots
            "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


            • I did that with Far Cry 2, though for a different reason.
              Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.


              • Originally posted by Asher View Post
                AAHZ should have videotaped his temper tantrum.
                HERE YOU GO, MADE IT MYSELF

                this is exactly what i was screaming in my brain as i cut the CD's in half.
                The Wizard of AAHZ


                • i havent broken the actual game but i've broken a lot of controllers and rarely some keyboards. I don't have the patience to turn off the game, eject and unleash my fury!

                  me and my friends bought like over 30 DC controllers in one semester once...


                  • You guys need to grow up.
                    "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                    Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                    • I've never broken a game disk but I have been known to take out my annoyance on my keyboard.


                      • I hope some great mods come out, thus far nothing exciting it seems...
                        Eschewing obfuscation and transcending conformity since 1982. Embrace the flux.


                        • I didn't have a single crash or bug with Fallout 3 on the PC. :shrug:
                          "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
                          "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


                          • I had a few bugs in Fallout 3, but most were not a problem at all. Anyone who let's a game get to them needs to either be on kiddy pills or just get a life.


                            • p good trolls
                              The Wizard of AAHZ


                              • Never broken a disc, myself. I have tossed a controller or two back when I was a child playing on the atari...

                                My kids have tossed the PS3 controllers on occasion, and got chewed out for it. Expensive things to be chucking around. They broke one, which I disassembled and got working again.

                                Anyhow, back to Fallout.

                                I'm guessing this is just a plothole, or something I missed somewhere. (spoilers ahoy if anyone cares.)


                                I kill some looney in a church that has coordinates to this place, so I head that way. On the way, I run into some wastelanders saying there's good stuff there for the takin', then try to kill me. And, another who's wandering talking crazy, dies, and drops a note saying he drank in the ritual, implying this is the reason for him dying.

                                So, I get up there, drink and see the tree, put the crap on his heart, get some goods, and leave. On the way out, going a different direction just exploring, there's more talk/references to the sap you drink in that ritual killing people.

                                So, what gives? Why's it killing people, but not, apparantly, your character? Other than knocking you out, it really didn't do anything I can see. Seems they went to a bit of trouble to make sure whatever direction you took to get to oasis, you'ld run into some stories of the wierdos and the sap killing people. Then a whole lotta nothin.
                                One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                                You're wierd. - Krill

                                An UnOrthOdOx Hobby

