Originally posted by nostromo
What's the consensus on STALKER? I almost bought, it looked fun. But then I heard that its like 10 hours long...
What's the consensus on STALKER? I almost bought, it looked fun. But then I heard that its like 10 hours long...
I have mixed feelings about the game, here's a few up 'n' downs that comes to my mind:
Looks good
I like the large open spaces
Lots of nature
Great setting
The game is fun
There are no quick ways to get from point A to point B. As you often have to walk back to where you came from, you will end up spending a lot of time just walking
You can't go to sleep, so if you want to attack at a certain time, you have to wait
You can't see what time of the day it is
The user interface is annoying
There's a lot of bugs in the game e.g. I just finished a mission, went back to get my payment... but the guy who should pay me is dead. The game keeps telling the mission is not over until I get paid, but since he's dead I can never finish the mission