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World of Warcraft

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  • OK I'm bored again. Officially giving this game up. The frequent disconnects are one reason. Typing in my password over and over again isn't fun. And knowing I can't really tank or heal any instance is another. Not to mention I've done these quests a million times. I may try again in 6 months with a different internet connection. But for now I'm done.

    The bad thing is I tried to save money by buying 6 months at a time. Not knowing I'd get bored of it after 1 and 1/2 months. Where as before when I was playing for a long period of time, I was paying month by month when I should have been buying blocks. Oh well. I'm a little bit poorer.


    • Did you get 60$ worth of entertainment out of it? That is how I tell. The only time I regretted an MMO is AO when I payed for another 6 months (because I forgot to cancel it), but never logged in again.

      Jon Miller-
      GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


      • hmm seems I'm having a harder time staying away from this game than I thought. I was sick of the game tuesday night though. But I wasn't in the best of moods either... The frequent disconnnects help with that mood.

        I'm definately done raiding. guild quitting and never logging on my shaman again has felt so good. It's like the day I got out of the navy. Ultimate freedom. No more pressure to raid. I can do whatever I want. It's nice being guildless. I figure I'll play my alliance paladin and see the alliance side of the quests up till 80. I've already done all the low level stuff. My dwarf paladin is now level 48. Only got disconnected once last night, so that wasn't too bad.

        It's nice being able to go at my own pace, and read all the quest text. This is how a game should be enjoyed. Only bad thing is they nerfed so much stuff in the lower levels. I was pissed they nerfed some STV quests. They are really turning this into a kiddie game . At least they didn't nerf the southsea pirate area in Tanaris (yet).

        Only bad thing not raiding is no group experience, which was pretty good for the most part. And the respect for having awesome gear. I've gotten many kudos for my old gear back in the day. But the freedom to do what I want is more important to me right now. It finally feels like a massive game to me again, where as before I was doing the same dailies over and over and sitting in the same areas over and over.


        • While some PUG are ****, some are OK. You can still dungeon...

          Jon Miller-
          I AM.CANADIAN
          GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


          • one other thing about not raiding is it gives me time to play other games. I really want to play fallout3 (probalby my main motivation for guild quitting and retiring my shaman). Not sure if my system can handle it. My brother says it really doesn't require any more than Oblivion. And I can run obvlivion on the lower settings pretty much ok.


            • I've started playing the demo, anyone got any really simple tips I should know?


              • Kill stuff, don't die.


                • What he said + roll a tank or a healer...makes it easier to get in to groups
                  Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark


                  • I rolled a Tauren Druid. Healing people is surprisingly fun, especially when you stumble across them getting beaten by creeps.


                    • burned out on the game again lol.

                      problem is there is nothing for me to do. I cancelled my cable tv, so I can't even watch old movies on tv. wow was a cheap source of entertainment.

                      So I'm not sure what I'll do now. Want to play fallout3, but not sure if I can run it. Don't want to buy a new system for that. That would cost me more money (vs. wow which I can play for free essentually). I'll probably just play old games like neverwinter nights and civ4.


                      • Bored again?

                        You have me wondering how boring I am!

                        I have yet to buy WotLK and I am still having fun with the game, playing 5 alts, only one of which is a 70.
                        "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


                        • Fallout 3 is just oblivion technologically speaking, so if you can run Oblivion you can probably run FO3. Only problem you'd have is if you were on the very low end of Oblivion, particularly memory and graphics memory wise, because the textures are better (=bigger).
                          <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                          I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


                          • Ok so I'm back. Just assume when I say I'm quitting the game, that I'm lying.

                            The main reason I'm back is I'm just too lazy to install another game. How lazy is that? I had to uninstall almost all of my games. My 80 gig hard drive just ain't cutting it anymore. Wow (and things like my music/vids) take up a huge chunk of that. Along with the OS. I only have like 12 gigs left. I had to uninstall alot of games just to defragment my drive. And now I'm too lazy to reinstall them.

                            Rather than reinstall them, I just started playing wow again. problem is I get bored. I'm staring at the wall trying to think of things to do, and nothing comes to mind. So then I open up wow just saying I'm going to check the AH, and one thing leads to another...


                            • Originally posted by Dis View Post
                              Ok so I'm back. Just assume when I say I'm quitting the game, that I'm lying.
                              I was way ahead of you on that one.


                              • endgame on this expansion is terrible for now. pvp is silly and pve is too easy.

                                I had alot of fun actually leveling than playing endgame. quests were actually innovative and fun to do for a change. I'm not one bit interested in Lore, but I did enjoy the wrathgate quest chains and etc. Too bad when you are S4 geared Ret you can't slow your leveling down even if you wanted to....

                                I cancelled my acct even before first month of subscription is done, but I'm not done with the game yet. Hopefully next content patches get better and for now my friend wants to do a fresh start with RAF leveling... So Blizz still might have a customer in me for now.

