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World of Warcraft

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  • free trial? I'm way beyond a free trial. Would be nice if they gave you repeated free trials...


    • But you said you didn't renew?


      • not yet. I still have the hankering to play sometimes. I did earlier, but I had to do some house work. And now my tv shows are on. This is good I suppose, as I played too much before and neglected important things like tv shows. . oh and I neglected household chores as well.

        I still have some goals I suppose. I'd like to try the battlegrounds. My brother was getting on me because I haven't done them yet. But I'm not that great at pvp. I can beat bad players, but I'm scared to take on twinks. Twinks kind of piss me off. Seems like they are designed for the sole purpose of beating up on noobs.

        And I still want to play the dungeons I missed. Though some may be impossible. Mauradon is one of those placed. Impossible to find a group for that. Dire Maul is difficult as well. Though I did Dire Maul west/north getting a warlock his epic mount quest- though I was level 70 at the time. . But I have yet to do all the outlands instances. But I do realize raids are out of the question, I'm not willing to do the work, and I'm not sure I'm good enough. Heroic dungeons don't interest me that much either. Neither does arena (my pvp isn't strong enough for a small team such as 2X2 etc.)


        • So if there's no trial and you didn't renew how are you playing?

          Unless you quit before will a still active subscription.


          • yeah I still had 2 months on my subscription when I quite as I was on a 3 month recurring plan. So I basically payed for 2 months in which I did not pay. I still have 4 days left.


            • Originally posted by Dis
              I still have some goals I suppose. I'd like to try the battlegrounds.
              Goals in WoW are not goals.


              • hmm I made the mistake of logging on with my shaman. . Turns out some people still had me on their buddy list. My shaman's guild kind of fell apart, though it was still in existence. The guild leader left and handed the guild to his sister (who really doesn't appeared to have played in months). Only 35 members left. but this one Canadian woman I used to play with saw me log on, now I'm in the guild she's in . Most of my old guild went there. That's fine, my old guild was having problems anyways after an officer used the N word, he wasn't kicked out though which pissed peopled off and caused an exodus of some players.

                This new guild is gearing up and running Kara. I want to try to avoid all that though. Too much work. . But we'll see...

                Right now I have some frame rate issues. But I think I rolled back a driver in order to play NWN 2 or something, so I have to check my drivers and upgrade I think. Interestingly I wasn't having frame rate issues in old wow, but with my shaman who was in Shat and Terrokar forest, he was geting around 10 to 20 fps at times (though other times were decent). I'm not sure what's causing it, hopefully updated drivers take care of the problem.

                As for my lag, well... Keeping my fingers crossed. I thought it might be the heat of last summer. Maybe it was. I'm still not getting as good a ping as I got before my troubles started. I used to get around 54 ms on my wow server. now I'm usually around 100, and I still get slow downs occasionally (but nothing over 200 that I could tell). No disconnects yet (knocks on wood). I'm not sure what the problem is. Though my digital cable for my tv has glitches sometimes and the picture freezes. I guess the lines just aren't that great because I live in an older neighborhood. Too bad DSL isn't available , and satellite/wireless is a bit too pricey for me.


                • I payed for AO for 9 months without paying... so that isn't too bad.

                  (Reason why I will never play that game again, despite one of my freinds trying to get me to go back)
                  Jon Miller-
                  I AM.CANADIAN
                  GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                  • Originally posted by Dis
                    yeah I still had 2 months on my subscription when I quite as I was on a 3 month recurring plan. So I basically payed for 2 months in which I did not pay. I still have 4 days left.
                    Most addicts can't quit with an active subscription.


                    • Originally posted by Dis

                      This new guild is gearing up and running Kara. I want to try to avoid all that though. Too much work. . But we'll see...
                      I bet you'll be grinding for pots within the month.


                      • I'm getting frustrated with these technical problems with WOW. So I doubt I'll renew.

                        I have nothing against consoles. I wish they could make a console that could play computer games. I'm so tired of all the work you have to do to get a game to work.

                        Updating to current drivers caused wow not to work at all. And I simply cannot remember what driver version I was using before.

                        I go to wow official tech support forums. Worthless. I do a search term for driver and get no results. Worthless forums. So I'm reading through, but I learn about a bunch of stuff I don't want to hear. People having problems with Audigy ZS sound cards which I have. So maybe I should update those drivers. People saying you should update drivers for your network card (I never have). And some guy said you should update firmware for the modem? What the? I have no idea where to find all this stuff. Why do you have to download a billion things to play a game?

                        Then I have to worry about keyloggers. One guy says you should download no script for firefox and use spybot as well. More downloads. Did I mention I have less than 5 gigs of hard drive space left?


                        • 8 levels in a few days is pretty good. And these are higher levels (40's and 50's). I may have to take a break though, my hand is hurting again. It seems like only this game causes pain in my hand, I don't know why that is. Probably because I'm playing too much.

                          And I can't find a damn RL job, it's pissing me off. Not sure if I will renew until I can get some income in.

                          I still have frame rate problems in cities and other high populated areas, but I'm tired of messing with it. I can deal with it I suppose. Hopefully I won't have it in an instance.

                          I still have yet to run an instance. Levelling is so fast, they seem pointless. But I did prepare my druid to run ZF. He's a bit high for it, but I'd like to get the carrot on the stick and run a couple quests I have yet to run.

                          And levelling is so fast I simply can't even touch the quests in many areas, because I'm levelling too fast. So far from 44 I've finished up STV, did Tanaris and the higher quests in Dustwallow Marsh, and did the Hinterlands quests. That put me up to 52. I simply can't fit in Feralis, Un goro crater, Western Plaguelands, Burning Steppes, That area just north of Burning Steppes (brain freeze on the name), Ashara, and the lower quests in Felwood. I'm missing most of the areas in the game. What I'll probably do is do some Felwood and Winterland quests, maybe a few Silithis quests until 60. I prefer to wait till 60 before outlands now.


                          • Dis, just go to school for a year and get some tech job. You should be able to get some government funding to subsidize it. And you will feel justified in doing something productive and still have time for some WoW in the evenings.
                            "Yay Apoc!!!!!!!" - bipolarbear
                            "At least there were some thoughts went into Apocalypse." - Urban Ranger
                            "Apocalype was a great game." - DrSpike
                            "In Apoc, I had one soldier who lasted through the entire game... was pretty cool. I like apoc for that reason, the soldiers are a bit more 'personal'." - General Ludd


                            • not enough money to go that long without a job, unless I get a part time job in the evenings...


                              • Or just a weekend job. Raids are typically on weeknights.
                                "Yay Apoc!!!!!!!" - bipolarbear
                                "At least there were some thoughts went into Apocalypse." - Urban Ranger
                                "Apocalype was a great game." - DrSpike
                                "In Apoc, I had one soldier who lasted through the entire game... was pretty cool. I like apoc for that reason, the soldiers are a bit more 'personal'." - General Ludd

