The Altera Centauri collection has been brought up to date by Darsnan. It comprises every decent scenario he's been able to find anywhere on the web, going back over 20 years.
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Call To Power 2 Cradle 3+ mod in progress:
yeah I got the noggenfogger eilixir. Did that in the middle of thunderbluff. If you dance, you get the undead head banging dance. So I was a head banging skeleton in the middle of thunder bluff. I got a few looks and whispers.
Yeah I looked up saviory deviate delight. Seems hard to come by. It auctions off for a lot of money at the AH. Not sure if I want to pay that much for the recipe.
things are a little rougher for my rogue. adds are killing me-literally. I died a couple of times. I was doing okay with the gnoll adds in this cave in ghostlands (where you train your lockpicking skill). Other places not so well.
And I still couldn't beat that elite that was 3 levels under me. . High hit point creatures are not good for rogues. Funny if I go back to a warrior, I get upset how long it takes to kill things. I do like to kill things fast. . And sneaking around is fun.
Now I got mutilate, definately have to go with more stealth. It's much better than backstab. I'm going to have to go with the talents to improve stealth speed. That's my main thing I dislike about stealth.
Actually stopped playing my rogue a little bit last night after dying. I hate dying, and almost never do. Things are getting harder now. I have to be more cautious and carefully watch patrols.
P.S. she is friggin' hot!! I couldn't play the blood elf males, they all look gay. I got caught by another player taking off the clothes of my character to look at her. . I couldn't resist seeing what she looked like under them. I'll try to post a screen shot later.
You can avoid embarrassments like that by running around naked all the time. The armor doesn't actually do anything at that level so why wear it eh?
Anyway... screenshots?
"Lvl60 Tauren Rogue, ready to raid!" (Due to the lack of offhands for Druids, I did actually wield that Fish during MC raids...)
"I don't know what they were thinking when they put Gnomes in the game. Probably not this."
any tips on how to handle 3 mobs? Hasn't came up yet. But I know when you get into your 30's it's unavoidable. My hunter got used to handling 3 mobs. Easy with a tank pet.
I can use sap on one. Still haven't messed around with it much. Haven't needed to. I kill things so fast, I can handle 2 mobs at once. 3 I'm scared of though. I'm not sure what I'll do.
And I find myself pulling. So I probably don't use stealth as much as I should. but I'm trying to avoid adds. So I pull them away from their starting position to a cleared area using my throwing weapon (doesn't do much damage, that's not the point). Then gouge them, run around and backstab them.
I played a rogue a lot.
Against 2 mobs, yeah, you sap one and kill the other.
Against 3 mobs, you can pull.
Later you get Vanish. You can kill a mob, vanish, heal up, and do the sap+kill thing on the last 2.
Also if you spec combat you get Blade Flurry (it's been ages since I've played I think that's what it's called), that way you can just active blade flurry bash shadowstrike and 2 mobs will die. So a combat rogue can take on 2 mobs at once easy, so for 3 you can sap + blade flurry.
Combat rogues also eat elites for breakfast you just aim for an absolute ****tone of damage. Against elites, you gouge and bandage mid battle, for a combat rogue that's a better use of time than gouge + backstab.
In a really tough battle you like start out with cheap shot or ambush, pop evasion, then once you're hurt you gouge and bandage, and you can snarf a pot if needed (you can also sprint away and bandage but that's tricky). Use kidney shot every time you have enuff points, at least against higher damaging mobs. So generally on elites, you focus on stunning them and raw damage output.
Combat Rogues, against mobs with a weapon which you can disarm with Riposte - aren't even fair.
You should just play combat rogues. Because they're cheap. Why do fancy stuff when you can just run around killing everything like you're superman. Other specs are better PvP and can potentially be better for assassinating single targets, but Combat is best against elites and multiple mobs.
(Due to the lack of offhands for Druids, I did actually wield that Fish during MC raids...)
Why not use the Lei?
"Yay Apoc!!!!!!!" - bipolarbear
"At least there were some thoughts went into Apocalypse." - Urban Ranger
"Apocalype was a great game." - DrSpike
"In Apoc, I had one soldier who lasted through the entire game... was pretty cool. I like apoc for that reason, the soldiers are a bit more 'personal'." - General Ludd
(Due to the lack of offhands for Druids, I did actually wield that Fish during MC raids...)
How does that work on your server? A lot of people must have BC and not care about MC - then there are some people (you included, presumably) that don't have BC, and as such can't level past 60. And you raid MC/BWL etc..?
Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark
So I've been playing my shaman now. Yes I do have 9 characters.
pushed him from 6 to 28.
Very fun class to play. totems can be tricky though. They draw aggro, and I haven't figured out a way to get rid of them when you leave the areas. sometimes a monster will find it and chase you down. I also use searing totem alot. It helps increase my damage. But sometimes after killing a monster, it will attack someone else in range, even if I'm out of health and mana. . But despite this, I still use them. Plus I like fire. Fire! Fire!
I like melee healers. What can I say. I prefer him over a cloth wearing priest. I'll never get the top healer spot in instances, oh well. Tried doing wailing caverns. Killed 2 bosses easy. 3rd one hit too hard. And we only had 3 people in our party too (hard finding people at 2AM). I'd like to finish it.
Taking a break now. I tend to play too much and get burned out.
overall, I tend to like the nature races. Hunter, shaman, and druid are my favourites. Rogues and warriors are alright. Warlocks, priests, paladins, and mages are my least fav. Though I haven't got my warlock very high. only 10.
I need to play my hunter more though. I was the 2nd highest in my guild. but they are starting to pass me. Plus I want a flying mount. Sometimes I see these areas that seem inaccessible by foot, and I wonder what's there. . Probably nothing. I sometimes swim in out of the way locations only to find out they didn't populate the areas with anything. Supposedly there's an island down south there's a message saying "what are you doing out here". LOL. I like exploring, what can I say.
Oh I did enjoy owning some hunters in pvp with my shaman. . These hunters go around thinking they are the ****. I know, I was one of them, until a warrior humbled me at 50 (although I've learned a few tricks since then).
Shamans are one of the weaker pvp classes actually. But I had no problems owning these hunters. Didn't even have to use my healing spells. I just rushed them. I even defeated a mountain lion and bear after my last duel. Was almost out of health and mana that time. But shamans aren't that hard to defeat. Just have to keep in that sweet spot (over 20 yards). Warriors and paladins have heavy armour and would own shamans. I'm sure higher level hunters will be smart enough to keep over 20 yards (out of range of my frost shock). I won't even touch a rogue. Most rogues are very good at pvp.
That's the problem with playing my hunter. Everyone is a hunter! That's why I like my shaman. You hardly see any. So I enjoy crushing hunters every chance I get. Maybe I'll push my shaman up to 70 instead. But I still have a long way to go.
Odd. When I first played WoW (that was the month WoW was released), most people were going for anything BUT the hunter, now you're saying a lot of people go for the hunter? If so - why!?
I am a true-blue hunter/ranger/scout kind of guy, any game I play, where there is this type of character, I will choose it instantly, nothing else interests me.
Also strange is that most poeple on my server (Dath'Remar) appear to be Shamans, not Hunters. (As far as Hordes go anyway)