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World of Warcraft

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  • What's AH?

    Will give that age thing a try tonight Asher (If I have time, so damn busy )
    be free


    • Originally posted by Asher
      Do you guys use the auctioneer addon for the AH?

      It's essential.
      yeah I need that. I think I undersold my golden pearl. But then I raised my prices on another one and it isn't selling. go figure.


      • Originally posted by Sn00py
        What's AH?

        Will give that age thing a try tonight Asher (If I have time, so damn busy )
        Auction House
        "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
        Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


        • okay I need to take a break. I was in that one more level syndrome. But I'm getting tired of grinding.

          Might need to take a break from this game (after I just paid for 3 months ).


          • don't quit now, so much to do Dis!
            be free


            • been watching some wow on youtube.

              I love the dinasaur kites to ashenvale. amazing. but how did they get past the great lift?

              I also saw a video of an unsuccessful kit. the bruisers of gadgetzan tore it up. So I wonder how they got by on the successful one. The bruisers are so close...

              I want to have fun like that.

              I learned some cool things like kiting. Yeah I'm a noob. As a hunter I should know about it. But I've never had the need. My pet is strong enough to survive most situations. He can usually handle 3 mobs. And I can even handle 2 elites if they are like 5 levels lower than me. I even defeated an elite 2 levels above me. Though as I mentioned before, not all elites are alike.

              I could not defeat the giant for the captain's chest quest in stranglethorn vale. I could only get it down to 1/3 health before my pet died. I even laid a trap and a stupid crawler hit it, and started attacking me!

              I read strategies about kiting the thing down the beach. But that seems like too much work. It's supposed to be a party quest, so I just asked on the general channel for volunteers and got some (and one person from my guild). Very easy with 4 or 5 people. Why does everyone insist on doing hard monsters solo?

              But kiting is a good pvp skill (albeit cheesy). Hunters need it against melee classes like warriors and rogues. though rogues have sprint I heard. I watched this one video of a 29 (or was it 39?) twink defeating a 60 rogue. He never used sprint. Maybe the video was a set up. The rogue didn't seem very good. He let himself be kited.

              I was orginally kiting improperly it seems. . Using things like wing clip which involves getting in melee range. All these guys have aspect of the cheetah on which is 30% faster. It's just annoying being dazed when being hit. I always get mad at myself when I leave it on when going out in the field.

              In fact I got owned by a warrior in a duel becauase I forgot to change aspects out before the duel started. That's why I don't think I"d be good in pvp. Why I'm getting burned out. I know I can never defeat these guys fairly. I get nervous in pvp and push the wrong buttons, or forget to do stuff.
              Last edited by Dis; May 10, 2007, 07:51.


              • Originally posted by Dis
                been watching some wow on youtube.

                I love the dinasaur kites to ashenvale. amazing. but how did they get past the great lift?

                I also saw a video of an unsuccessful kit. the bruisers of gadgetzan tore it up. So I wonder how they got by on the successful one. The bruisers are so close...

                I want to have fun like that.

                I learned some cool things like kiting. Yeah I'm a noob. As a hunter I should know about it. But I've never had the need. My pet is strong enough to survive most situations. He can usually handle 3 mobs. And I can even handle 2 elites if they are like 5 levels lower than me. I even defeated an elite 2 levels above me. Though as I mentioned before, not all elites are alike.

                I could not defeat the giant for the captain's chest quest in stranglethorn vale. I could only get it down to 1/3 health before my pet died. I even laid a trap and a stupid crawler hit it, and started attacking me!

                I read strategies about kiting the thing down the beach. But that seems like too much work. It's supposed to be a party quest, so I just asked on the general channel for volunteers and got some (and one person from my guild). Very easy with 4 or 5 people. Why does everyone insist on doing hard monsters solo?

                But kiting is a good pvp skill (albeit cheesy). Hunters need it against melee classes like warriors and rogues. though rogues have sprint I heard. I watched this one video of a 29 (or was it 39?) twink defeating a 60 rogue. He never used sprint. Maybe the video was a set up. The rogue didn't seem very good. He let himself be kited.

                I was orginally kiting improperly it seems. . Using things like wing clip which involves getting in melee range. All these guys have aspect of the cheetah on which is 30% faster. It's just annoying being dazed when being hit. I always get mad at myself when I leave it on when going out in the field.

                In fact I got owned by a warrior in a duel becauase I forgot to change aspects out before the duel started. That's why I don't think I"d be good in pvp. Why I'm getting burned out. I know I can never defeat these guys fairly. I get nervous in pvp and push the wrong buttons, or forget to do stuff.
                Yeah this post really shows how seriously you are considering taking a break.


                • just taking a break from that character. I want to keep up with my guild. That's the only reason I've been pushing so hard. Actually I wanted to surpass the highest in my guild (who was 51 as of last night). He was levelling like crazy. I was trying to compete. But now I see we have a level 60 in our guild now.

                  And my guild will boot you if you aren't playing your character (usually 15 days- though if you are a high level they will give you more time).

                  But I'm done with my hunter for a while. Haven't decided what char to play yet.

                  here is the kite. I like the music. good music is good for a wow video. Anyone know the name of that remix of the second song (I'm assuming it's seperate fromt he first). I like the oldies song, and the remix is pretty cool.

                  And what quest gives that pirate look thingy? The first time I saw that I couldn't figure out what was going on. And what quest allow you to shrink things? I saw that too, and was tripping out. I shurnk giants in feralis, but that only last 2 hours and only works on giants.

                  oh and I want that cute panda pet. where do I get it? All I've seen so far is cockroaches and cats in elwynn forest. I tried to kill the cats with my orc char, but it won't let you target them.
                  Last edited by Dis; May 10, 2007, 15:10.


                  • Wasn't the Panda pet some special pre-order/collector's edition thing?
                    "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                    Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                    • Dis, what do you mean by "playing your part"; how do you play your part?
                      be free


                      • Originally posted by Sn00py
                        Dis, what do you mean by "playing your part"; how do you play your part?
                        He's likely referring to the Hunter ability to play as (through the eyes) your pet for short durations.


                        • I did a search on the world play, can't figure out where I say play my part. So I'm not sure what you are referring too.

                          speaking of taking the role of your pet. I saw another video of an alliance guy tricking horde noobs by going to the Horde noobie area in durotar. training a low level creature there. Keeping the same name (which should be boar). Walking around some rocks (press / to walk), and eventually some noob would be stupid enough to attack it. . Harsh, but funny. I want to try this. But I'm horde, and I think all alliance noobie areas are locked up tight with guards.

                          I think I figured out my problem. I have low attention span. . New character yesterday. Blood Elf rogue. . The last class I have yet to try (though I still haven't gotten very far with shaman and warlock). I usually don't like rogue characters. But I want to open up all these locked chests I see. Yeah they probably don't have much better than regular chests. I'm used to games like NWN where you can at least bash them open. I hate not being able to open them, and you can never find a rogue around anywhere. yeah I know engineers have something they can use, same with blacksmiths. but I don't like those professions. Blood elf probably isn't the best race for a rogue as they start with such high intelligence which is useless. But the starting stats don't mean much after 30 levels or so. Night elf is best, but I wanted horde.

                          so far pickpocketing hasn't gave me much. But it's a bonus. This has been my richest character so far. But another reason is because this game is cake to me now. I don't blow money on armour at the vendors anymore. I wait for drops.

                          I figured rogue might be too much for me. As I'm not all about moving around fast. Which is why I'm not good at pvp. I'll stick with pve. So far I have no problem getting around behind a creature to backstab.

                          Didn't die until I tried to take on an elite. I'm definately not going to be able to solo elites like my hunter. In hind sight, I should of used my potion of defense. I always forget to use those thing. The elite had less than 30 hp's left I think (you couldn't see anything on the health bar), I was so close.

                          But some fights can get kind of hairy, if I get a whole bunch of misses, and don't get any crits. I take a lot of damage. But usually I kill things so fast, my health doesn't go down much.

                          And is jewelcrafting any decent? didn't intrerest me very much. For some reason I like to gravitate towards herbalism and alchemy.

                          P.S. she is friggin' hot!! I couldn't play the blood elf males, they all look gay. I got caught by another player taking off the clothes of my character to look at her. . I couldn't resist seeing what she looked like under them. I'll try to post a screen shot later.


                          • any tips on how to handle 3 mobs? Hasn't came up yet. But I know when you get into your 30's it's unavoidable. My hunter got used to handling 3 mobs. Easy with a tank pet.

                            I can use sap on one. Still haven't messed around with it much. Haven't needed to. I kill things so fast, I can handle 2 mobs at once. 3 I'm scared of though. I'm not sure what I'll do.

                            And I find myself pulling. So I probably don't use stealth as much as I should. but I'm trying to avoid adds. So I pull them away from their starting position to a cleared area using my throwing weapon (doesn't do much damage, that's not the point). Then gouge them, run around and backstab them.


                            • Best way is not to pull 3 unless you are using aoe attacks.


                              • Originally posted by Dis

                                And what quest gives that pirate look thingy? The first time I saw that I couldn't figure out what was going on. And what quest allow you to shrink things? I saw that too, and was tripping out. I shurnk giants in feralis, but that only last 2 hours and only works on giants.
                                It's a consumable. You can probably get it at the AH. It's called Savory deviate delight, or something like that. Do an AH search for "deviate" and you should get results.

                                Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark

