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World of Warcraft

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  • some troll ******* rogue killed the quest giver I was talking to last night. As I was trying to complete a quest. That's the price you pay in online games such as this. No biggie. I just went on to do other things while waiting for the quest giver to respawn.

    One thing I noticed in this game is there are too many hunters. When I was in a party with my hunter one time, I was with another hunter!. There are too many. Everyone has a freakin' pet! There are also too many warlocks for the same reason.

    So I'm concentrating more on my priest as there aren't enough of them. I was going to ressurect one guy, but he returned to the graveyard too fast. I like to cure diseases as well.

    priest was real tough up till level 10. That's why I stopped at 10. But it's getting easier now. I put 5 points in sprit tap, which seems to help my mana regeneration.

    And what about wands? I've been experimenting with them, and a few have dropped. There seems to be no downside to them (aside from lower damage than my spells). You can cast them at range, or at point blank (unlike bows). They have no charges that I can see. You can just auto cast those forever to kill the enemy and use 0 mana!. I think just cast lesser or heal on myself and keep fighting. Never have to worry about running out of mana. That's kind of boring though, so I still mostly use spells. I use wands enough to keep my skill up.

    And finally. Can priests learn to use shields or 2 handed maces? What weapons/armour can priests train in? Seems silly carrying around a 1 handed mace and nothing else. Do priest regularly use maces? I still use mine to finish off creatures (I'm level 17 now).


    • Reading some of the previous posts in here now and have loads of questions, here's a first set:

      - What is the "appropriate" level for Wailing Caverns? I've seen so many groups asking for healers to go with them that I'm paranoid of the place, but it is now a big chunk of my quest list - mostly yellow now I think.

      - I quite like the secondary skills (cooking/fishing/first aid) - gives you something productive to do with all the junk that I assume will eventually pay off - right? I mean I'm not just going to be looking at differently coloured Herb-something eggs at 300 skill, right?

      - I haven't felt any urge to join a guild - I try to match play time with my buddies where possible to do harder stuff. At what point will this not work? At what point do you need more than 3-4 people?


      • depends on what you want to do. You can get up to level 70 with 3 or 4 people if you wanted. But for some instances, you need raiding groups. So you can't do every quest and every dungeon without them.

        I know the keep in silverpine forest (undead area) requires more than that. I got almost all the way through that thing. But then our raiding party fell apart after a wipe at the end.

        Wailing Caverns I have only done the first part of it (not sure how big it is). We had a 3 man party. I was level 26 hunter at the time. We were doing okay. Not sure if we could have finished it though. I'm sure the boss would have been very tough. I'd say the less people you go through with, the higher level you need to be. I'd say mid to upper 20's though.

        If you are looking for more quests to do, don't forget the undead areas. When first playing through, I never thought about doing quests in another races's areas. I do it all the time. With my dwarf priest, I'm trying to get honored in all areas.

        My Orc hunter has been doing quests in undead, and in orc areas.


        • one more question. should I get the expansion pack? What does it add other than 2 new races. I'm not sure the races are enough reason to buy an XP.


          • Not really worth it if you are going to give up the game before you level a character to 60.


            • I'm not sure if I'm going to give it up. . I'm still playing it after all. A couple days ago I thought I might stop.

              I think I'm addicted now. . I'll wait till I get a character to level 60 before I decide if I want to buy the expansion.

              Went into the deadmines with my priest. Everyone likes to have a priest. Definately easier to find parties. The problem is this party sucked. They were too low level, and I was too low level as well. Just having a priest isn't going to help you survive instances. I don't think it was my fault. We just didn't have enough people. We made it to this door and opened it. A hunter pulled a golblin, and several others followed. All 19 elites. I was a level 17. The main force couldn't hold the golbins and they went after me. . I died, wipe. end of story.

              Teamed up with a warrior later on for regular quests. We did pretty good. I still pulled a lot of aggro because my spells are so damaging. But I wasn't worried with a warrier to take on his friends, I can easily handle one on my own.

              I'm still undecided on wands. I usually use them to finish off. Especially when I'm getting pounded. A few high damage spells to lead off, then the wand. Though geting hit does interrupt the wand, but not by much. Much better than a 2.5 second cast smite. .

              I tried taking on a level 24 by myself just before I went to sleep. That did not end well. It was 4 levels above me. It was a non elite, but I was damaging it like it was an elite. Barely taking any HP's off. Only my hunter can take on something 4 levels above him. I don't have any other character that can.


              • Re: Tips for a newb?

                Originally posted by Hot Mustard

                For instance, I just learned yesterday that shift-right-click will auto-pickup things - no further selection needed. That's a huge time saver!

                So please barrage me with your wisdom!
                In options, you can set auto-loot as the default, so you will always auto-loot and shift-click will slow loot.

                After you get used to it, saves EVEN MORE time.


                • You know of macros, right - you can save incredible amounts of time (and energy) with a few macros

                  Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark


                  • I have no idea how to do macros. I can't even change key bindings.

                    My minimap disappeard somehow. I couldn't find out how to get it back. I did manage to put the . as the key binding for minimap.

                    I want to make "T" as my cast wand. Anyway to do this?

                    The problem I'm having is I have too many spells to fit on the quick action bar. and it takes to long to shift-2 in a crucial situation. And one time I forgot to shift-1, and casted a wand when I wanted to cast holy fire. . This almost got my killed since my wand does very little damage. As a priest I need to hit them with my heavy spells first before I start getting pounded on.

                    I welcome any tips at improving the interface.

                    And how does autoloot work? I'm curious at that. Do you have to be close to the body and it autmatically goes into your inventory?

                    I don't want any more light feathers in my inventory . My inventory is usually full it seems. And during inopportune times, I get told my inventory is full when trying to get an important item. Like a quest item when there are baddies around, or a green (I'm only just working into blues- definately haven't seen a purple yet) item when there are baddies around.


                    • one silly thing I just learned (from actually reading the tips on the loading screen). Holding down alt will target yourself. Though I still don't like to use it as I'm worried about accidently hitting the windows key in a crucial battle. But so many times I accidently cast a spell I want to cast on myself on someone else. This happened last night when a party I was in was fighting elites. And this was power word: shield. A life saving spell. Lucky I didn't die.

                      Anyways I had one of my best nights of gaming last night. It really makes me like this game now. I'm in an cool guild with my priest. No prob for priests finding decent guilds. . We help each other out. They put in a call to help with these elites in hillsbrand hills, and I answered the call with several others. Though it took a couple tries to have a good party combo. We had a level 11 mage with us. But she was too weak to do any damage. We ended up with 2 priests, 2 warriors, and a warlock. Not the optimum party, but it worked. We managed to do enough dps even without high dps'ers like rogues and mages. We had a hunter earlier, but he didn't do well. Hunters just don't seem to work in parties. Including my hunter.

                      In our final party combination we were rocking everything. No one came close to dying. Granted we were a little higher level than the elites, but it was still nice. I think I pulled aggro only once. And I quickly lost it (even without using fade which is on another quick action bar- see above. It takes too long to hit fade in a crucial situation). Which leads me to believe my play style is okay, it's the others who can't hold aggro. A 2 warrior party isn't bad. Why is this not more popular? I'd rather have 2 warriors than a warrior and a rogue.

                      The only downside was my mana burn. I don't have a holy build which is optimum for parties. I need a shadow build to level grind. I just can't do enough damage and other effects otherwise. Yeah I'm an alliance guy using shadow magic. . What else am I going to use? I'd be left with only holy fire and smite. So I use my shadow tree talents to help increase damage and stun effects. Decrease cast time etc.


                      • you know that you can add action bars?

                        put the emergency talents all near eachother on one action bar that is easy to reach (and maybe even bind keys to them)

                        Jon Miller
                        Jon Miller-
                        I AM.CANADIAN
                        GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                        • basically, you can go into options and make more action bars appear on your screen

                          Jon Miller
                          Jon Miller-
                          I AM.CANADIAN
                          GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                          • Originally posted by Asmodean
                            You know of macros, right - you can save incredible amounts of time (and energy) with a few macros

                            Don't use combat macros for PvE though - it takes the fun away.


                            • Oh absolutely. Never used them for PvE myself.

                              Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark


                              • Originally posted by DrSpike

                                Don't use combat macros for PvE though - it takes the fun away.
                                how would that work?

                                combat a lot of times is the same, but you never know when some things go wrong. Last night I was attacking some bear, and then some other bear crept up behind me and decided to munch on me.

                                Bears are a serious problem for my priest. Because they have so many hit points and I can't do damage like a mage. I run out of mana reshielding myself and taking their hit points down.

