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World of Warcraft

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  • just for the hell of it, I created a gnome female warrior. .

    When I can afford it, I'm going to buy her the biggest damn sword money can buy. Actually I may get a huge 2 handed mace. Can't wait to get her in the barrens or something and send her against those huge thunder lizards. And she has purple hair.

    Yeah I get bored of playing the same character all the time. Rotating chars gives me a little bit of rest bonus too. . Though it's confusing as I can't remember any of the hot keys. In fact, I need a better way to set up hot keys. My druid has so many different spells. I use shift-f1 for my caster form damage spells, shiftf-2 for my bear form, shift f-3 for my healing and res spells, shift f-4 for my cat abilities, shift f-5 for my professions like alchemy, fishing, cooking, etc. The problem I have it's hard to push the keys over to the right accurately. 1,2,3,4 isn't hard. But 6 and 7 are difficult to do in a hurry with my left hand. And I often forget which one is which anyways. And end up pushing the wrong one in a crucial fight. .

    Mid level grinding is tedious for me. Yeah I still do have a few interesting quests for my druid. He's level 31 now. I'm kind of bored with him at the moment. I was really pissed off when he was level 30 and couldn't defeat this level 32 guy. The guy was duel wielding swords and could damage me faster than I could kill him. I'd shift to caster form, chug a potion, and try to cast my healing spells, but he'd damage me faster than the spells would work and I could cast them! If I could find a good party, I'd continue playing him.

    Lately, I haven't been finding good parties. This one guy just wanted to go off and kill stuff. Boring. And you barely get any XP that way (since you are splitting it).


    • Umm, you know that when you shift forms, the bar that is in use switches. So when you are in bear, you get an entirely new bar to play with, same with cat or caster. This enables less switching of bars when playing a Druid.

      Was that a level 32 PC or NPC? If it was an NPC you have pretty poor equipment. Just killing stuff (grinding) is boring, I would recommend trying to find a good guild (I have never done so btw, but freinds have) and play with them.

      Jon Miller
      Jon Miller-
      GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


      • 32 NPC.

        What equipment do I need as a druid in cat form? Yes I know bonuses from items still count. Does the weapon count? I'm a little confused on this. When my weapon was broke, in the character screen it showed the damage was less until I repaired it. But how can my weapon break when I'm in cat form? I'm still not sure what type of weapon to use as a druid. I don't think it affects my damage output. It's not like werewolves in Diablo2 I don't believe.

        Yeah I noticed the bar changes. for some reason I don't trust that, and like to do it manually. . I'll have to experiment around with that. Then I could set up different hotkeys for my various forms, and not have to worry about pressing shift- f3 in a hurry (to get my healing spells)


        • Yaeh, you shuold be able to defeat people 4+ your level with your Druid.

          Weapon damage doesn't effect Druid form damage, but weapon stats do.

          Cat's damage is based off of strength and agility, so get lots and lots of that.

          Basically, Bears want:
          0. Armor
          1. Sta
          2. Agi
          3. Str

          Cats want: (might switch 1 and 2)
          1. Str
          2. Agi
          3. Sta

          Casters want:
          1. Spell Healing/Damage
          2. Sta
          3. Int

          I would generally have two seperate sets of equipment, with 3 different items for some places. Like I would have a Str/Agi weapon, and Int/Sta weapon, and an Armor weapon.

          Jon Miller
          Jon Miller-
          I AM.CANADIAN
          GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


          • I'm starting to get burned out on this game. 12 hours a day for 3 weeks will do that to ya.

            The gameplay is starting to get repetitive. The only reason to continue on is to get new spells.

            Instances are kind of fun, but kind of frustrating as well.

            I'm not done with the game completely, just looking for something different. The 2 guilds I'm in suck. . I need to find a good party.

            I was playing around doing funny things with my gnome last night just to entertain others (and myself). I had her sleeping in the fire. .


            • 3 Weeks of 12 hours a day and you haven't gotten above level 30 yet?

              Wow. There are people who beleive the game doesn't start until level 60 (70 now, I guess).

              To be honest, I never got beyond level 44. But I would if I started playing again.

              Jon Millre
              Jon Miller-
              I AM.CANADIAN
              GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


              • For me the game was a blast till about 40, progressively more and more boring from 40-55, great from 55-60 doing the 5 man instances, and then even better raiding.

                If you want to see everything the game has to offer then you have to stop your altitis and play your favourite character. Or, if gearing up in the 5 mans (levels 65-70 now of course) and progressing to larger raids does not interest you, then once you've got all of the classes to 30-40 I'd suggest moving on.


                • Just an aside about the xpak instances, probably mentioned it, but if the instances in the original game made you cry (because of length), then you may enjoy alot of the xpak's instances.

                  As someone who loathed most of the original instances, even I have been enjoying the xpak's instances. When I can find a group that is.

                  They are fairly short and sweet. Not too much dilly dallying around...get to the point, no crazy maze of crap kind of thing. At least the ones i've tried are.

                  I know there are some that aren't like this and I have not tried them all...

                  blah blah blah........Anyway, it's an improvement in my eyes so far.
                  While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


                  • cool. I may get the XP

                    I'm going to try to do the wailing caverns.

                    The problem my favourite character isn't one suited for instances. My hunter struggles in close spaces. Often I find myself in a situation where I'm too close to use my bow.

                    I'm level 25 now, I think too high for Wailing Caverns. Those quests are now gray. . But I still want to do it anyways. The problem I may face is I do so much damage, I may pull mobs. I'll have to turn it down.


                    • Just use less skills... and instances are for items and fun, not leveling.

                      Jon Miller
                      Jon Miller-
                      I AM.CANADIAN
                      GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                      • hunter is now 28. druid is 30 (not 31 as I thought). I got a 17 paladin. a 13 fighter. a 10 priest, and a 7 shaman. I might be missing one. I have all the classes except rogue.

                        Did part of wailing caverns with a group of 3. But one guy had to pull out.

                        I also had a good party in hillsbrand hills. Got a couple quests done. But the party didn't stick together long. Damn people and their lives. They need to be as dedicated to this game as me.


                        • You're strange Dis; you're dedicated to a game you're not obsessed with.
                          be free


                          • Originally posted by vee4473
                            Just an aside about the xpak instances, probably mentioned it, but if the instances in the original game made you cry (because of length), then you may enjoy alot of the xpak's instances.

                            As someone who loathed most of the original instances, even I have been enjoying the xpak's instances. When I can find a group that is.

                            They are fairly short and sweet. Not too much dilly dallying around...get to the point, no crazy maze of crap kind of thing. At least the ones i've tried are.

                            I know there are some that aren't like this and I have not tried them all...

                            blah blah blah........Anyway, it's an improvement in my eyes so far.
                            I agree - it is good that the instances have been shortened

                            What I don't like about the xpak is that the end-game raids have been cut down to 25 man raids. That sucks imho. I know that it could be hard to scrounge ppl together on each and every night, but doesn't feel like a raid

                            Oh well - playing VG now anyway

                            Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark


                            • the quests tend to get repetitive at this point. Yeah the names and faces of those you have to kill change, but it's all the same concept. Find this, kill this.

                              Just no payoff for me. As everything resets in a few minutes. I feel like all my hard work was to waste. . Unlike a game with a real ending that lets you know how the town you helped prospered in your legacy (I'm thinking fallout here- I loved how they wrapped everything up, I wish more games would do this).

                              It really is an action game like Diablo 2. Which I also enjoyed. And played alot online. But never had the desire to max my chars there either. Though that was different, as everything was the same once you get to nightmare. Just tougher monsters. The highest I got there was a level 47 sorceress.

                              So we'll see how high I go.


                              • There are world changing events once or twice a year. You have to be very good to be the one who leads the event though.

                                Jon Miller
                                Jon Miller-
                                I AM.CANADIAN
                                GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

