how in the hell do I train my pet? For the life of me, I cannot figure it out.
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World of Warcraft
There is a pet trainer somewhere, usually where your hunter trainer is.
I am also having some trouble with it though, I forgot to train my pet for ages (I had leveled 20 times already!), I went back to the pet trainer and bought everything, but nothing changed, with either me or my pet, so I am not sure what's up?
Also dis, did you know, you can take the abilities from one animal, and train it to another? Yes, yes you can.
Stuff on Pets (good links at the bottom too) is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. From general topics to more of what you would expect to find here, has it all. We hope you find what you are searching for!
Dis, you will find that your Pet is as usful as having a copy of yourself. Can you imagine the strength of two of you? Your pet will level up with you and often is able to deal more damage than yourself (depending on the animal you tame I think).
Currently I have 600+ defense, but my pet has 700+, I often send him in to attack first, to deal the damage, while I fight from afar. I can also heal my pet, so he can just keep attacking forever. It's all about teamwork. I have beaten elites 4-5 levels higher than me (just barely mind you), because of my pet. Mine is a cat btw, which I believe is one of the best animals you can get, if not the best.Last edited by FrostyBoy; April 16, 2007, free
- is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. From general topics to more of what you would expect to find here, has it all. We hope you find what you are searching for!
Dis, this page will show you how to do it, ahh, 2 years ago I knew how to do this, this year, I had completely forgotten.
Fact, this page overall seems quite good, shows you all the pets you can get. I wouldn't mind having a monkey as a pet.. but I've had my cat since the beginning (level 3), got him all the way up to level 30.. hmm.. decisions..
edit: well after training my pet finally, he went from 720 to 845 defense, while I am still stuck on 645. I feel kind of pathetic. Not to mention all the other new abilities he has.Last edited by FrostyBoy; April 16, 2007, free
yeah I figured it out. I noticed the ability in the general section of my spell book. It would make more sense to have it in the beast mastery section.
Not sure how to transfer abilities. A lot of people seem to use boars, but I'll stick with my bear. I went all the way to undercity (and to silverpine forest) just to get a bear. Since there are none in the barrens
It'd be cool if I could have a thunder lizard (those huge things that shake the ground). That sure would be annoying for other players.
did my first dungeon raid last night. It did not end well.. It started off poorly, then we got some more people, and things went pretty good. I think we were close to the end, but things went bad. We had no tanks, and couldn't protect the healer.
My character is set up more for solo play (hunter), and he was too low a level for that dungeon (18). In fact most people were less than level 20. All of us needed to be higher.
Is it possible to form a wall (with the characters) that monsters can't pass through to get to the cloth wearers? I hate it how they seem to slide on by and go after the priest. I tried to put myself on priest duty, but 3 of them attacked him, and he was hurtin. I just got distracting shot, but I'm not sure if I'm using it correctly. And I had no tank to distract the shot too. I didn't want to put them all on myself. My bear was the only tank we had really. If I die, he's gone.
Paladins (if set up properly), Druids and Warriors can all tank.
Hunter's pets, Void Walkers/Fel Guards, and Shamans can all do decently as well. (Generally Offtank)
You are only 20? I think I could do that in a day.
Generally you need at least one tank and one healer. It isn't a Raid unless you have more than 5 people, which you shouldn't do or need at your level.
In dungeons try to take the mobs one group at a time. Have everyone focus on one mob, which the tank gets aggro from, and then an offtank or the tank get aggro from the others (Damage dealers might need to hold back to begin with)
Jon MillerJon Miller-
GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
Read up a bit for the earlier discussion.
Group composition is not the final say - you need a tank that can hold aggro and damage dealers who cooperate.
Having said that the most painless way through the earlier dungeons is to make sure you join a slightly overlevelled group.
Spike is on the mark.
No, you can't make a wall that enemies can't pass through. There is no real collision type detection in wow from a terrain point of view.
The closest it comes is line of sight. If you are a caster, then your spell won't cast if the target is behind something, but once it notices you all bets are off... it will (and you) walk right through each other.
Tanking is a bit of a thing.... I recently tanked well as a paladin in mana tombs, but it took me asking the DPSers to hold off for a few seconds.
Once I had about 8-10 seconds of holy threat on his wimped ass, the others were not aggroing anything.While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.
Originally posted by Jon Miller
Paladins (if set up properly), Druids and Warriors can all tank.
Jon Miller
Meaning, they think that i have the instant aggro gaining skills. I move in, they attack and think that Paladins suck as tanks.
Word to the wise, when you have a Paladin tank, give him a few seconds to grab that ***** by the neck and not let go.While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.
I haven't played a Warrior. I generally tanked as a Druid though. When I played my Paladin (almost 2 years ago) he was hard to tank with...
Jon MillerJon Miller-
GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
played my hunter a little more last night. And I played my paladin. I like to play lots of different characters.. I also have a gnome warlock who I got up to 10.
I like my paladin a little more lately. But she really is dependant on equipment. I'm starting to find a little better stuff now, though. She still can't take on what my hunter can. My bear for my hunter can hold 3 mobs of the same level. My paladin recently did 4 mobs of a lower level, but it was hairy. And they were like 4 levels lower. It's nice to go invulnerable and heal in the middle of combat.
I once soloed a mob 8 levels above me with my Paladin. I know of no other class that can do that. Warlock and Druid can solo far above their level as well, though.
Jon MillerJon Miller-
GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.