No #58 not over yet, but a few people are posting in there their willingness to play next game, rather than losing those requests by games end and to give others a chance to nominate to play, I am starting this thread.
For details on Official rules goto the Compendium
But the rules have evolved a lot since then.
The way i tend to Game Master a Mafia.
1. Create a Sign up thread and await for a list of players, any number can work, odd or even, but 20 is a good target.
2. Choose a story to be the backdrop for the Game, this can be anything at all, but preferably something that allows some roleplaying for the characters if they so choose.
3. The GM will PM one or more Mafias . They will return a PM with a Character they wish to kill. To prevent missing any turns many mafias supply a list of kills.
4. The GM will tie this kill into a brief story about hte characters
5. Within this story will be many clues and red herrings. CLues can be in many forms.
Clues used so far in previous mafia games
a) Title of Post gives clue.
b) First letter of every word or sentence is clue.
c) Method of killing could be a clue.
d) "Notes" left at crime scene
e) Strange writing on walls.
f) Pictures posted within a story
g) Strange objects left around the crime scene
h) Seemingly obscure comments or descriptions form part of a bigger clue.
i) Combination clues that require putting together many posts in order to decipher.
j) Kill order
k) Clues may be made clearer by doing Google Searches on players names.
l) Clues may me made clearer by searching Poly for latest posts by Players.
m) A simple look at Players profiles may make finding clues easier.
For details on Official rules goto the Compendium
But the rules have evolved a lot since then.
The way i tend to Game Master a Mafia.
1. Create a Sign up thread and await for a list of players, any number can work, odd or even, but 20 is a good target.
2. Choose a story to be the backdrop for the Game, this can be anything at all, but preferably something that allows some roleplaying for the characters if they so choose.
3. The GM will PM one or more Mafias . They will return a PM with a Character they wish to kill. To prevent missing any turns many mafias supply a list of kills.
4. The GM will tie this kill into a brief story about hte characters
5. Within this story will be many clues and red herrings. CLues can be in many forms.
Clues used so far in previous mafia games
a) Title of Post gives clue.
b) First letter of every word or sentence is clue.
c) Method of killing could be a clue.
d) "Notes" left at crime scene
e) Strange writing on walls.
f) Pictures posted within a story
g) Strange objects left around the crime scene
h) Seemingly obscure comments or descriptions form part of a bigger clue.
i) Combination clues that require putting together many posts in order to decipher.
j) Kill order
k) Clues may be made clearer by doing Google Searches on players names.
l) Clues may me made clearer by searching Poly for latest posts by Players.
m) A simple look at Players profiles may make finding clues easier.