I played Pirates for more than a week, Railroads didn't last that long
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Sid Meiers Railroad
Originally posted by Adagio
I played Pirates for more than a week, Railroads didn't last that long
I'm not sure of anyone's aware or not, but there's a new patch in the works. It's supposed to be released sometime this month. One of the big things in it for me is a terrain editor. Maybe I can finally reduce the size of those gargantuan resources on the map. Sorry Grandpa, it doesn't sound like a full blown scenario editor, but at least it's a start. There's also going to be bigger maps available, and depots will be able to have up to 4 tracks.
Here's a link with the changelog from Firaxis:
Originally posted by DrSpike
I think they are too late - anyone still playing this?
Well 1 is probably the best if you don't mind the graphics - there's a thread somewhere about a free XP download.
2 is similar to one but with better graphics - think locked off 16bit isometric but I think they work. It does lose a few of the fun things from one though such as tunnels, rate wars. The platinum edition is pretty complete and cheap.
3 is a bit of a mixed bag. 3D graphics which for me make track laying and building tricky. I also found it much harder to get a grip on industries, the economy and where your money is coming from. On the plus it is more advanced economy and goods move on their own. It also suffered a bit from a lack of support. There are a few patches but I think it needed more. I'd probably describe it as interesting rather than good but I'm not a huge fan of 3D so element of reviewer bias there.
Other options are Locomotion (annoying interface and limited economics), Industry Giant 2 (bit dry and spreadsheet like) or even something like Trade Empires which just about has trains in it eventually and I quite like.
Originally posted by El_Cid
Whats the best in this genre(sadly i take it this game isnt it)?
PS: I haven't given up hope for this one though. It needs some work, but it has potential. This next patch sounds like it might be interesting, though it still doesn't go far enough. I don't understand why they won't give us control over signal towers. I think it's a must if you want to have a Railroad game.