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Mafia #49 - The Missing Piece

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  • #16
    A good traditional tale.

    I stock long lasting salted pork and sides of air dried ham, pickled eggs and in fact lots of things pickled.

    Except reismark and Jonnywho get repickled every day.
    On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


    • #17
      I'm saving up for a boat so we can do some proper fishing. I've had enough to catching tin cans and old boots - or worse, town drunks.


      • #18
        Forget it then I quit, I don't need you making fun of me like this, not all low posters are dls and I am not a 'he'

        * Leirosa throws away the fake moustache and runs far far away from the crazy town of evil, never to return


        • #19
          No, no! Please stay! I'm sure Ras can fix this in the next installment. Won't you Ras?
          Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
          I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
          Also active on WePlayCiv.


          • #20
            Well I reckoned you as a she, so I guess it was a simple overlook.
            On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


            • #21
              [goes off and consoles Leirosa]
              There, there... they called me a DL too... I'm a lawyer, want me to sue 'em? I'm friends with the judge.
              I was the hangman for the local jail, but they found out I was in the mafia and sent me off to nuclear war.


              • #22
                When a community as old and insular as this (founded 1998) sees a newbie, the accusations are quite common. Please ignore them, even if they're true , in fact, we may all be double logins- at least if we've never met a fellow apolytoner in person- it's impossible to confirm otherwise.

                I too was assaulted by such claims the first time I posted in the Off-Topic Forum Section.
                -->Visit CGN!
                -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                • #23
                  Jonny & I at 9:00 AM:

                  Two hours later:

                  CGN | a bunch of incoherent nonsense
                  Chris Jericho: First-Ever Undisputed Champion of Professional Wrestling & God Incarnate
                  Mystique & Aura: Appearing Nightly @ Yankee Stadium! | Red & Pewter Pride
                  Head Coach/General Manager, Kyrandia Dragonhawks (2004 Apolyton Fantasy Football League Champions)


                  • #24
                    The first to go

                    The bar was empty in the afternoon. The usual customers were outside in the park having a discussion with the town drunks. The discussion had when Jonny had purchased their latest bottle of wine. He had tripped on his way out of the bar and landed head first in the gutter. Rah and whoha ran out to check on him and Leirosa who had been sweeping just outside the bar also came over.
                    Reismark was preoccupied with some ducks in the park and failed to see his good friend fall.
                    Jonny looked up and saw Leirosa staring down at him, he found himself strangely attracted to the street sweeper. He shook his head and thought maybe the fall had affected him, he was finding men attractive.
                    After the commotion was all over Rah headed back into the bar only to find skanky was not there. A note left behind said he had gone out back to check on a room. Strange thought Rah. Wooha didn’t return inside, he had headed down town towards the docks.

                    Rah felt the afternoon sun on his back as he sat near the window of the bar and soon was dozing and dreaming of when he was the best damn Sheriff in the county.

                    Rah was awoken by Adagio and Duke who were both yelling and pointing. Rah realized it was now early evening as it was dark outside. He couldn’t understand the two fishermen but followed the point of their finger and went behind the bar and through to the rooms behind. One door was ajar and some red liquid was visible under the door. Rah stooped and touched the red stuff and then slowly pushed the door open more. There lying in a pool of spreading blood was Skanky burns.

                    The commotion of the fishermen out front soon attracted the attention of jonny, Reismark and Leirosa. When they saw the body Leirosa ran from the room and went screaming through town "screaming like a little girl" was the comment heard later.

                    The rest of the village people heard Leirosa and came running. Soon all the villagers were gathered in the bar and looked expectantly at Rah.

                    "How did this happen?"
                    "Who did it?"
                    "I can’t believe it!"
                    "Hmmm he is an attractive man"

                    were some of the thoughts going through people’s heads.

                    After the villages had taken seats in the bar rah spoke.
                    "Looks like I will need to investigate. I will check the crime scene with Darkcloud and civman and then we will interview everyone."

                    With that they headed out back again. They searched the room for clues and were very thorough. They noticed the bed had been disturbed as if someone had slept in it. A lamp stand had fallen on a chair and had broken the chair. Over by the window a bookcase had been tipped over.
                    No clues could be found.
                    The three headed back out the room and sat down in skankys office. They asked each other their whereabouts during the day and noted it all down. They then had the other villagers come in one by one.
                    After speaking to everyone they made a list.
                    It had the names of all the villagers on it and their stated whereabouts on the day.

                    They then called the villagers in and informed them of the following

                    "After careful investigation it appears that no one has entered our town today. So the guilty person is in this room right now. We have searched the crime scene and listed on this note the state of the room. On this other page we have the stated activities of each of us."

                    They pinned the two notes on the bar.

                    "Now we need to all go read the clues and make a decision as to who did this."
                    Last edited by Rasputin; June 7, 2006, 19:24.
                    GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                    • #25
                      The Whereabouts list

                      1. civman2000----- Spent until 3pm in the school room, walked down to the dock at 4 pm to see if any fish in. Saw Duke catching lots of old boots and cans but no fish. then walked home till he heard Leirosa running along screaming

                      2. Skanky burns ---- dead
                      3. rah ---- Asleep in bar till awoken by both fisherman
                      4. Whoha --- Down the dock speaking with duke and adagio till about 4:00 pm and then walked with adagio to his house to give him a coffee, adagio had left and then whoha was heading back to the pub when he heard Leirosa.
                      5. Spaced Cowboy - had spent all day dismantling an old 4 poster bed and had begun plans on building a 6 poster bed. He was still at home when he too heard Leirosa
                      6. Nikolai-- had finished his bread run early and had headed to the dock to get some fish. he arrived at about 3:30 and no one was around so he left. he went back up the hill to the library to see if there were any new recipe books in but found it locked so headed home.
                      7. Chaunk -- stated that after nikolai left he had headed to the park to feed the ducks the scraps of bread. he had passed Darkcloud who was heading back to the library. he was in the park when he heard the commotion in the bar.
                      8. Adagio--had been fishing all day and after a coffee at Whohas had met duke on the way up the hill to the bar, they had entered and seen rah sleeping so went looking for skanky and found him in the room before awakening rah.
                      9. duke o' york-- had fished and day dreamed of big boats. after a hard days fishing he had headed to the bar with adagio and found the body when no one was in the bar.
                      10. Leirosa -- had been sweeping the street out front all day and apart from seeing jonny fall over had been a quiet day till the commotion started in the bar. he stated he had seen no one enter the bar all day except the usual, reismark, jonny, Whoha and rah.
                      11. DarkCloud--- spent all day in the library, but went for a walk late afternoon to get some fresh air. didn’t see anyone anywhere.
                      12. Sparrowhawk---- had fallen asleep in a pile of leaves in the park and had been woken when someone had thrown a heavy object into the pile of leaves. he had seen no one by the time he got up but found a fairy tale book in the leaves.
                      13. reismark ---- his statement was full of incoherent babble as he had been drunk all day14. Jonny -- his statement kept referring to the fact he thought he was turning gay.
                      15. fishsticks---- had spent most of the day with ljube till ljube had taken to a bout of coughing and had retired. he then headed home.
                      16. Ljube-- had dined with fishsticks but had a cold that was getting worse so left and went home alone.
                      17. Hercules --- was packing shelves ready for the afternoons rush, but no one had come all day. he was still in the shop when Leirosa ran past.
                      Last edited by Rasputin; June 7, 2006, 19:28.
                      GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                      • #26
                        The Fairy Tale Book

                        The investigators obtained the book found by Sparrowhawk and examined it the following was their findings.

                        The book had the initials SB... inscribed inside the front cover.

                        It was a very old book.

                        The book contained about 30 fairy tales , but surpisingly the tale of Goldilocks and the Three Bears had been torn from the book.
                        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                        • #27
                          Surprise surprise...
                          I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                          • #28
                            funny that is what the bar man said too jsut before the fatal wound !!!!!!!
                            GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                            • #29
                              It certainly seems as though Rah will earn his pay.

                              For myself I think this could only be the work of the diabolical civman2000.


                              • #30
                                I only hope I had the presence of mind to BURN the bar down before my untimely death.
                                I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).

