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Mafia #49 - The Missing Piece

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  • Mafia #49 - The Missing Piece

    It all happened a long time ago in a village many many miles from anywhere else. The truth has taken many years of investigation to delve deep into. The consequences of that tragic event is still having repurcusions today.

    But rather than starting at the end and revealing the solution. Lets start at the beginning.

    In the tiny hamlet of Apolyonia.

    It was the year 1657. The month was June. The day was Tuesday.

    The sun rose at its usual time of 5:54am and held sway all day till 6:36pm.

    The cloud cover was non existent with brillaint lbue skys everywhere.

    The villagers awoke as they usually did at about 9:56am (they werent the most active of villagers)

    Civman2000 began his day with some porridge as that was his favourite meal. He washed his bowl and placed it back in the cupboard before heading off to work. He was the village Teacher, he was given the task of teaching the village children. But the bizare thing was, there were no children, not for many a year now. In fact, there were no women in the village, these were some very weid Village People. So Civman sat al lday in the empty classroom reading books he had read many times already. At end of the day he headed home and had more porridge for dinner before heading to bed, only to repeat it all tommorrow.
    Skanky Burns was the local publican. He owned the bar and the rooms behind the saloon. He hadnt had a traveller through the village for many a year but he always changed the sheets daily and refreshed the rooms. When he wasnt out the back cleaning he would be found behind the bar and serve the locals who occasionaly dropped by. One of those regulars to the bar was rah , he sat on his corner stool most of day, watching the comings and goings. He could see out the bars window in the street outside and would often wave to Civman as he passed either to school or home again. Rah was retired now, he had been the hamlets sherrif but was too old to continue. Again strangely when he announced his retirement 10 years ago, no one replaced him. In the bar on this eventous day was also Whoha the towns Mayor. With no population change for many a year the council chambers had no need to discuss any issues tha thad not already been discussed, so Whoha had sacked the council and ran the town himself. And with so much spare time spent most of it in the bar.
    Spaced Cowboy lived just two doors down from the pub and he had his woodworking factoy next door. He loved to make things with the wood he collected in the nearby forrest. However another strange thing was that he hadnt sold any items for so long, that he now built things, took them apart and then remade it into something new. So he hadnt travelled into the woods for a long time. Nikolai was the towns baker. He was the most productive of all the village people as everyone still wanted bread. Nikolai and his assistant Chaunk would make just enough bread for everyone and then both head of to the bar.
    Down the end of town towards the little brook that babbled past, was the fisherman Adagio and his best friend duke o' york. They would fish daily and always caught just enough for the local towns folk.
    Somewhere on the streets daily would be found Leirosa who was the street sweeper, his daily activity was choosing a street and rmevoing all the leaves and rubbish. Strangely as there was only three streets in the entire town, he always did the main street.
    Out across the park was th elibrary and behind the library lived the towns librarian DarkCloud he loved his books and kept very accurate lists of everyone he had and who had borrowed what. But again in this strange twon, not one had been borrowed for many a year.
    Sparrowhawk the towns gardener worked hard in the park that sat in the middle of town. He trimmed the hedges and mowed the lawn. A task he repeated daily.
    Sitting in the park every day were reismark and Jonny the town drunks. Every day they would buy therir cheap vino from skanky and then sit on the park bench and drink it wrapped in a brown paper bag.
    The towns lawyer was fishsticks but his usual routine was usually walking to see the judge Ljube in the courtroom and having a quaint lunch together and discussing the old days.
    Hercules was towns shop keeper. He only stocked long lasting products as the deleiveries thorugh town were very infrequent.

    Such was the town. And its daily activities repeated daily. That was until this day. This day was very diferent.
    GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71

  • #2
    how come I'm a guy in this??


    • #3
      Not sure Leirosa, but I am looking for a hoe

      /me <---- trying hard to look innocent
      "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


      • #4
        Ah, thanks for doing this ras. I didn't have time last week, wouldn't have time until Thurs...
        <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
        I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


        • #5
          Great story!

          Civman2000 began his day with some porridge as that was his favourite meal.
          I don't even know exactly what porridge actually is, other than some sort of edible sludge...


          • #6
            Originally posted by Leirosa
            how come I'm a guy in this??

            because the village has a secret !!!!!

            The women all LEFT !!!
            GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


            • #7
              Originally posted by Sparrowhawk
              Not sure Leirosa, but I am looking for a hoe

              * Sparrowhawk <---- trying hard to look innocent
              Hmmm whos D:L is he any way !!
              GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


              • #8
                Originally posted by civman2000
                Great story!

                I don't even know exactly what porridge actually is, other than some sort of edible sludge...
                [wiki mode]
                Porridge (also known in American English as hot cereal or mush), is a simple dish made by boiling oats (normally crushed oats, occasionally oatmeal) or another meal in water, milk or both. Oat and semolina porridge are by far the most popular varieties. Some other meals used for porridge include rice, wheat, peasemeal, barley, and cornmeal.

                In many cultures, it is eaten as a breakfast, often with the addition of sugar or cream. As the traditional breakfast of Scotland (where it is also spelled porage, after a popular brand name of oats) it is made with salt. Some manufacturers of breakfast cereal sell "ready-made" versions; aficionados question whether these can truly be called porridge. Gruel is a thin porridge made with water.

                Traditions and uses
                Porridge is one of the easiest ways to digest grains or legumes, and is used traditionally in many cultures to nurse the sick back to health. This is especially true of rice congee in traditional Chinese medicine. Mixed with herbs such as cilantro, which has chelation properties, people who have heavy-metal poisoning from working in factories or mines are prescribed to eat this dish on a regular basis to maintain health.

                It is standard in some cultures to eat a bowl of porridge the day after a night of communal heavy drinking such as New Year.

                oatmeal porridge - can be made with steel-cut oats (traditional in Ireland and Scotland) or with rolled oats (traditional in England and the United States); known simply as porridge in the British Isles and as oatmeal or oatmeal mush in the United States; also a traditional Scandinavian and Icelandic breakfast.
                groats - a porridge made from unprocessed oats.
                maize porridge
                grits, ground hominy grits or ground posole - traditional in the southern United States
                atole - Mexico—water, milk
                polenta - Italy
                mămăligă - Romania
                atole de chocolate or champurrado - Spain—sugar, milk, chocolate
                cornmeal mush - traditional dish in southern and mid-Atlantic US states
                ugali - Tanzania, pap - South Africa, sadza - Zimbabwe is staple food over a wide part of the African continent.
                pease porridge (also peasemeal porridge) - made from dried peas, traditionally English and Scottish
                barley porridge
                wheat porridge
                cream of wheat or farina
                polentina (could also be made from corn) - Italy—raisins, milk, sugar
                Wheatena - a brand name for a whole-wheat porridge
                uppama or uppma - a fried semolina (suzi or shuji) porridge traditional in southern India; flavored with clarified butter (ghee), fried onions, toasted mustard seeds, curry leaves; often mixed with vegetables and other foods, such as potatoes, fried dried red chilis, fried cauliflower, and toasted peanuts or cashew nuts.
                rice porridge
                congee (also jook (Cantonese) or xifan (Mandarin)) - with chicken or duck's eggs and pork, cilantro, fried wonton noodles, with fried bread (yao ja gwai (Cant.) or you tiao (Mand.)
                bubur - malay
                okayu - Japan—salt and green onions
                juk (죽) - Korea—with seafood, pine nuts, mushrooms, etc.
                kao dom - Thailand—cilantro, preserved duck eggs, fish sauce, sliced chili peppers, pickled mustard greens or salt cabbage preserves, red pepper flakes
                cháo – Vietnam – ground beef (cháo bò) or chicken (cháo gà); contains water and fish sauce; often served with scallions and fried sticks of bread
                arroz caldo or lugaw - Philippines—saffron, fish sauce, ginger
                champurado or tsamporado - Philippines—evaporated milk (or sugar & milk) with chocolate powder
                risgrøt - Norway —made with rice with added vanilla, cooked with milk and served with cinnamon, sugar and butter.
                riisipuuro, risgrynsgröt - Finland/Sweden—a Christmas food, eaten with cinnamon and sugar
                buckwheat porridge
                ground buckwheat grouts and butter in Russian ethnic areas and in the Caucasus region mixed with yoghurt
                quinoa porridge
                ground quinoa flakes mixed with cocoa or cinnamon from ancient Mayan culture. Quinoa is now revitalized as a "supergrain" in some vegan cultures
                millet porridge
                oshifima or otjifima, a stiff pearl millet porridge is the staple food of northern Namibia.
                often seasoned with cumin and honey in the Middle East
                munchiro sayo is a part of Ainu cuisine (a native people of northern Japan)
                sorghum porridge
                Tolegi is a sorghum porridge eaten as a midday meal during the summer in New Guinea
                rye porridge
                ruishiutaleita - Finland - traditional Finnish breakfast
                [/wiki mode]
                GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                • #9
                  Originally posted by snoopy369
                  Ah, thanks for doing this ras. I didn't have time last week, wouldn't have time until Thurs...

                  tis okay you can run with #50 ....

                  the story just came to me last night so i jsut had to print it..
                  GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                  • #10
                    Out across the park was th elibrary and behind the library lived the towns librarian DarkCloud he loved his books and kept very accurate lists of everyone he had and who had borrowed what. But again in this strange twon, not one had been borrowed for many a year.
                    All the more to read for me!
                    -->Visit CGN!
                    -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                    • #11
                      Going to allow till tomorrow morning my time for al lthe Villagers to check in so update in approx 18-20 hrs
                      GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                      • #12
                        I was the hangman for the local jail, but they found out I was in the mafia and sent me off to nuclear war.


                        • #13
                          I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                          • #14
                            Yay, no killings yet.

                            This is a village story just like in the goold old days, a welcome change. But how come I'm not a fisherman? I used to be that.
                            Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
                            I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
                            Also active on WePlayCiv.


                            • #15
                              Village story

                              But how come I'm a fisherman? I've been that before
                              This space is empty... or is it?

