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FG: Nascar IX: Pit Stop Part II

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  • #61
    rah has a syntax error and needs to be rebooted.

    Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


    • #62
      We all get busy at work sometimes. He's done a fine job so far. I love it when the people who have not been a gm complain. Once you do it, you won't anymore.
      We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


      • #63

        Even if you do have the time, making an update can sometimes seem like an insurmountable task. Cut your GM some slack
        Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


        • #64
          And as Rah has previously stated, this game in particular gets confusing with people sending in multiple sets of orders, I for one don't know if everyone is in yet, and while Rah probably has a better idea then I do, I imagine it is quite confusing.

          Of the 7 of us, Spaced, Jonny, Kassiopeia, gjramsey and I have all posted sent messages leaving only Tuberski and Vovan....but perhaps they have either sent and not posted or sent in previous multiple turn orders? ) Edit: Actually looking back further Tuberski sent in multiple turn orders last turn, so perhaps Vovan has yet to get orders in.

          Either way, it is the weekend and i don't think any of the racers are in any hurry to get the turn results. After all if Rah rushes the turn there may be a mistake made

          "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


          • #65
            I don't really fancy sending orders for several consecutive turns at a time, it's not like I'm ever going to be that away from the computer

            Of course the only reason I'm aching for an update is to see if I'll be able to mangle #3 on the third consecutive turn.
            Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


            • #66
              After those multiple pm's we exchanged where it was agreed that you would turn and I would go would go back on your word and betray an agreement?

              I cannot see Kassiopeia doing something so vile!!


              Disclaimer: This message in no way refers to Sparrowhawk's public bitterness about betrayal in other forum games and any similarily between this post and previously written posts in other threads is a coincidence and not the intended purpose of said post.

              oh and by the way, we didn't really pm or discuss anything about the game, but I am still pretty sure he is going to turn and I am going to go straight
              "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


              • #67
                Awww, spoilsport

                Oh, and I don't think I have betrayed you in a FG... or have I? If so, it has been an isolated incident, I avoid backstabbing like the plague, whether I am the target or not.
                Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                • #68
                  No you haven't.

                  I have a short list of 2 people who have betrayed me , and a longer list of people who haven't

                  As for being a "spoilsport" you didn't really think that we were going to go the same direction did you? It seems obvious that we were going to do in opposite directions here.
                  "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


                  • #69
                    Considering that we're all out to wreck your car, I was thinking a max speed of 9 would be just a bit too little to not pit.
                    Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Spaced Cowboy
                      We all get busy at work sometimes. He's done a fine job so far. I love it when the people who have not been a gm complain. Once you do it, you won't anymore.
                      Who's complaining? I'm merely bumping the thread since I enjoy it and it's been a couple of days. rah is a busy fellow, I know this and I have always been appreciative at how he juggles time between work, family, modship, Civ2MP, drunken golf, Friday nights at Ming's, and participation in various forum games. Not to mention all the Ming jokes.
                      Pool Manager - Lombardi Handicappers League - An NFL Pick 'Em Pool



                      • #71
                        Point taken CW, I was mainly trying to goad you into participating...we always could use another playa!
                        We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


                        • #72
                          Too complicated for me and my attention span is too short to allow me to consider joining. IOW, I'm still uncertain about game mechanics (haven't taken time or made the effort to really look) and there's a possibility I'd want to stop playing partway through the game which means I'd have to quit, an abhorrent thought, or force myself to continue playing, which would rather kill all the fun. Thus I merely lurk, watching the numbers dance around the track and smash into the 3 car repeatedly
                          Pool Manager - Lombardi Handicappers League - An NFL Pick 'Em Pool



                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Sparrowhawk
                            Edit: Actually looking back further Tuberski sent in multiple turn orders last turn, so perhaps Vovan has yet to get orders in.
                            Duuuude! Look at the first post after the last update!

                            XBox Live: VovanSim
                   (login required)
                            Halo 3 Service Record (I fail at FPS...)
                            Spore page


                            • #74
                              TURN 36

                                                       ****   ***
                                                        ***    ***
                                                       ***     ***
                                                      ***      ***  
                                                     ***       *** 
                                                    *O*        **O  
                                                   ***         *O* 
                                                  O**          *** 
                                                  ***          *** 
                                                  ***          *** 
                                                  ***          **O*   
                                                  **O           ****
                                                  ***            **** 
                                                  ***             ****
                                                  ***              ==== end alley  
                                                  ***               *xx* 16 
                                                  *5*                *Sx* 15 
                                                *******               *SxS 14 
                                                *******                *SSx 13 
                                                *******                 *xSx 12 
                                                *******                  SSxS 11 
                                                *******                   xSSx 10
                                                *******                    SSxS 9 
                                                ********                    SxSx 8 
                                                *********                    xSSS 7  
                                                **********                    SxSS 6 
                                                **3**** **2                    SSxS 5
                                                *******  **                     xSSx 4 
                                                *******  ##-speed limit          SSxS 3   
                                                *******  **     6                 SSSx 2
                                                *******  **                        xSSx 1 
                                                *******  **                         ====  start
                                                *******  **                     ***O****   sandtrap
                                                *******  4P-pit stop           ********     alley
                                                *******  **  marker           ********   
                                    finish line =======  **                  ***  
                                                *******  **                 ***
                                                *******  **                *** 
                                                *******  **               *** 
                                                *******  ##-end limit    **O 
                                                ******* ***             ***    
                                                **********        *********
                                                *********        ********* 
                                                ********        ********* 
                                                *******        *** 
                                                ******        *** 
                                                *****        ***
                                                ****        *O*
                                                ****       *** 
                                                **61      ***
                                                 ***     *** 
                                                  ***     ***
                                                   ***     ***
                                                    ***     **O
                                                     O**     ***
                                                      ***     ***
                                                       ***    ***
                                                        **** ****
                              MAX=Max speed
                              Cust=Sway(S) or Turbo(T) or Performance (P)
                              CAR   DRIVER           DIRECTION  SPEED  WC    MAX  CUST  ORDERS
                              ***   *************       ***      ***   **     **  ****  **********
                               1.   Spaced Cowboy         S       7     3     21  turb  AA(5M)L(3M)BB
                               2.   Kassiopeia           SE       8     1     14  turb  BML(7M)B
                               3.   Sparrowhawk           S       9     4      9  perf  M9
                               4.   gjramsey              S       4     2     21  turb  B(M4)
                               5.   Tuberski              S      10     3     12  sway  ALMMMMMMMMM
                               6.   Jonny                 S       7     4     14  sway  A(m5)L(m1)
                               7.   Vovan                NE      12     1     12  sway  ML(8M)L(2M)
                              Vovan drives off the road due to his error last turn, max speed reduced 1 speed reduced 1, and since he would have made it around the turn without the mistake, i won't question his motive but I will remove a WC as a further penalty.

                              Space and Jonny pull head to head fighting for position for the first turn.

                              GJ gets back two precious WCs as he passes the pit marker.

                              Kassi looks like he's set up for a good pit stop.

                              Tuber continues to move up on the back of the pack.

                              Since most of the order number accounted for my error in turn number, I'm going to leave it this way to make it easier on myself.

                              Now accepting orders for turn 37.
                              Last edited by rah; May 16, 2005, 08:53.
                              It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                              RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                              • #75
                                While heading S saves me an R, I don't need to save that R, and I'm fairly sure I'm heading SE.
                                Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!

