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FG: Nascar IX: Pit Stop Part II

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  • FG: Nascar IX: Pit Stop Part II

    Old Thread

    TURN 31

                             ****   *** 
                              ***    ***
                             ***     ***
                            ***      ***  
                           ***       *7* 
                          *O*        **O  
                         ***         *O* 
                        1**          *** 
                        ***          *** 
                        ***          *** 
                        ***          **** 
                        **O           ****
                        ***            **** 
                        ***             ****  
                        *6*              ==== end alley  
                        ***               *xx* 16 
                        ***                *Sx* 15 
                      *******               *SxS 14 
                      *******                *SSA 13 A=Tuber/sparrow
                      *******                 *xSx 12 
                      *******                  SSxS 11 
                      *******                   xSSx 10
                      *******                    SSxS 9 
                      ********                    SxSx 8 
                      *********                    xSS2 7  
                      **********                    SxSS 6 AMMRLMM
                      ******* ***                    SSxS 5
                      *******  **                     xSSx 4 
                      *******  ##-speed limit          SSxS 3   
                      *******  **     6                 SSSx 2
                      *******  **                        xSSx 1 AAL(L+1)(9M) 
                      *******  **                         ====  start
                      *******  **                     ***O****   sandtrap
                      *******  PP-pit stop           ********     alley
                      *******  **  marker           ********   
          finish line =======  **                  ***  
                      *******  **                 ***
                      *******  **                *** 
                      *******  **               *** 
                      *******  ##-end limit    **O 
                      ******* ***             ***    
                      **********        *********
                      *********        ********* 
                      ********        ********* 
                      *******        *** 
                      ******        *** 
                      *****        ***
                      ****        *O*
                      ****       *** 
                      ****      ***
                       ***     *** 
                        ***     ***
                         ***     ***
                          ***     **O
                           O**     ***
                            ***     ***
                             ***    ***
                              **** ****
    MAX=Max speed
    Cust=Sway(S) or Turbo(T) or Performance (P)
    ***   *************       ***      ***   **     **  ****  **********
     1.   Spaced Cowboy        SW       8     1     15  turb  AL(7M)
     2.   Kassiopeia           NE       7     2     17  turb  AAL(L+1)(9M)
     3.   Sparrowhawk          NW       6     6     11  perf  A(A+1)(M8)
     4.   gjramsey             NW       5     0     15  turb  BB(M3)L(M1)
     5.   Tuberski             NW       4     4     13  sway  AMMRLM 
     6.   Jonny                 S       8     3      8  sway  (m2)L(m5)
     7.   Vovan                 N      10     2     13  sway  A(4M)R(3M)LR
    Jonny moving along at 8, and it's decision time, Will he pit?
    It's not like he has to slow down much too pit
    Spaced hanging in there.
    Looking over his shoulder at GR but with no wild cards he has to slow down big for this time.
    Vovan becomes the new darkhorse, Enough speed and 2 WCs may allow him not to pit.
    TUBER AND SPARROW COLLIDE but no oil since it's in the sand. Sparrow continues to set the record for number of collisions.
    Kassi trying to catch up.

    The next three turns will be fun.

    Now accepting orders for turn 32.
    Last edited by rah; May 5, 2005, 08:45.
    It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
    RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O

  • #2
    Orders sent.


    EDIT: Actually, I just realized there's a better move. Please use the second version of the orders.
    Last edited by vovan; May 3, 2005, 20:48.
    XBox Live: VovanSim (login required)
    Halo 3 Service Record (I fail at FPS...)
    Spore page


    • #3
      Orders sent, but I am not sure that the next 3 turns will be "fun" for those of us racing

      "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


      • #4
        Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


        • #5
          I believe that I am heading south, not southwest, correct?

          Orders sent (on that assumption)...


          • #6
            It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
            RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


            • #7
              Orders sent.

              Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


              • #8
                TURN 32

                                         ****   *** 
                                          ***    ***
                                         ***     ***
                                        ***      ***  
                                       ***       *** 
                                      *O*        **O  
                                     ***         *O* 
                                    ***          *** 
                                    ***          *** 
                                    ***          *** 
                                    ***          **** 
                                    **O           ****
                                    ***            **3* 
                                    ***             ****
                                    ***              ==== end alley  
                                    ***               *x5* 16 
                                    ***                *Sx* 15 
                                  **1****               *Sx2 14 
                                  *******                *SSx 13 
                                  *******                 *xSx 12 
                                  *******                  SSxS 11 
                                  *******                   xSSx 10
                                  *****6*                    SSxS 9 
                                  ********                    SxSx 8 
                                  *********                    xSSS 7  
                                  **********                    SxSS 6 
                                  ******* ***                    SSxS 5
                                  *******  **                     xSSx 4 
                                  *******  ##-speed limit          SSxS 3   
                                  *******  **     6                 SSSx 2
                                  *******  **                        xSSx 1 
                                  *******  **                         ====  start
                                  *******  **                     ***O****   sandtrap
                                  *******  PP-pit stop           ********     alley
                                  *******  **  marker           ********   
                      finish line =======  **                  ***  
                                  *******  **                 ***
                                  *******  **                *** 
                                  *******  **               *** 
                                  *******  ##-end limit    **O 
                                  ******* ***             ***    
                                  **********        *********
                                  *********        ********* 
                                  ********        ********* 
                                  *******        *** 
                                  ******        *** 
                                  *****        ***
                                  ****        *O*
                                  ****       *** 
                                  ****      ***
                                   ***     *** 
                                    ***     ***
                                     ***     ***
                                      ***     **O
                                       O**     ***
                                        ***     ***
                                         ***    ***
                                          **** ****
                MAX=Max speed
                Cust=Sway(S) or Turbo(T) or Performance (P)
                CAR   DRIVER           DIRECTION  SPEED  WC    MAX  CUST  ORDERS
                ***   *************       ***      ***   **     **  ****  **********
                 1.   Spaced Cowboy         S       9     1     15  turb  AAL(9M)B
                 2.   Kassiopeia           NW       6     2     17  turb  AA(9M)
                 3.   Sparrowhawk          NW       7     5     11  perf  A(A+1)LR(M6)
                 4.   gjramsey              W       5     0     15  turb  BBL(m2)AA
                 5.   Tuberski             NW       4     4     13  sway  ALRMMM
                 6.   Jonny                SE       6     2      8  sway  (m6)L(m1)B(B+1)
                 7.   Vovan                 W      10     2     13  sway  B(4M)(2L)(3M)A
                Jonny makes his move to pit.
                Spaced closes in by a few squares but will have to pit.
                GJ finally negotiates the far turn at an agonizing slow pace in desperate need of some WCs.
                VOVAN takes advantage of knowing what GJ has to do to make the turn and positions himself to use a slip. He's going to come screaming out of that turn and not have to pit. Don't look over your shoulder guys. He's going to be right there as the others exit the pit.
                Sparrow gets out of the sand faster than Tuber.
                And Kassi is moving up to try to get out of last.

                Are we having fun yet?

                Now accepting orders for turn 33.
                It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                • #9
                  Hmm...strange that jonny burned a WC to double brake at the end of his turn, when he could have just braked at the beginning of the next one, I don't see him slowing down below 6, he doesn't really need WC and speed 5 only gets him the one that he burned, speed four means he'll have to burn another.

                  I hope this does not haunt him on the last straight before the finish.
                  We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


                  • #10
                    We must be missing something because I thought the same thing. (or he is )I'm also assuming he was going to only slow to 6 for the pit.
                    It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                    RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                    • #11
                      It does however give him more max speed, he needs that more than WCs.

                      Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


                      • #12
                        Next 3 turns sent.

                        Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


                        • #13
                          Why does Spaced need to pit? Sure, he's only got 1 WC, but he'll have a large lead on Johnny if he doesn't and doesn't need the extra max speed. Whereas if he does pit he's still behind Johnny, and would require a Johnny mistake to win.

                          I'd risk it and not pit.
                          For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
                          But he would think of something

                          "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


                          • #14
                            The problem is that I'd have to slow down really slow for the corners since I can only do one left at a time, hence the bottom corner would turn into a four turn corner...with WCs it is 2, and the area right before the sandbag alley (which I want some speed into) turns into a three turn affair.

                            Sure be nice to see a little Drogue in the next race.
                            We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


                            • #15
                              I didn't use any WCs in the bottom right turn, and I had to drop to speed 2 momentarily to navigate it. I wouldn't recommend it, I was third to last before that turn and dropped way, way behind the second last car after it was done with.
                              Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!

